Foundations of American Democracy examines the philosophical ideas and historical events leading to the U.S. Constitution, including natural rights, social contract, and debates between Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
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Developing skills to articulate defensible claims, support them with relevant evidence, and analyze political concepts through logical reasoning is crucial for comprehension of foundational principles of American democracy.
Unit 2 | Interactions Among Branches of Government
The structure and functions of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches demonstrate how separation of powers and checks and balances shape interactions among them, with the federal bureaucracy implementing national policies.
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An analysis of how the legislative, executive, and judicial branches interact—including shared powers, checks and balances, and policy-making processes—demonstrates how the U.S. government functions under the Constitution.
An examination of the constitutional foundations and judicial interpretations of civil rights and civil liberties in the United States, including how they have been protected and challenged over time.
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Analyze constitutional principles and Supreme Court decisions related to civil rights and civil liberties, demonstrating understanding through written responses.
Unit 4 | American Political Ideologies and Beliefs
American political ideologies and beliefs are shaped by core values, political socialization, demographics, and major political events, influencing public opinion, voter behavior, and policy outcomes.
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Free Response Questions involve analyzing political concepts, interpreting data, and constructing arguments based on knowledge of U.S. government and politics.
Political participation involves the ways citizens influence government, including voting behavior and turnout, roles of political parties, interest groups, and media as linkage institutions, and the processes and outcomes of elections.
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Analyzes political participation by understanding voter behavior, political parties, interest groups, elections, campaign finance, and media influence to explain how these factors shape U.S. government and policy-making processes.