Albert's AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism multiple choice questions (located in the
Practice tab) are organized in accordance with the College Board’s
Course and Exam Description into the following units:
- Unit 8: Electric Charges, Fields, and Gauss's Law
- Unit 9: Electric Potential
- Unit 10: Conductors and Capacitors
- Unit 11: Electric Circuits
- Unit 12: Magnetic Fields and Electromagnetism
- Unit 13: Electromagnetic Induction
Each theme contains a range of specific topics. For example, here are some topics within Electric Potential:
- 9.1 | Electric Potential Energy
- 9.2 | Electric Potential
- 9.3 | Conservation of Electric Energy
In addition to our practice guide, AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism includes a Full-Length Practice Exam that includes questions unique from those in our practice guide. This exam is designed to mimic the exact style and length students encounter on the AP exam. We are currently updating our assessments to coordinate with the recent exam revisions.
Free Response Questions
AP® Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism includes the four types of free response questions found on the AP exam:
- Mathematical Routines
- Translation Between Representations
- Experimental Design and Analysis
- Qualitative/Quantitative Translation
We are currently updating our free response questions to coordinate with the recent exam revisions.