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The Best Algebra 1 Regents Study Guide: 30 Days

best algebra 1 regents study guide

Is your Algebra 1 Regents exam on the horizon? Don’t panic. If you follow our 30-day Algebra 1 Regents study guide, you’ll walk into exam day feeling confident and ready to ace the test. 

Our plan recommends you spend between 30 and 90 minutes studying for the Algebra 1 Regents each day. But we know that “studying” can mean a lot of different things. Lucky for you, we’ve taken out all of the guesswork and crafted a detailed plan of not only what to study, but how to study. 

Each day in the study calendar below includes the theme and topic you should be studying as well as the study technique you should use that day.

Not feeling too comfortable with your study skills? We’ve detailed each different study technique so you can feel ready to hit the books! 

Algebra 1 Regents Study Techniques

Guess what — staring at the pages in your math textbook does not count as studying for the Algebra 1 Regents exam. To effectively study, you need to get familiar with the concepts and vocabulary on the Algebra 1 Regents as well as practice the skills you’ll be expected to perform.

That’s why our Algebra 1 Regents study plan includes a variety of study techniques designed to flex all of your math muscles. Review each of the study techniques below before you start your study plan so that you know what to expect. 

Flashcards: Flashcards are a tried and true method of memorizing vocabulary and building recall ability.

To build your Algebra 1 Regents flashcard deck, you can use an online flashcard creator or get old-fashioned with index cards. Write the vocabulary term on one side of the card and a definition, example, or formula on the other.

To practice with your flashcards, look at the side with the term and try to recall the information on the other side. Then, flip the card over to check your work. Better yet, practice with a friend who can tell you if you’ve got it correct.

Skill Building: Remember: practice makes perfect! You should work on solving Algebra 1 Regents practice problems that mimic the problems you’ll see on the actual exam. 

You can try completing problems from official released exams. Or, work on the practice problems in your Algebra 1 textbook. If you don’t have a textbook, you can find one at your local library. 

Better yet, check out Albert’s Algebra 1 practice questions. When you answer a question, you’ll get instant feedback and specialized explanations written by professional educators. The topics we’ve listed are all 100% free to practice!

Topic Quizzes: Taking practice quizzes on specific topics can help you figure out which skills you’ve mastered and where you should practice more. Our study plan includes topic quizzes to help you take control of your own learning.

Where can you find topic quizzes? You can use the quizzes in any Algebra 1 textbook or make copies of quizzes you took in Algebra 1 throughout the year. 

Or, if you want an automatically graded quiz with detailed explanations, check out Albert’s Regents aligned topic quizzes! If you use Albert in your classroom, you’ll have to ask your teacher to assign the quiz for you. 

Full-Length Practice Exams: You wouldn’t run a marathon without going on some really long runs, so don’t take the Regents exam without incorporating some full-length practice exams into your study plan. This can also help ease test anxiety and boost your exam score. 

You can print out official released Algebra 1 Regents exams from the New York State Education Department website. They also released rating guides so you can find your score! 

Prefer to have your Algebra 1 Regents practice exams instantly graded and explained? Check out Albert’s practice exam library. These exams are teacher-locked, so you might have to ask your teacher to assign an exam for you. 

Refresh and Review: The Algebra 1 Regents exam covers a lot of concepts and skills. Sometimes, students need a simple refresher! 

You can choose to review notes that you took from Algebra 1 class, re-read pages in an Algebra 1 textbook, check out online videos and resources, or even ask a teacher for a mini-review session. We’ve shared some of our favorite resources in the plan below.

Our Algebra 1 Regents 30-day study plan helps you decide what to review and when to review it. Plus, check out the optional spiral review section in each day of the plan to see what concepts you can add-on to your studies to help you stay fresh! 

CRQ Practice Problems: 13 of the 37 questions on the Algebra 1 Regents exam are Constructed Response Questions. It’s important to practice answering CRQs and, most of all, showing your work! 

For each CRQ practice day, we’ve compiled a list of relevant CRQs from released Algebra 1 Regents exams. Try the designated CRQ on your own. Be sure to include all diagrams, equations, and models needed to answer all parts of the question.

Then, you can check out released model responses to grade your work and see how other students responded. With practice, you’ll be answering each CRQ like a pro!

Algebra 1 Regents 30-Day Study Plan

Using the Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan

Creating an effective study plan can take time and effort. We want to take some of the load off your shoulders, so we crafted a clickable 30-day study calendar. Click on each day to see a breakdown of what you’ll be studying, including:

  • The domain of focus. Remember, the Algebra 1 Regents tests skills in 4 domains: Algebra, Functions, Statistics & Probability, and Number & Quantity.
  • The standards you’ll master. We’ve analyzed released Regents exams to find the Common Core State Standards assessed on the test. You can search Albert’s Algebra 1 course library by standard to make sure you get the practice you need.
  • The guiding questions you’ll cover. Use these questions as benchmarks to make sure you know the concepts covered in the exam and can do the skills that will show up! 
  • The study techniques we recommend. We detailed these techniques above — check it out
  • Optional spiral review. If you have extra time on a given day, spend some time reviewing a bonus concept or skill to fine tune your Algebra 1 acumen! 

Remember, this plan is a suggested outline that you can adapt to fit your individual needs!

Algebra 1 Regents 30-Day Study Guide Calendar 

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
60 min


Interpret Expressions

60 min


Model with Equations

75 min


Solve Equations

45 min


Understand Graphs

2-3 hours


Practice Exam

Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10
60 min


Solve Systems Algebraically and Graphically

60 min


Write and Solve Systems of Equations

45 min


Systems of Inequalities

60 min


Forms of Expressions

Rest Day
Day 11Day 12Day 13Day 14Day 15
60 min


Understand Functions

45 min


Evaluate Functions

60 min



45 min


Graphs of Functions

75 min


Analyze Graphs of Functions

Day 16Day 17Day 18Day 19Day 20
60 min


Rate of Change

75 min


Properties of Functions

45 min


Function Relationships

60 min


Function Transformations

75 min


Linear vs Exponential Functions

Day 21Day 22Day 23Day 24Day 25
45 min


Interpret Functions

60 min


Interpret Linear Models

75 min


Data Analysis

60 min


Units and Quantities

45 min


Zeros of a Function

Day 26Day 27Day 28Day 29Day 30
60 min


Quadratic Features

75 min


Solve Quadratics

2-3 hours


Practice Exam

60 min


Strategic Review

Rest Day

Algebra 1 Regents 30-Day Study Guide Daily Details

Week 1

Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan - Party Started

Welcome to your first week of studying for the Algebra 1 Regents exam! This is going to take a lot of hard work and focus, but we’re here to help!

Before you start reviewing for the exam, be sure to read our detailed guides on Algebra 1 Regents Exam Review and Algebra 1 Regents Study Tips and Things to Remember.

In this first week of the study plan, we provide a lot of details on each day to help guide your time. Remember you can make adjustments as needed based on your own needs or learning style.

Day 1 

Your first day of studying for the Regents Algebra 1 exam starts with some flashcard work and skill practice. We’ve outlined the terms you should include and online practice questions you can use below. 

  • Domain: Algebra
  • Topic(s): Interpret Expressions
  • Standard(s): HS.A.SSE.1a, HS.A.SSE.1b
  • Guiding Questions:
    • Can you interpret terms, factors, and coefficients in an expression?
    • Can you interpret parts of complicated expressions as single entities?
  • Flashcards (20 minutes):
    • Term: Each quantity in an expression or equation, such as 5x in 4+ 5x = 59.
    • Factor: A number that can be multiplied by another number to equal a certain quantity. 
    • Coefficient: A number next to a variable in an expression or equation that multiplies it. 
    • Variable: A letter used to represent an unknown value in an expression or equation.
    • Operation: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
    • Product: The result when two or more numbers are multiplied together. 
    • Quotient: The result when a dividend is divided by a divisor. 
    • Sum: The result when two or more numbers or terms are added.
    • Difference: The result when two or more numbers or terms are subtracted.
  • Skill Building (40 minutes)
  • Level 1: Identifying variables (10 questions)
  • Level 2: Identifying coefficients and constants (10 questions)
  • Spiral Review (optional): 
    • Since today is the first day of your study plan, no need to do any spiral review! Instead, devote any extra time to looking through this plan and making a note of which topics you expect to be difficult for you. Set aside extra study time on those days.

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Day 2

It’s time for day 2 of your Algebra 1 Regents study plan. It can be difficult to build daily study practices into your routine, but before you know it, it will become a habit.

Today you’ll be diving in to work on some Constructed Response Questions and taking a topic quiz. If you don’t have access to the quiz we linked below, you can check your textbook or ask a teacher for a quiz on this topic. If you have access to Albert through your school, you may have to ask a teacher to assign this quiz for you.  

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Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan - Sample Albert Question

Sample Albert practice question

Day 3

It’s your third day studying for the Algebra 1 Regents exam! Do you feel like you’re starting to get in that study groove?

Gear up for a slightly longer (~75 minute) study session today. We’ll be reviewing concepts, practicing vocabulary with flashcards, and fine tuning skills with some online practice. 

  • Domain: Algebra
  • Topic(s): Solve Equations
  • Standard(s): HS.A.REI.1, HS.A.REI.3, HS.A.CED.4
  • Guiding Questions:
    • Can you construct a viable explanation that justifies how to solve an equation?
    • Can you solve linear equations and inequalities one variable?
    • Can you rearrange formulas to solve for a specific quantity of interest?
  • Flashcards (15 minutes):
    • Distributive Property of Equality: When a factor is multiplied by a quantity, we can multiply it by each term in the quantity. Example: a(x+y)=ax+ay
    • Commutative Property of Equality: The order of numbers does not matter when we find a sum or product.  Example: a+b=b+a
    • Associative Property of Equality: The way that numbers are grouped does not matter when we find a sum or product. Example: (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
    • Addition Property of Equality: If we add the same value to each side of an equation, the equation remains true.
    • Subtraction Property of Equality: If we subtract the same value from each side of an equation, the equation remains true.
    • Multiplication Property of Equality: If we multiply the same value by each side of an equation, the equation remains true.
    • Division Property of Equality: If we divide each side of an equation by the same value, the equation remains true.
  • Review (30 minutes)
  • Skill Building (30 minutes):
  • Spiral Review (optional): 

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Day 4

Good news — after all the work you put in yesterday, you only need to spend 45 minutes studying for the Algebra 1 Regents exam today! Admit it, that’s less time than you spent scrolling through your social media today. 

Today we’re diving into the concept of graphs and how they relate to equations. You’ll be watching some helpful review videos and doing some online practice. 

  • Domain: Algebra
  • Topic(s): Understand Graphs
  • Standard(s): HS.A.CED.2, HS.A.REI.10 
  • Guiding Questions:
    • Do you understand that the graph of an equation is the set of all its solutions?
    • Can you read and understand the graph of an equation in two or more variables?
  • Review (15 minutes):
  • Skill Building (30 minutes):
  • Spiral Review (optional): 
    • Revisit your flashcards from day 1. Spend 10 to 15 minutes making sure you have the terms and phrases committed to memory. 
Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan - Search by Standard

Filter Albert questions by a specific standard (learn more)

Day 5

Welcome to day 5 of your study plan. This is a big day in your Algebra 1 Regents journey — it’s time to take your first full length practice exam! 

Full Length Practice Exam #1

Collect all of your materials before you sit down to take the exam. You’ll need an exam, a pencil, a pen, a ruler, a graphing calculator, the student reference sheet, and some scratch paper. 

If you are taking a released exam from the New York State Education Department, we recommend taking the June 2019 released exam. Get a printable PDF here. After you’ve taken the exam, you can grade your own work using the official rating guide

If you choose to take your exam on Albert, you can access an online version of Albert’s Regents Algebra 1 Practice Exam #1 here. If your Albert access is through your school, you’ll have to ask a teacher to assign the exam for you. You can also print out this PDF to answer Parts II, III, and IV of the exam. Your multiple choice questions will be graded automatically. You can use Albert’s digital rubric to score your own CRQs. 

Record your final score, making a note of which questions you struggled with. If you took your test on Albert, read through the detailed explanations for each question you missed. Taking the time to understand your mistakes is a crucial step in boosting your Algebra 1 Regents exam score. 

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Day 6

Phew – you survived your first full length practice exam! Maybe you’re feeling confident and ready to continue with your study plan. Or, maybe you’re feeling a little discouraged. Either way, keep up the hard work. If you trust the process, you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make on your next practice exam! 

  • Domain: Algebra
  • Topic(s): Solve Systems Algebraically and Graphically
  • Standard(s): HS.A.REI.11, HS.A.REI.5, HS.A.REI.6
  • Guiding Questions:
    • Can you prove that, in a system of two equations in two variables, replacing one equation with the sum of that equation and a multiple of the other equation produces a system with the same solution?
    • Can you solve systems of equations exactly (using algebra) and approximately (using graphs)?
    • Can you explain how to find the solution(s) to two graphs that intersect?
  • Review (30 minutes):
  • Skill Building (30 minutes):
  • Spiral Review (optional): 
    • Print out the student version of this lesson from EngageNY and complete the practice problems. When you’re finished, use the teacher version to grade your own work. 

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Day 7

You’re officially 1 week into your Algebra 1 Regents study plan! Congratulations on the momentum you’ve built that will help you ace this test. 

Today, you’ll spend more time working with systems of equations. You’ll need to know not only how to solve systems of equations, but also how to build your own systems from word problems. Today’s study session is only 45 minutes long – it will be over before you know it! 

  • Domain: Algebra
  • Topic(s): Write and Solve Systems of Equations
  • Standard(s): HS.A.CED.3, HS.A.CED.2
  • Guiding Questions:
    • Can you represent constraints on a situation using equations, inequalities, systems or equations, and systems of inequalities?
    • Can you interpret solutions as viable or non-viable options when modeling real-world situations?
    • Can you solve real-world problems by writing equations or inequalities with two (or more) variables?
  • Review (15 minutes):
  • CRQ Practice (30 minutes)
  • Spiral Review (optional): 
    • Review your flashcards from day 3. Make sure you have all the properties of equality memorized. Better yet, review your flashcards from day 1 as well! That way, you’ll start to build a comprehensive Algebra 1 Regents vocabulary. 

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Week 2

Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan - Crushing It

Great work making it through the first week of studying for the Algebra 1 Regents exam! You’ve accomplished so much already: diving into vocabulary, reviewing multiple choice questions, writing answers to constructed response questions, and taking your first full-length practice exam.

In the second week of studying, we’ll continue to focus on more algebra topics and begin exploring functions. You’ll even have a day of scheduled rest in the middle of this week. You’ll notice for days that include flashcards, we’ll leave it up to you to pick the specific terms to focus on.

The vast majority of questions on the Algebra 1 Regents exam cover topics in algebra or functions, so this is an important week. You can do it!

Day 8

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Day 9

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Day 10

After all the hard work you’ve done so far, your brain deserves a break. Part of sustaining this 30-day schedule is giving yourself time and space for rest. 

Take today to relax, spend some time outside, and eat some healthy food. You should consciously do something you enjoy doing (other than math). We’ll get back to studying hard for the Algebra 1 Regents exam tomorrow.

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Day 11

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Day 12

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Day 13

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Day 14

  • Domain: Functions
  • Topic(s): Graphs of Functions
  • Standard(s): HS.F.IF.4, HS.F.IF.5
  • Guiding Questions:
    • Can you interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the relationship between two quantities?
    • Can you sketch graphs of a function based on verbal description of a relationship between two quantities?
    • Given a graph of a function, can you find the intercepts, intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative, the relative maximums and minimums, symmetries, and end behavior?
    • Are you able to select an appropriate domain of a function based on a real-life quantitative relationship?
  • Review (20 minutes)
  • CRQ Practice (25 minutes):
  • Spiral Review

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Week 3

Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan - You Got This

This third week means you’re about halfway through this Regents Algebra 1 study plan – you’re crushing it! Week 3 is all about functions, functions, and more functions 🙂

Remember this: you can always adjust this study plan to fit your needs. If you miss a day or get behind in the plan, just make some adjustments and move things around. Be sure to prioritize the topics that appear most frequently on the exam.

Day 15

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Day 16

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Day 17

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Day 18

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Day 19

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Day 20

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Day 21

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Week 4

Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan - Keep Swimming

Ok. Week 4. It’s getting down to crunch time. You can feel extremely confident because you have a clear plan and are putting in the work to be successful. Turn on your intense study music playlist (or quiet calm if you prefer) and let’s get ready to rock the Regents!

This fourth week starts with jam-packed days on two new domains: Statistics & Probability and Number & Quantity. These two domains only make up about 10% to 15% of all questions on the Regents exam, so we only have a few study days devoted to them.

To keep you fresh on the most important topics, we’ll end the fourth week jumping back into the frequently-assessed Algebra domain.

Day 22

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Day 23

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Day 24

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Day 25

  • Domain: Algebra
  • Topic(s): Zeros of a Function
  • Standard(s): HS.A.SSE.3a, HS.A.APR.3
  • Guiding Questions:
    • Do you know what it means to find the “zeros” of a function?
    • Can you factor a quadratic expression to find its zeros?
    • Can you recognize a “difference of squares”?
    • Do you understand the relationship between zeros and factors of a polynomial?
    • Can you use zeros to sketch a rough graph of a function defined by a polynomial?
  • Review (15 minutes):
  • Skill Building (30 minutes):
  • Spiral Review (optional):

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Day 26

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Day 27

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Day 28

The Algebra 1 Regents exam is only 3 days away! Time to get down to business with another full length practice exam. 

If you have full access to Albert

If you don’t have full access to Albert

  • Print out and take the official August 2018 Algebra 1 Regents
  • Use the rating guide to grade your exam
  • Circle every question that you missed
  • Use the rating guide again to figure out the standard for each question you missed
  • Write this information down — you’ll need it tomorrow!

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Week 5

Algebra 1 Regents Study Plan - Positive Mental Attitude

This final week only has 2 days in our study plan: one for review and one for rest. You have put in the hours and earned the right to feel confident going into test day. Let’s finish strong and stay positive!

Day 29

T-2 days until your Algebra 1 Regents exam. Time for some strategic studying. 

If you have full access to Albert

  • Pull up your list of challenging standards from yesterday 
  • Go to the Algebra 1 subject library
  • Click on “Standards” and use the search function to find questions tagged with your target standards
  • Practice at least 5 questions for every standard you listed 

If you don’t have full access to Albert

  • Pull up your list of challenging standards from yesterday 
  • Search this study guide to find the days that address your standards
  • Re-do the study activities for each of these days 

Other study tips:

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Day 30

Your 1-month Algebra 1 Regents study plan is coming to a close! Congratulations on all the effort you put into preparing yourself to excel on test day.

It’s important to give yourself a chance to rest and destress before tomorrow’s exam. Do something relaxing, like trying out a guided meditation or spending time outdoors. The time to cram is over. 

Algebra 1 Regents Study Guide Recap

The study guide above is a detailed, heavily-researched outline to guide you through a month of studying for the Algebra 1 Regents exam. Each day focused on a different topic that will be tested on the exam. From videos and articles to practice questions and quizzes, we have included activities to make sure you are as prepared as possible to pass the important test.

Please remember to look at our other Regents Algebra 1 resources, including this score calculator, our detailed guide on passing the Algebra 1 Regents exam, and these Algebra 1 Regents tips and tricks.

Albert Algebra 1 Regents exam prep

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