How to Use these 7 Tips for Exam Test Prep the Morning of the Test
You wake up on the morning of your exam, and you’ve already done all you can to study. But, how do you get your mind and body ready for test day? We provide in this article 7 exam test prep tips for the morning of an exam.
Just as an athlete has to prepare properly for an important game, it’s up to you as a student to prepare yourself on the morning of a test. But, unlike an athlete, you don’t have a coach to guide you. It’s difficult to know what you need to do to prepare on test day. That’s why we’re here to help!
Read on for the 7 exam test prep tips to follow so you can do your best on test day. Let’s get started!
What We Review
Tip 1: Prepare Things The Night Before.
No one wants to be running around like a crazy person looking for their pencil when they’re trying to get out the door. Preparing certain things the night before an exam can help to de-stress and slow down your morning. Organize these things the night before your exam, so you can go to sleep easy and wake up with peace of mind.
1. Collect your materials.
First and foremost, prep your materials the night before. Sharpen your wooden #2 pencils and have them ready to go with your calculator and spare batteries. That way you know that you have them, you know where they are, and you know that they’re ready.
2. Get enough sleep.
Your mind might be racing the night before a test, but do yourself a favor and get in bed early. Relax your mind with a book or a cup of tea, and put down the cell phone. Aim for a solid 8 hours of shut-eye.
3. Set your alarms.
Keep in mind that if you generally run late in the morning, set your alarms for a few minutes earlier. This will allow yourself that extra buffer of time so that you’re not feeling rushed. Nothing is more stressful to the proctor, the other testers, and yourself than arriving late.
4. Lay out your outfit.
Have your clothing sitting out and ready to go. We talk later in the article about how to choose your clothes, and it’s important to have them ready so you don’t spend 10 minutes you don’t have looking for your lucky socks.
5. Map out your route the night before.
If you’ve never been to the testing location before, look it up online and select your route. You don’t want to be trying to figure out where to go on the morning of the test. Be sure to allow time for traffic. Unexpected delays can pop up on any day, plan out your time so that you can arrive at the testing location with 20 minutes to spare.
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Tip 2: Wake Up Your Mind And Body.
It’s very important that in the morning you’re focusing on waking up both your mind and body so that you’re wholeheartedly ready to take on a long test. Prepare to pass your exam with flying colors by using the tips below on what to do the morning of an exam.
1. Listen to music.
Listen as you get ready or in the car on your way. If you have a playlist of your favorite songs, chances are the music will get your body energized and you’ll either sing along with the songs in your head or out loud. This allows your brain to start processing and remembering information.
2. Repeat positive affirmations.
You’ve been prepping hard for this test, and you’re ready! Avoid all negative talk (i.e. “I can’t do this). Remind yourself you’re ready and that you’re going to try your best.
3. Calm yourself with focused breathing.
If you’re feeling on edge, pause and take some time to just focus on taking deep, even breaths. This is known to reduce anxiety and calm your nerves.
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Tip 3: Wear Appropriate Attire.
When getting dressed, think of the exam room and environment over the weather. Even if it’s 90 degrees outside, think of what the test environment will be like. Chances are, it’ll be air-conditioned and you’ll be sitting there for hours so make sure you dress prepared to stay at a comfortable temperature.
1. Dress in layers.
If it’s warm outside, be sure to bring a sweater or light jacket in case the room is chilly. The same goes for the opposite; if the weather is cold outside, make sure to layer your clothing so that you can remove layers during the test if you begin to feel hot.
2. Choose comfortable clothing.
Keeping your body comfortable helps to minimize distractions and external effects on your abilities while taking the test. You don’t want those jeans that are a little too tight, or that shirt with the itchy tag.
3. Wear what makes you feel good.
Wear something that makes you feel confident, and ready to do your best. Even though your old pajamas might be the most comfy thing in your closet, they won’t put you in the right frame of mind for test day. Put something on that makes you feel capable and confident.
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Tip 4: Eat A Smart Breakfast.
Even if you’re not a breakfast person, eating breakfast is essential before a long test. After all, this isn’t just another day at school. Your breakfast should include necessary vitamins as well as keep you energized and full. We list some options below of what to eat before a test, but pick what you enjoy most!
1. Make your meal well-rounded.
Hunger is just another distraction that you don’t need, so make sure your breakfast is healthy and filling. Bagels are a great way to keep yourself full, and spreading peanut butter on them instead of butter or cream cheese makes them a lighter choice with more energizing nutrients.
Pairing that with a Greek yogurt and/or a glass of chocolate milk ensures that you’re getting a well-rounded breakfast that will keep you fuller longer.
2. Bulk up your cereal.
While cereal can be a great source of calcium and fiber (depending on what cereal you eat), you probably won’t be kept full for very long. Make your cereal heartier by putting in some extra fruit, like sliced strawberries or a banana. Toss in some crunch, like nuts or seeds, for added protein and healthy fats.
3. Avoid unhealthy foods.
Stay away from foods with high sodium and fat contents because those can make you get that “fat and sleepy” feeling. Also avoid greasy and sugary foods to help prevent an upset stomach. It’s the same concept as an athlete eating safe foods before an event; you want your body to be in its best state.
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Tip 5: Warm Up Your Brain.
While you’re eating breakfast and getting ready during the morning, try to read something small and short. Reading lightly before an exam is the same effect as stretching before working out. You’re about to exercise your brain so it needs to be warmed up to perform its best as well. Use these tips on what to do the morning of an exam to get your mind moving.
1. Skim some high-interest news articles.
Reading current events about others can get your mind off of your own anxieties. Non-fiction articles will get your brain ready for the type of writing you might see on your exam.
2. Read part of a book.
Reading something you’re already interested in and familiar with will help relax and focus you. It will get your brain in the mood of reading and processing information that it gained visually.
3. Avoid all materials related to the test.
For example, don’t go over math concepts and theories before the Math II SAT® subject test. You want your mind to be ready but you don’t want to psych yourself out before the test. Cramming – both the night before and the morning of – can have damaging effects on the information that you already store.
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Tip 6: Bring Effective Snacks.
Whether it be the ACT®, SAT®, or an AP® test, you’ll have breaks in which you’re allowed to eat a snack and get a drink of water. Take advantage of these opportunities, as they are ways to refresh your body and mind and give them a “second wind” so to speak. Use these tips before exam day to choose the right snacks.
1. Stay hydrated.
Bring a water bottle that you can refill. Drinking enough water is the first step in keeping your body happy and healthy.
2. Choose the right snacks.
Bring things such as apples, oranges, grapes and granola bars. You want snacks that are portable, easy, and quick to eat. Grab foods with natural, unprocessed carbs and sugars for quick energy.
3. Bring mints and gum.
You can eat these during the testing periods and they help to keep you awake, alert, and focused. By chewing gum, your body is physically performing an action rather than simply sitting there reading. The gum and mints should be peppermint and/or spearmint flavored in order to be the most effective.
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Tip 7: Focus And Calm Yourself On Arrival.
When you enter your testing center and the exam room, you’ll have some time to spare before the test begins. Instead of psyching yourself out, follow these tips before exam time to center yourself and prepare to pass.
1. Get comfortable with your surroundings.
Take some time to settle into your seat and get comfortable. Lay out your pencils and hang your jacket on your chair. Choose a seat by the window if looking outside relaxes you, or up directly in the front if you’re easily distracted by others.
Explore your surroundings a little and make sure you know where the bathroom and water fountain are located.
2. Turn off your cell-phone.
If you have any other smart devices, like an Applewatch, make sure those are off or silenced, too. Any beeping or alarms can cause a test misadministration. Make sure you are following the instructions your administrator or procor tells you about devices.
If someone is picking you up, let them know what time you’ll be finished. You don’t want someone trying to call you in the middle of the test.
3. Stretch out your arms and legs.
Get your body ready for an extended period of time sitting down by stretching your limbs. This will get your blood flowing and help you to relax, as well.
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Wrapping Things Up: 7 Tips To Exam Test Prep The Morning of a Test
Tests are taken seriously and they should be treated rightly so. Prepare yourself properly for these important mornings so that you don’t fall short of your full capability. Following these 7 exam day tips will help you achieve a more successful morning and test – and if nothing else – give you the confidence you need to excel on the exam.
1. Prepare the night before.
Gather your materials and get enough sleep to ensure your morning goes smoothly.
2. Wake up your mind and body.
Jam out to some music and keep your spirits up. You’ve got this!
3. Choose the right clothes.
Dress in layers to prepare for any exam room climate.
4. Eat a smart breakfast.
Do your mind and body a favor by giving your substantial and healthy food in the morning.
5. Warm up your brain.
Do some light reading to get your mind going.
6. Bring the right snacks.
Even if you don’t think you’ll be hungry, bring some water and light snacks just in case.
7. Focus and calm yourself on arrival.
Make yourself comfortable and have a good stretch before settling into your seat.
Test day can be nerve-wracking, but with these 7 tips you’ll be sure you do your best!
21 thoughts on “7 Tips to Exam Test Prep the Morning of a Test”
Nice advices! I’ll consider following them, thank you very much and have a nice day!
True, great advice
You’re welcome!
maintain a positive attitude. don’t let negative thoughts undermine your work counteract them with positive ones.
Good pointer, Mustafa!
Good tips! Very helpful LOL
Happy it helped! Be sure to check out our YouTube channel for more helpful tips:
good. i will follow these! They are useful
Glad you found them helpful!
Thanks for the advice I will adequately consider all of the categories before my exam
These tips I will surely follow them. I feel so relaxed after reading them. I will be following these for sure.
So glad you found these tips helpful!
Thank you for sharing such useful information with us. I am glad to read this article.
Nice advice! I’ll consider following them, thank you very much and have a nice day!
So glad you found it helpful!
Thanks for the Tips!!
Taking the AP® Physics C M in 2 hours 🙂
Good luck! You’ve got this!
Great article! So well written -This is very helpful article for everyone. I wish to read more article from you! Thanks for sharing this valuable information!
Could this work for K-Prep as well? I am in 7th grade and am very nervous about testing tomorrow.
These tips are definitely useful for all grades. We hope you did well on your test!
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