Algebra 1

Welcome to Algebra 1!

This page provides specific content-related information for Albert's Algebra 1 course, including how it is organized, how to find questions using standards or tags, and ideas for classroom uses. If you need technical assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact

Subject Organization

Algebra 1 is organized by content themes and further broken down into topics. Within each topic, questions are organized by leveled subtopics that increase in depth and difficulty as the student progresses.


Our full Algebra 1 subject guide is designed to include 10 themes:
  • Variables and Expressions
  • Linear Equations
  • Linear Inequalities
  • Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Sequences and Exponential Functions
  • Piecewise Functions and Transformations
  • Quadratic Functions
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Descriptive Statistics


Each theme contains a range of specific topics. For example, here are some topics within "Linear Equations".
  • Understand and Write Equations
  • Formulas
  • Units and Quantitative Reasoning
  • One-step Equations
  • Two-step Equations
  • Multi-step Equations
  • The Coordinate Plane
  • Understand Slope
  • Slope-Intercept Form
  • Point-slope Form
  • Standard Form
  • Transformations of Linear Equations
  • Parallel lines
  • Perpendicular lines


Each topic contains scaffolded subtopics we call "levels." A typical topic will begin with many easy, skill-based questions in "Level 1". As the levels increase, question ratios will shift towards more moderate and difficult questions with more real-life applications and conceptual practice.

Skills Practice

Based on teacher feedback, we’ve added extra Skill Practice subtopics to relevant Algebra 1 topics. These topics give students the at-bats they need to develop procedural fluency.
These subtopics include only multiple choice and multiple select questions with the “skill” tag.

Graphing Practice

We've also added Graphing Practice subtopics to relevant Algebra 1 topics. These are interactive graphing type questions that are meant to build fluency with the coordinate plane.


In addition to our practice guide, Algebra 1 includes topic quizzes and exams in the Assessment tab that include questions unique from those on our practice guide. Topic quizzes are formative assessments meant to be given throughout the year, while our diagnostic and cumulative exams are summative assessments that are designed to be taken at the beginning and end of the year, respectively.

Using Standards and Tags to Find Questions


All of Albert's Algebra 1 questions are aligned to state standards relevant to the subject matter. Our Algebra 1 questions are also aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.
This standards alignment provides another easy way to find useful questions besides the Theme and Topic organization. Using the Standards button at the top left corner of any subject page, you can filter for just your state’s standard set then simply search for your state’s standards to find all questions in our course library aligned to that standard! For more details, please see this article in our Help section.
In addition to searching by the standards’ names, you can also search by their content! Simply type in a few words from the standard description to see all relevant standards pertaining to that content.


Albert’s Algebra 1 course includes three types of tags, content, practice type and integrated math. The table below provides examples of each of these tags:
Types of TagExamples
Practice Type
  • skill
  • application
  • conceptual
Integrated Math
  • math-1
  • math-2
  • math-3
Content Tags
  • algebraic-expressions
  • identifying-variables
Tags provide another easy way to search for relevant content in our course library. Simply search using the Tags button at the top left corner of any guide. Then, type in a content tag or search for the desired practice type. Note that these tags are case-sensitive.

Question Types

Algebra 1 uses a variety of question types to test students’ understanding of content and provide meaningful practice of important skills.
  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Select
  • Two-Way Tables
  • Fill-in-the-blank
  • Graphing
  • Free Entry

Calculator Use

We know that educators have different philosophies around calculator use in mathematics coursework. We leave it to you to decide when calculator use is appropriate for Albert’s Algebra 1 questions.

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Our Help Center is available at any time! Get started and answer your questions with articles written by the Albert team.