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AP® European History

The Russian Revolution: AP® European History Crash Course

The Russian Revolution: AP® European History Crash Course

This AP® European History crash course, covering the Russian Revolution of the early 20th century, will briefly introduce you to the concept and how it will relate to the AP® European History exam, as well as explain the background, the conflict, and the effects of this seminal moment in the development of European and, on a grander scale, World history.

The Wars of Religion: AP® European History Crash Course

The Wars of Religion: AP® European History Crash Course

The 89 years between the commencement of the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis in 1559 and the end of the Thirty Years’ War in 1648 were marred by true holy wars. The last truly dynastic war of the 1500s, the Hapsburg-Valois Wars, ended in 1559 and made way for a series of conflicts fought in a large part over religion.

The Enlightenment: AP® European History Crash Course

The Enlightenment, otherwise known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason, took place from the 1650s through the 1780s. The Age of Enlightenment is characterized by social, economic, and political advancement of thought through reason, science, and an increase in literate skill. This AP® European History crash course on The Enlightenment will cover the core concept, explore the purpose of this age in European history, and review eventualities in which you might encounter The Enlightenment on the AP® Euro test. Continue reading for an AP® European History review of the Enlightenment!

Industrial Revolution: AP® European History Crash Course

Industrial Revolution: AP® European History Crash Course

If you are an AP® European History student, you should use the College Board’s AP® European History Course and Exam Description as a guide for your AP® Euro review. We looked at it and determined that one of the most important topics you should include in your AP® Euro review for the AP® European History test is the Industrial Revolution.

Agricultural Revolution: AP® European History Crash Course

AP® European History crash course on the Agricultural Revolution, we will explain the concept of the British Agricultural. This period of history is considered pivotal in the development of modern Europe because it allowed for the rapidly growing population to thrive in England. The actual time period over which the British Agricultural Revolution took place is debated.

The Ultimate Guide to Enlightened Absolutists for AP® European History

The Ultimate Guide to Enlightened Absolutists for AP® European History

Enlightened Absolutism may come across as almost an oxymoronic term, and you wouldn’t be too far off assuming this. It was one of those bizarre instances of historical contradiction, where an era that was concerned with freedom and individual liberty crashed into one simultaneously obsessed with despotic rulers concerned with their absolutist political control. Oxymoronic or not, the AP® European History Exam loves to test on complicated topics such as this one.

Humanism: AP® European History Crash Course

Humanism: AP® European History Crash Course

This AP® European History crash course will explain the concept of Humanism as it relates to the AP® European History exam and where it fits into your review for AP® Euro. Humanism is defined as a “system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and dignity predominate…” and, in philosophy specifically, “a variety of ethical theory and practice that emphasizes reason, scientific inquiry, and human fulfillment in the natural world and often rejects the importance of belief in God” (dictionary.com).

The French Revolution: AP® European History Crash Course

The French Revolution: AP® European History Crash Course

This AP® European History Crash Course will prepare you for questions about the French Revolution on your upcoming AP® European History Exam. Though the French Revolution itself lasted only about a decade, its influence on European politics, culture, economics, and thought is hard to measure. You will encounter questions about the French Revolution on your AP® Euro Exam, so let’s get started on the review!

Bismarck: AP® European History Crash Course

Bismarck: AP® European History Crash Course

Otto Von Bismarck is someone you are going to want to get to know during your AP® Euro review sessions. He was a central figure in the unification of modern Germany as we know it today. But that’s not all. His entire political career represented the ongoing political changes and national unifications swept through the entirety of Europe during the 19th century.