AP® French Language

    Interpersonal Writing: Email Reply

    Read and reply to an email message. In the AP® French Language exam, this task is worth 12.5% of your final grade and you have 15 minutes to complete it.

    La vie contemporaine / Contemporary Life

    Contemporary Life in AP French involves understanding and communicating about topics such as education, work, travel, and leisure, using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and cultural context in written exchanges.

    La Vie contemporaine

    Étudions l’environnement!

    Séjour au Sénégal

    Stage en entreprise

    Presentational Writing: Argumentative Essay

    Write a persuasive essay based on three sources, including an article, a table or graphic, that present different viewpoints on a topic. In the AP® French Language exam, this task is worth 12.5% of your final grade and you have 55 minutes to complete it.

    La science et la technologie / Science and Technology

    Science and Technology examines advancements, ethical considerations, and societal impacts of technology through the lens of French language and culture to develop argumentative essays in presentational writing.

    La Technologie

    Les défis mondiaux / Global Challenges

    An exploration of global challenges in an argumentative essay format, requiring analysis and presentation of cultural, social, and environmental issues relevant to French-speaking communities using evidence-based arguments.

    Le Plastique

    Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation

    Participate in 5 exchanges in a simulated conversation (20 seconds per response). For this conversation, you will be provided with a preview of the conversation, including an outline of each exchange.

    La famille et la communauté / Families and Communities

    Discussion on "Families and Communities" involves using French to explore relationships, traditions, and values within family units and among community groups, emphasizing interpersonal communication skills.

    La Visite de Roger

    La vie contemporaine / Contemporary Life

    Focus on developing conversational skills related to the theme of contemporary life, covering topics such as education, work, leisure activities, and societal trends in French-speaking communities.

    Club de cuisine

    Presentational Speaking: Cultural Comparison

    Deliver a 2 minute presentation in response to a prompt on a cultural topic comparing cultural features of your own community to those of an area of the French-speaking world.

    La vie contemporaine / Contemporary Life

    Comparison of cultural practices and features related to contemporary life, such as education, work, and leisure activities, highlighting similarities and differences between Francophone and other cultures.

    Le Stress

    Les défis mondiaux / Global Challenges

    Exploration of global challenges examines worldwide issues such as environmental sustainability, economic inequality, and human rights within the context of French-speaking cultures and communities.

    Le changement climatique