AP® African American Studies

    Unit 1 | Origins of the African Diaspora

    This unit explores the rich diversity of the African continent by examining the varied landscapes, population growth, and ethnolinguistic diversity of Africa. The unit also covers the development of ancient societies, the rise of powerful Sudanic empires, and the cultural, religious, and political traditions that shaped African civilizations. By studying the cultural exchange and trade networks in Southern and East Africa, the Kingdom of Kongo in West Central Africa, and the global connections of African peoples, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the origins of the African diaspora.

    Unit 1 | Short Answer Questions

    Suggested Time Limit for each SAQ: 15 minutes

    Medieval African Kingdoms

    Ancient African Civilizations

    African American Studies

    Unit 1 | Document-Based Question

    Suggested Time Limit for DBQ: 45 minutes

    Africa, the African Diaspora, and Syncretism

    Unit 2 | Freedom, Enslavement, and Resistance

    In this unit, students will study the origins and impact of the transatlantic slave trade, the legal and social systems that upheld slavery, and the various forms of resistance, from revolts and maroon societies to the Underground Railroad. The unit also highlights the creation of African American culture, the role of black political thought, and the legacies of resistance seen through art, photography, and narratives, culminating in the experiences of African Americans during the Civil War.

    Unit 2 | Short Answer Questions

    Suggested Time Limit for each SAQ: 15 minutes

    Radical Resistance


    Constitutional Interpretation

    Unit 2 | Document-Based Question

    Suggested Time Limit for DBQ: 45 minutes

    Social Construction of Race

    Unit 3 | The Practice of Freedom

    This unit focuses on the Reconstruction era, the rise of Jim Crow laws, and the persistent fight against disenfranchisement and white supremacist violence. Students will explore the social, political, and cultural developments within African American communities, including establishing Black organizations, educational institutions, and the Harlem Renaissance. The unit highlights the emergence of new Black identities, the role of Black women’s leadership, and the impact of the Great Migration and Afro-Caribbean migration on the shaping of modern African American society.

    Unit 3 | Short Answer Questions

    Suggested Time Limit for each SAQ: 15 minutes

    Black Education

    The Fifteenth Amendment

    Marcus Garvey and the UNIA

    Unit 3 | Document-Based Question

    Suggested Time Limit for DBQ: 45 minutes

    The Great Migration

    Unit 4 | Movements and Debates

    This unit explores the rise of civil rights, Black Power, and Black feminist movements and the impact of key cultural expressions like the Black Arts Movement and Afrocentricity. It also examines the evolving landscape of African American political representation, the ongoing fight against systemic oppression, and the contributions of Black communities to science, technology, sports, and the arts. The unit culminates in a look at the future of Black studies and Afrofuturism.

    Unit 4 | Short Answer Questions

    Suggested Time Limit for each SAQ: 15 minutes

    The "Year of Africa"

    African Americans and the Second World War

    Black Women's Civil Rights Leadership

    Unit 4 | Document-Based Question

    Suggested Time Limit for DBQ: 45 minutes

    The Black Panther Party