AP® Spanish Language

    Interpersonal Writing: Email Reply

    Read and reply to an email message. In the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, this task is worth 12.5% of your final grade and you have 15 minutes to complete it.

    La vida contemporánea / Contemporary Life

    Contemporary life encompasses various aspects such as education, careers, lifestyles, and social issues, highlighting cultural differences and similarities in interpersonal email exchanges within a Spanish-speaking context.

    La educación y las profesiones: Buscador de empleos

    Programa Bilingüe

    Las identidades personales y públicas / Personal and Public Identities

    Exploration of personal and public identities in Spanish-speaking cultures, focusing on how individuals define themselves and are perceived by others through social roles, gender, ethnicity, and national identity.

    Intercambio cultural

    La ciencia y la tecnología

    La belleza y la estetica / Beauty and Aesthetics

    The topic focuses on understanding and discussing concepts related to beauty and aesthetics, including cultural perspectives, artistic expression, and the impact of aesthetic values in daily life.

    Las artes visuales y escénicas: El Museo de Bellas Artes

    Invitación al Programa Educativo del Museo del Prado, Madrid

    Presentational Writing: Argumentative Essay

    Write a persuasive essay based on three sources, including an article, a table or graphic, that present different viewpoints on a topic. On the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, this task is worth 12.5% of your final grade and you have 55 minutes to complete it.

    Los desafíos mundiales / Global Challenges

    Global challenges encompass significant worldwide issues such as poverty, climate change, and migration, asking for analysis and argumentation of their impacts and potential solutions in an argumentative essay format.

    Obesidad en la infancia y adolescencia.

    La ciencia y la tecnología / Science and Technology

    The relationship between science and technology and their impact on society, including innovations, ethical concerns, and how they shape cultural and global interactions.

    Los teléfonos celulares en el aula

    La vida contemporánea / Contemporary Life

    Exploration of contemporary life in Spanish-speaking cultures involves understanding issues like education, work, and health, and forming an argument by integrating research and citing sources appropriately in written form.

    El arte callejero

    Las familias y las comunidades / Families and Communities

    Families and communities involves examining social structures and cultural values influencing family dynamics and community relationships within Spanish-speaking societies.

    Bilingüe o Monolingüe

    Los matrimonio concertados

    La belleza y la estetica / Beauty and Aesthetics

    Analysis of the cultural and subjective aspects of beauty and aesthetics, considering how perceptions vary across societies and impact cultural expressions like art, fashion, and architecture.

    La moda sostenible

    Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation

    Participate in 5 exchanges in a simulated conversation (20 seconds per response). For this conversation, you will be provided with a preview of the conversation, including an outline of each exchange.

    Los desafíos mundiales / Global Challenges

    Global challenges in interpersonal speaking involve discussing pressing issues such as climate change, poverty, and education while utilizing appropriate language skills, strategies, and cultural context in conversations.

    El Club Ecológico

    La ciencia y la tecnología / Science and Technology

    Exploration of science and technology themes in interpersonal speaking, focusing on articulating ideas, interpreting expressions, and exchanging perspectives on technological advancements and their cultural impact.

    Las Redes Sociales

    La vida contemporánea / Contemporary Life

    Understanding contemporary life involves exploring current social, cultural, and economic trends and issues across various Spanish-speaking communities through effective conversational skills and cultural insights.

    Recomendaciones en tu ciudad

    La Feria de Comida

    Las familias y las comunidades / Families and Communities

    Families and communities are explored to understand their roles, structures, and cultural influences, emphasizing effective interpersonal communication and cultural comparisons in Spanish-speaking contexts.

    La Universidad

    La belleza y la estetica / Beauty and Aesthetics

    Exploration of how beauty and aesthetics in diverse Spanish-speaking cultures reflect societal values, historical influences, and artistic expressions.

    La música y los jóvenes

    Presentational Speaking: Cultural Comparison

    Deliver a 2-minute presentation in response to a prompt on a cultural topic comparing cultural features of your own community to those of an area in the Spanish-speaking world.

    Los desafíos mundiales / Global Challenges

    Global challenges encompass issues such as climate change, poverty, and international conflicts, highlighting the interconnectedness of nations and the importance of collaborative solutions.

    El Acceso a la Educación

    La vida contemporánea / Contemporary Life

    Contemporary life encompasses cultural practices, technological advancements, and societal trends shaping modern-day interactions, emphasizing understanding and application in diverse contexts.

    Los Espacios Verdes

    Las identidades personales y públicas / Personal and Public Identities

    Exploration of personal and public identities in Spanish-speaking cultures involves understanding cultural perspectives, comparing them to one's own culture, and effectively communicating these ideas in spoken presentations.

    Los Días Nacionales

    Las familias y las comunidades / Families and Communities

    Exploration of family roles, traditions, and community dynamics in Spanish-speaking cultures, highlighting similarities and differences compared to students' own cultural experiences.

    Celebraciones culturales

    La Vida en Familia