ACT® Reading

Welcome to ACT® Reading

Welcome to Albert's ACT® Reading course!
This page provides specific content-related information for Albert's ACT® Reading prep course, including how it is organized, what standards it is aligned to, and ideas for classroom uses. If you need technical assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact
For testing information or details about the exam itself, visit the ACT Official Website.

Subject Organization

Albert's ACT® Reading course is separated into 2 tabs: The Practice Tab and the Assessment Tab.

Practice Tab

Albert's ACT® Reading multiple choice questions located in the Practice tab are organized according to the passage genres listed in the table below.
Social SciencePassages focus on current and past significant social events. Questions focus on the larger context, supporting details, inferences, vocabulary, and text development.
Natural SciencesThis theme offers high-interest, complex texts that address a myriad of current and past scientific breakthroughs, topics of research, and discussions. Questions focus on close reading skills and analysis.
Literary Narrative and Prose FictionStudents will read portions of literature from some of the most well-known literary texts from past and present. Again, questions will ask students to read closely, think critically, and carefully approach each question.
HumanitiesMagazine articles, scholarly work, and critiques are some of the many different types of texts students will encounter in this rigorous, relevant theme.
Paired PassagesThis unique theme allows students to compare, contrast, and make connections between two different texts on the same topic. Students will encounter one set of paired passage on the actual ACT® Reading exam. Questions and passages address social science, natural sciences, literary narrative and prose fiction, and humanities.

Assessments Tab

Albert's ACT® Reading multiple choice questions located in the Assessments tab are organized in 2 themes: topic quizzes based on the skills set forth in ACT®'s Reading Test Description and full-length Practice Exams.
The Topic Quizzes focus on the topics listed below:
  • Arguments
  • Central Ideas, Themes, and Summaries
  • Close Reading
  • Purpose and Point of View
  • Relationships
  • Text Structure
  • Word Meanings and Word Choice
The 5 Full-Length Practice Exams cover all the skills and standards assessed on the ACT® Reading test, include 40 questions, and mimic the rigor, length, and style of the actual exam.

Using Standards to Find Questions

Every ACT® Reading question is aligned to the standards outlined in the ACT® College and Career Readiness Standards.
Here is a list of all the types of standards currently included in our ACT® Reading content, as well as the specific standard formatting we use:
Type of StandardsExample Albert Formatting
Close Reading (CLR)CLR 201
Central Ideas, Themes, and Summaries (IDT)IDT 301
Relationships (REL)REL 402
Word Meanings and Word Choice (WME)WME 201
Text Structure (TST)TST 601
Purpose and Point of View (PPV)PPV 503
Arguments (ARG)ARG 201
Multiple Texts (SYN)SYN 601
You can find questions aligned to learning standards using our standards search tool. In the Standards drop-down at the top of the Practice or Assessments tab, you can search for standards by name (for example, TST 601) or description. When you type in characters that match one of the standards, the drop-down will populate with matching standards.
For more help on finding questions using standards, visit our Help Center.

Question Types

ACT® Reading seeks to mirror the questions students will see on the actual exam. Therefore, all questions in this course are multiple choice.

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Related Content

For additional material, you can combine ACT® Reading with our other core courses, Reading Skills, Leveled Readings, and Novels and Drama. Our core courses are aligned to state and national English Language Arts standards, so you can leverage thousands of aligned practice questions across Albert to assess, reteach, and extend student learning.