Albert’s AP® Psychology multiple choice questions (located in the
Practice tab) and free response questions (located in the
Free Response tab) are organized in accordance with the College Board’s
2024 AP® Psychology Course and Exam Description into the following units:
- Unit 1: Biological Bases of Behavior
- Unit 2: Cognition
- Unit 3: Development and Learning
- Unit 4: Social Psychology and Personality
- Unit 5: Mental and Physical Health
Each unit contains a range of specific topics. For example, here are some topics within Unit 3 | Development and Learning.
- 3.1 | Themes and Methods in Developmental Psychology
- 3.2 | Physical Development Across the Lifespan
- 3.3 | Gender and Sexual Orientation
- 3.4 | Cognitive Development Across the Lifespan
- 3.5 | Communication and Language Development
In addition to our practice guide, AP® Psychology includes five unit assessments and two full-length practice exams that include questions unique from those in our practice guide. Both the unit and practice exams can be taken in full or can be broken down into multiple choice and free response questions.
Free Response Questions
AP® Psychology includes 10 free response assessments. These assessments are organized by unit and are further broken down by article analysis and evidence-based questions.