Looking for the best AP® Calculus review guide for the 2025 AP® exams? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll go over what topics are covered, practice resources to review, and wrap up with some AP® Calculus study tips and things to remember.
Are you ready? Let’s get started.
What We Review
What’s the Format of the 2025 AP® Calculus AB Exam?
The first thing you need to know about the AP® Calculus AB exam is the format. How many questions does the exam have, and how long will it take? The AP® Calculus AB exam has a total of 51 questions over a testing period of 3 hours and 15 minutes. It is broken into sections, each with calculator and non-calculator parts.
Part I | Part I | Part II | Part II | |
Part A | Part B | Part A | Part B | |
Number of Questions | 30 | 15 | 2 | 4 |
Amount of Time | 60 minutes | 45 minutes | 30 minutes | 60 minutes |
Calculator Allowed? | No Calculator | Calculator Required | Calculator Required | No Calculator |
Score Percentage | 33.3% | 16.7% | 16.7% | 33.3% |
Section 1: Multiple Choice
Section 1 of the AP® Calculus AB test consists of 45 multiple-choice questions split into a non-calculator portion (Part A) and a portion where a graphing calculator may be required (Part B). Each question has four possible answer choices (A, B, C, or D). Questions will include algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, general types of functions, and analytical, graphical, tabular, and verbal types of representations. This section is one hour and 45 minutes long and counts for 50% of your final score.
In Section 1, Mathematical Practices 1, 2, and 3 are assessed with the following exam weights, which indicate the types of questions you may encounter in this section:
Mathematical Practice | Description | Key Words | Percentage |
Practice 1: Implementing Mathematical Processes | Determine expressions and values using mathematical procedures and rules. | calculate, evaluate, find, determine, solve | 53-66% |
Practice 2: Connecting Representations | Translate mathematical information from a single representation or across multiple representations. | identify, indicate, interpret, represent | 18-28% |
Practice 3: Justification | Justify reasoning and solutions. | justify, explain, verify | 11-18% |
You will have 60 minutes to answer the 30 questions in Part A. This gives you about 2 minutes per question. Since this is the non-calculator section, make use of this time to double-check your answers. This portion is worth 33.3% of your final score.
Part B consists of 15 questions, for which you will have 45 minutes. This averages to 3 minutes per question. This portion is worth 16.7% of your final score.
Section 2: Free Response
Section 2 of the AP® Calculus AB exam has 6 free-response questions. The first two questions comprise Part A, during which a calculator may be required. The remaining four questions will be completed in Part B without a calculator. This portion of the exam will include various types of functions and function representations and a roughly equal mix of procedural and conceptual tasks. At least two questions will incorporate a real-world context or scenario. This section is one hour and 30 minutes long and counts for 50% of your final score.
All four mathematical practices will be assessed with the following weights:
Mathematical Practice | Description | Key Words | Percentage |
Practice 1: Implementing Mathematical Processes | Determine expressions and values using mathematical procedures and rules. | calculate, evaluate, find, determine, solve | 37-55% |
Practice 2: Connecting Representations | Translate mathematical information from a single representation or across multiple representations. | identify, indicate, interpret, represent | 9-16% |
Practice 3: Justification | Justify reasoning and solutions. | justify, explain, verify | 37-55% |
Practice 4: Communication and Notation | Use correct notation, language, and mathematical conventions to communicate results or solutions. | write, determine, represent, notate | 13-24% |
You will have 30 minutes in Part A to answer two questions, and 60 minutes in Part B to answer four questions. On average, this will give you about 15 minutes per question. However, this will largely vary based on the questions you encounter since these questions often have multiple parts.
It may be wiser to skip a question and return to it later than to spend a lot of time upfront if you get stuck on it. You are permitted to return to Part A during the time allotted for Part B. However, you are not permitted to access your calculator during this time.
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What Topics Are Covered on the AP® Calculus AB Exam?
Basically, anything covered in the AP® Calculus AB course is fair game for the AP® exam. However, some topics have a higher chance of showing up on your exam than others. Here is a list of the topics that may show up on your exam with their weights:
Unit | Topics | Resources |
Unit 1: Limits and Continuity (10-12%) |
| Practice on Albert: External Resources: |
Unit 2: Differentiation: Definition and Fundamental Properties (10-12%) |
| Practice on Albert: External Resources: |
Unit 3: Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse (9-13%) |
| Practice on Albert: External Resource: |
Unit 4: Contextual Applications of Differentiation (10-15%) |
| Practice on Albert: External Resource: |
Unit 5: Analytic Applications of Differentiation (15-18%) |
| Practice on Albert: External Resources: |
Unit 6: Integration and Accumulation of Change (17-20%) |
| Practice on Albert: |
Unit 7: Differential Equations (6-12%) |
| Practice on Albert: External Resource: |
Unit 8: Applications of Integration (10-15%) |
| Practice on Albert: External Resource: |
Although each unit is weighted fairly equally, if you are tight on time, you can focus more on Unit 5: Analytic Applications of Differentiation and Unit 6: Integration and Accumulation of Change. Unit 7: Differential Equations is weighted the lowest, so if you have to skip a unit, this would be the one to cut.
Another way to approach your AP® Calculus review is through its three big ideas. These ideas are the foundation of the course and connect the units.
Big Idea 1: Change (CHA)
- Generalize knowledge about motion to diverse problems involving change
- Determine rates of change at an instant by applying limits and derivatives
- Solve real-world problems involving rates of change
- Solve problems involving the accumulation of change over an interval
- Solve problems involving the accumulation of change in area of volume over an interval
Big Idea 2: Limits (LIM)
- Use definitions, theorems, and properties to justify claims about limits and continuity
- Determine limits
- Apply L’Hospital’s Rule
- Determine limits of indeterminate forms
- Approximate definite integrals using geometric and numerical methods
- Apply limits to model real-world behavior
Big Idea 3: Analysis of Functions (FUN)
- Draw conclusions about a function’s behavior on an interval
- Relate the behavior of a function to its derivative
- Apply derivative rules to simplify differentiation
- Relate differentiation and integration using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- Apply geometric and mathematical rules to simplify integration
- Solve differential equations
- Determine functions and develop models for data
For more details, you can view the entire AP® Calculus AB and BC Course and Exam Description.
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What Do AP® Calculus AB Exam Questions Look Like?
Here are some released questions from the 2014 AP® Calculus AB Exam. Looking at released questions or practice exams is a good way to get a feel for the exam and to test your knowledge. Note that the AP® exams and courses have undergone some changes in the last several years, so the formatting of older tests may be different. Let’s look at some example questions from each section of the test.
Section 1, Part A (No Calculator)
1. Determining Limits (Question #2)
Source: 2014 AP® Calculus AB Exam
Questions that ask you to calculate or evaluate, such as this one, demonstrate Mathematical Practice 1: Implementing Mathematical Processes. This question is specifically looking for you to evaluate the limit as the function approaches infinity. These polynomials will require some algebraic manipulation. Begin by factoring the largest power of x from the numerator and denominator.
\lim\limits_{x\to\infty}\dfrac{\sqrt{9x^4+1}}{x^2-3x+5} = \lim\limits_{x\to\infty}\dfrac{\sqrt{x^4(9+\dfrac{1}{x^4})}}{x^2(1-\dfrac{3}{x}+\dfrac{5}{x^2})} = \lim\limits_{x\to\infty}\dfrac{\sqrt{9+\dfrac{1}{x^4}}}{1-\dfrac{3}{x}+\dfrac{5}{x^2}}
Now we know that if x is in the denominator, as x approaches infinity, the function approaches zero. So:
Simplify to get the correct answer, B.
2. Continuity (Question #3)
Source: 2014 AP® Calculus AB Exam
This question comes with a graph, describes tangents, and asks about the function. This is an example of Mathematical Practice 2: Connecting Representations. This question is asking for points where the function is continuous. There is an obvious discontinuity at x=0, so we can immediately eliminate B and D from our answer options. The other piece of this question is where the function is not differentiable. The problem tells us of a vertical tangent line at x=2and there is a cusp at x=1, so the correct answer must be C.
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Section 1, Part B (Calculator Required)
1. Graphs of Derivatives (Question #11)
Source: 2014 AP® Calculus AB Exam
The given graph is the derivative of the function. Recall that the derivative function describes the slope of the original function. You could easily pick a few points to compare the tangents to see if the slope matches the y value of the derivative. Another easy approach is to look for points of inflection at the zeros. We are looking at x=1, x=3, and x=5. Specifically, the original function should switch from decreasing to increasing at x=1, and from increasing to decreasing at x=5. The original graph is increasing on both sides of x=3. The only graph that matches this description is A.
Notice that although this question comes from Part B of Section 1, we did not need to use the calculator. The questions in this section may require the use of a calculator, but not necessarily.
2. Definite Integrals (Question #15)
Source: 2014 AP® Calculus AB Exam
This is a problem that a calculator makes really easy. We are given the derivative function of the height of water over time, which tells us the rate at which the water is rising. Since we already know that the water is 0.75 feet high at 1 hour, we just need to know how much the height of the water increased from 1 hour to 2 hours. Use your graphing calculator to calculate \int_{1}^2 4t^3e^{-1.5t}\,dt. The height of the water increased 1.361 feet during the second hour, but don’t be tricked into picking A. The question is asking for the total height of the water at 2 hours, so we need to add the 0.75 foot that the water had already risen after the first hour. The correct answer is D. Test writers like to include answer options that you may come across on your way to the final answer, so make sure you identify what the question is actually looking for.
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Section 2, Part A (Calculator Required)
1. Free Response (Question #1)
Source: 2014 AP® Calculus AB Exam
(a) We need to derive the rate of change for the volume of water from the volume formula
V=\dfrac{1}{3}\pi h^3. We find that \dfrac{dV}{dt}=\pi h^2\dfrac{dh}{dt}.
To evaluate at time t=0, we need to know the height of the water and the rate of change of the height. Simple plug-and-chug tells us that h'(0)=-4, and we are given h=25. Plug these values into our equation and we get
Don’t forget that the question specifically asked for the units of measure. Your final answer is -7853.981 cubic meters per hour.
(b) We need to determine the minimum. The fastest way to do this is to utilize our graphing calculators. h’(t) into Y1 and use the CALC feature to find the zero at t=6.261256. This tells us when the minimum height occurs, but we still need to find the actual height of the water at that time. For that, we’ll need to know how much the height changed over the time period.
Evaluate \int_0^{6.261256} 2-\dfrac{24e^{-0.025t}}{t+4}=-8.661268408.
Recall that the height of the water at t=0 was 25, so the height of the water at t=6.261256 is 25-8.661268408, or 16.339 meters.
(c) First step is to figure out the equation of the tangent line at t=16. Evaluate h’(16)=1.195615945. We will also need to evaluate h(16). This has a few more steps because we first need to find \int_0^{16} h'(t)\,dt and add it to the starting height of 25 meters to determine that
h(16)=25+\int_0^{16} h'(t)\,dt=25+\int_0^{16} 2-\dfrac{24e^{-0.025t}}{t+4}\,dt=25+-1.503929129=23.4960709.
These values determine that the equation for our tangent line is y=1.195615945(t-16)+23.4960709. Remember, the question is asking to use tangent line approximation to find the time at which the height returns to 25 meters, so we’re not quite done yet. We can substitute 25 for y and solve 25=1.195615945(t-16)+23.4960709 to find that the water returns to 25 meters high after 17.258 hours, or when t=17.258.
That’s a lot of work for one question, even with the use of our calculator! Remember to show your work, including what you plug into the calculator, and use clear labels and units of measurement. Each part of the question is worth multiple points so be sure to answer every part fully.
Also, although the final answer can typically be rounded to three decimal places, be careful not to round earlier in the process. Rounding or truncating numbers in the middle of your calculations can result in an incorrect answer. The storage function on your graphing calculator can help keep track of these longer numbers.
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Section 2, Part B (No Calculator)
1. Free Response (Question #2)
Source: 2014 AP® Calculus AB Exam
(a) To find the relative maximum, we are looking for where the function g changes from increasing to decreasing. We know that g’=f, so we are looking for where the derivative changes from positive to negative. The only place that this happens is at x=-2.
(b) When the graph of a function is concave up, the second derivative must be positive. Thus we are looking for where on the first derivative graph the slope is positive. This increasing behavior occurs between -1< x<1 and 2< x<3.
(c) Let’s work this problem in pieces. First notice that g is continuous at x=0, so \lim\limits_{x\to0}g(x)=g(0). To evaluate g(0), we can use the given g(3)=7and subtract \int_0^3f(x)\,dx. \int_0^3f(x)\,dx encapsulates regions C, and D, which we know to have areas of 5 and 3 respectively.
So g(0)=7-(5+3)=-1. Apply this to the numerator of our limit, and we have \lim\limits_{x\to0} g(x)+1=0.
The denominator is pretty straight forward. \lim\limits_{x\to0} 2x=0.
Hmm, our limit is \dfrac{0}{0}; in other words, indeterminate. We need to use L’Hospital’s Rule.
Instead of evaluating \lim\limits_{x\to0} \dfrac{g(x)+1}{2x}, we need to evaluate \lim\limits_{x\to0} \dfrac{g'(x)}{2}. This is relatively easy because g’(x)=f(x).
Looking at the graph of f, we see that f(0)=0, so \lim\limits_{x\to0} \dfrac{f(x)}{2}=0.
(d) Last part! Start by substituting in our function and simplifying using integration rules. \int_{-2}^1 h(x)\,dx=\int_{-2}^1(3f(2x+1)+4)\,dx=3\int_{-2}^1 f(2x+1)\,dx+\int_{-2}^14\,dx.
Use u substitution where u=2x+1. Then du=2dx. Remember to find the limits in terms of u.
We get 3\int_{-2}^1 f(2x+1)\,dx+\int_{-2}^14\,dx=\dfrac{3}{2}\int_{-3}^3 f(u)\,du +\int_{-2}^14\,dx.
We will need the areas of all the regions to get \int_{-3}^3 f(u)\,du.
Substitute and simplify to get our final answer: \dfrac{3}{2}\int_{-3}^3 f(u)\,du +\int_{-2}^14\,dx=\dfrac{3}{2}(5-4+5+3)+12=25.5.
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How is the AP® Calculus AB Exam Scored?
All AP® exams are scored on a 5-point scale. Most colleges grant credit for scores of 4 or 5, but check with your individual school since policies vary.
AP® Exam Score | Recommendation | College Course Grade Equivalent |
5 | Extremely Well Qualified | A+ or A |
4 | Very Well Qualified | A-, B+, or B |
3 | Qualified | B-, C+, or C |
2 | Possibly Qualified | — |
1 | No Recommendation | — |
Your AP® exam score is calculated from a weighted combination of your scores from the two sections. The multiple choice and free response sections are weighted evenly for the AP® Calculus AB exam. See the format section for further breakdown.
Keep in mind that you will not lose points for incorrect answers in the multiple-choice section. Try to use the process of elimination, but even a wild guess is better than leaving a question blank since unanswered questions will definitely not earn you points.
Each free response question is worth 9 points, but the free response questions are broken down into parts, each of which is typically worth anywhere from one to four points. One point is awarded for the correct answer. If the question part has more points available, it is typically for showing work and/or justifying your answer. Although you cannot tell how many points a given question has while taking the exam, if the question asks for something specific, it is typically worth a point. For example, if it asks for units of measure or explanation, then the question is typically worth several points. If you use a specific theorem, make sure to name it in your answer.
Here are a few snippets from the 2019 free-response section of how a question might be worded and its grading rubric.
Question | Rubric |
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Remember that the free-response section ends up getting weighted to be 50% of your final exam score, so be sure to answer the free response questions thoroughly.
A good way to get a sense of the grading for free response questions is to complete some problems yourself, then grade yourself using the rubric on the scoring guidelines. You can also see some sample responses and how they were graded here.
Unless otherwise specified, free-response answers should be rounded to three decimal places. Be careful not to round before your final answer, since truncating numbers during the process may result in an incorrect answer.
Check out our AP® Calculus AB score calculator and predict your score!
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What Can You Bring to the AP® Calculus AB Exam?
What will you need on the day of the exam? You will need to bring number 2 pencils, pens with either black ink or dark blue ink, your current government- or school-issued ID, and your graphing calculator. If you are receiving testing accommodations, be sure to bring your College Board SSD Accommodations Letter as well.
Although you may not need it, you may also bring an extra calculator and batteries. Your calculator memory does not need to be wiped before or after the exam. Your graphing calculator should be able to: plot a graph within an arbitrary viewing window, find zeros of functions, numerically calculate the derivative of a function, and numerically calculate the value of a definite integral.
Check if your calculator is on the list of approved models.
If you’re testing in person (at a school): no food or drink, including bottled water, is allowed into the exam room. However, you may want to bring it with you since you may be able to access it during breaks.
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How to Study for AP® Calculus AB: 5 Steps
Now that you know what the AP® Calculus AB exam is going to look like, it’s time to set about studying for it. Whether the test is three months or three weeks away, the basics of how to study are the same.
1. Assess yourself
Take a practice AP® Calculus AB exam. Mimic the testing environment as best as you can. This means finding a quiet place for you to focus without distractions. Set a timer for yourself to keep an eye on your pacing. You do not have to take a full length exam, but if you have time it’s a good idea to train yourself for it. Adjust your timer accordingly if you are only doing one or two parts.
2. Reflect on your areas of strength and weakness
Maybe you realized what topics you need to review just by working through the practice test. If not, pull up the answer key and grade yourself. As you identify incorrect answers, analyze why you got it wrong. If the exam is still a few months away, you might choose to review all of the topics. If the exam is closer, prioritize which topics you want to focus on first, and which can be skipped if time permits.
3. Relearn the content
This isn’t just a matter of reviewing some notes. Even if you remember parts, commit to learning the topic fully. A good way to know if you have learned a concept well is to find a partner and teach it to them. If this is an area of weakness for your partner, great! You will be able to help them study and answer their questions. Maybe they will return the favor on a different topic. If this is an area of strength for your partner, they can correct or clarify how you think about this concept.
4. Drill. Pull out those practice questions – they don’t have to be AP® exam questions yet
Practice working problems in the topic that you just relearned, and SHOW YOUR WORK! If you get something wrong, don’t just scratch out your work and start over. Go through your steps and identify where you went wrong. This is the key opportunity to catch patterns of mistakes and correct them. Assuming wrong answers mean you don’t know the concept is a big studying mistake. You may understand the calculus concept but be making mistakes in the algebraic work or notation. Repetition is crucial here and take every error as a chance to learn.
5. Repeat!
It’s time to see the fruits of your labor. Take another practice exam and see if you improved in the area you focused on. Take time to reflect on whether you need to spend more time on this topic, or if you’re ready to move on. You may already have your next topic picked out from the first practice test you took, or you can reassess to see what to work on next.
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AP® Calculus AB Review: 13 Must Know Study Tips
1. Make a calendar
Figure out how long you have to prepare for the AP® Calculus AB exam, then schedule when you will study and for how long. Although you may need to adjust as you go, scheduling regular study time will help minimize in-the-moment decision-making that often leads to procrastination. Try to do a little every day, even if it’s just one question.
2. Mimic your testing environment
Gather the materials you need to study and set up your study area. Minimize any distractions and interruptions to your study time. Not only will this make your studying efficient, but it can also make your studying more effective. The principle of encoding specificity says that as you learn, your brain also encodes the environment in which you learn it in. This means that you are more likely to be able to recall that information in similar environments.
3. Build up your hand muscles
A lot of exams are still administered on paper, which means you could spend 3 hours and 15 minutes writing. Even being in school, you probably aren’t used to writing constantly for that long. In addition to working practice problems, you might consider journaling or something that has you writing for longer periods of time. During the test you can avoid losing valuable time to stretching your cramped hand muscles.
4. Practice using your calculator
This is a tool that you will have for Part B of Section 1 and Part A of Section 2. Although not every question in these sections may require a calculator, using a calculator can help you answer questions quicker. It is worth learning the many functions your calculator has and get comfortable using them to solve problems.
5. Learn the language of the exam
Not reading the question carefully or understanding what it is asking is a common mistake for test takers. Completing practice problems can help with this, or you can review this list of task verbs that define what type of response the AP® exam is expecting.
6. Break down the free response questions
Read the data and question parts carefully. Underline key information and equations that you will need to jump back to. This will reduce the amount of time you spend rereading the problem and can help you separate pertinent information from distractors. You can also use underlining to highlight what the question is asking so that you are sure to answer it fully.
7. Pay attention to details
AP® Calculus AB test takers often lose points for forgotten units of measure or the constant C on integrals. Another common mistake is with rounding numbers. While your final answer for free response questions can be rounded to three decimal places, rounding earlier can cause inaccuracies that throw off your final answer.
8. Double check your answers
Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to reverse your solving process. You should get back the original problem, which not only verifies your answer, but also gives you practice with both processes.
9. Make up your own practice problems
There are tons of practice problems that you can access in textbooks and online, but there are an infinite number of practice problems right in your head. You can tweak numbers or units in existing problems or create your own from scratch. Trade with a partner to double check your work and get extra practice.
10. Reuse practice problems
Don’t waste time looking for new questions every study session. As long as you don’t remember exactly how you did the problem before, working the problem again will be beneficial. This is especially useful for problems that you previously struggled with.
11. Keep skills fresh
Even if you feel confident in a certain skill now, you might forget it by the time the test comes around. While it still makes sense to prioritize studying your weaker skills, return to your strengths to keep them strong. The best way to do this is practice, practice, practice!
12. Vary your resources
You probably first learned calculus in class. You may start studying from the notes you took or a textbook you have. If you need more information, it’s easy to look for a book or an article on the internet. You can also look up videos of people working problems, ask your teacher to work with you, or get a classmate to study with you. Processing information in different ways is a learning technique called multisensory learning and has been proven to improve academic performance.
13. Know when to ask for help
We all have times when we need help. Maybe you’ve tried to relearn a topic and just don’t get it, or maybe you don’t even know where to begin. If you’ve exhausted what you can do by yourself, or even if you’re just exhausted from trying, remember that you’re not alone. One great resource is your teacher. They will already be familiar with your learning style and can either help you directly or show you to some great resources. If you prefer working with someone your own age, ask your classmates. They are in the same situation as you and are usually happy to collaborate. If you have the resources, you may consider hiring a tutor or enrolling in a prep class. If not, ask a librarian to help you find resources, or find an online question board, such as Quora, where strangers can help answer questions.
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AP® Calculus AB Exam: 5 Test Day Tips to Remember
1. Don’t worry about studying the day of the exam
You are unlikely to learn or remember something in the few minutes before the exam begins if you did not understand it when studying earlier. Also, last-minute cramming often causes students to become stressed, which could lower performance.
2. Pump yourself up
Practicing positive self-talk like “I will do my best” has been proven to improve math scores. Talking to yourself (although, in the test room, not literally out loud) can help overcome psychological barriers. Focus the talk on your effort and what you have control over in the moment. Take two minutes in a power pose to boost your confidence before entering your exam.
3. Watch your time
While you may technically have 2-3 minutes per multiple choice question and about 15 minutes per free response question, it’s easy to lose track of time or take slightly longer on certain problems. It’s better to set a slightly faster pace to make sure you have enough time to answer all of the questions. When you finish answering all of the questions, use the remaining time to return to questions you were uncertain about and double check your answers. You might also find it helpful to wear your own (non-smart) watch if you’re worried about not being able to see the clock in the testing room.
4. Show your work… or “X” it out
Make sure to show the steps you take and label your work. This is especially important during the free response section since process work can count as an explanation, but it can also be helpful for checking your work or fixing any errors when answering multiple choice questions. Make sure that anything you want graded makes it onto the answer sheets. If there is something from the free response section that you do not want to be graded, you can put an “X” through it rather than erasing it.
5. Take breaks
You will be working your brain and focusing for a long period of time. Use the time between sections and stop thinking about calculus for a bit – your brain needs it. Doing some exercise (like jumping jacks) can boost your brain by increasing blood flow and oxygenation. A brain break can also reduce stress and increase your productivity, helping you perform your best throughout the exam.
For more tips on what to do the day of the test, check out our article with 7 Tips to Exam Test Prep the Morning of a Test.
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AP® Calculus AB Review Notes and Practice Test Resources
You know what to expect from the test, and now you’re wondering where to review and practice for the AP® Calculus AB exam. Here are some of our favorite resources:
It is fitting to start with the makers of the AP® exam. Check with your teacher to see if you have an online classroom.
- Use this site if: You’re looking for official released questions and resources.
- Don’t use this site if: You want a full explanation of concepts. They did release free lesson videos in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but given the timing, these videos do not go in depth for units 1-6.
Khan Academy:
Khan Academy is known for its free video-based lessons. You can make a free account to track progress and earn points.
- Use this site if: You like watching someone work problems. The site is easily laid out to select topics and videos, and there are a few practice problems mixed in.
- Don’t use this site if: you want to quickly skim for information. The videos tend to dive into concepts, which can make it hard to find one specific thing.
Mr. Tiger Calculus:
This site includes downloadable course notes from Keith Meyer, an AP® Calculus teacher in Texas. What we like about this site is that it’s updated for the new AP® Calculus AB/BC exam and includes AP® questions specific to each topic.
- Use this site if: You like worksheets. There are blank copies for you to fill out, or his completed notes.
- Don’t use this site if: You want lengthy explanations of concepts.
Paul’s Online Notes:
This site features the course notes from Lamar University professor Paul Dawkins. In it, Paul includes complete solutions within each lesson to help you review key concepts.
- Use this site if: You are looking for written explanations of concepts. Paul includes clickable solutions for examples and practice problems.
- Don’t use this site if: You are looking for questions formatted like the AP® exam.
- Use this site if: you like visual representations. Their videos include visuals that help illustrate concepts and problem contexts. Great when paired with Albert as you’ll be able to use Study.com for video review and Albert for practice questions.
- Don’t use this site if: you don’t want to pay. Unfortunately, more than a quick glimpse will require you to create an account and give payment information.
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Summary: The Best AP® Calculus AB Review Guide
We’ve covered a lot in this AP® Calculus AB exam review guide. Here are the key takeaways:
- The AP® Calculus AB exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long. There are a total of 51 questions. Section 1 has 45 multiple choice questions and Section 2 has 6 free response questions.
- The content contains three big ideas: change, limits, and analysis of functions. Questions on the exam may cover content from all 8 units:
- Limits and Continuity
- Differentiation: Definition and Fundamental Properties
- Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse
- Contextual Applications of Differentiation
- Analytic Applications of Differentiation
- Integration and Accumulation of Change
- Differential Equations
- Applications of Integration.
- The exam is scored on a scale from 1 to 5. The multiple-choice and free response sections are weighted 50-50. You will not lose points for incorrect multiple-choice answers. Free-response questions are scored on rubrics that are often multiple points.
- Bring number 2 pencils, pens with either black ink or dark blue ink, your current government- or school-issued ID, a graphing calculator, and your College Board SSD Accommodations Letter (if applicable). You can also bring an extra calculator, batteries, and snacks if you wish.
- When studying for the exam, assess your current level, identify areas of strength and weakness, relearn concepts, drill practice problems, then reassess yourself.
- Get comfortable using your calculator. You will have access to your calculator during Part B of Section 1 and Part A of Section 2. Get to know the functions you will be using ahead of time so that you don’t waste time navigating your calculator.
- Make sure to read the questions and answers carefully. Test writers like to include extraneous information in questions or answer choices that contain related information to trick you.
- Show your work and fully answer the questions. Since many of the free-response questions are worth multiple points, it is easy to get partial credit if you don’t fully answer the question.