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AP® Microeconomics Score Calculator

AP® Microeconomics Score Calculator

Think you’ve got what it takes to ace AP® Microeconomics? Find out by inputting how you think you would do on the AP® Microeconomics exam with this interactive tool.

Need extra help in preparing for AP® Microeconomics? Check out our AP® Microeconomics section for tons of review articles or explore The Best AP® Microeconomics Review Guide.

How are you projecting the scoring curve?

At this time, the College Board has not officially released a scoring worksheet that reflects the latest changes in AP® Microeconomics. In order to create our projected curve, what we have done is taken the relative percentages of the MCQ and FRQ as well as the point values of each question as outlined In the scoring guidelines.

AP® Microeconomics

Enter your scores






MCQ Score
FRQ Score
Total Composite Score
45 / 90
Predicted AP® Score

Looking for AP® Microeconomics study materials?

Also, check out this reference for the best AP® Microeconomics review books.

Albert.io Practice Exam Distributions

We thought it would be helpful to bridge the gap between our AP® Score Calculator (above) with the original practice exams published on Albert.io. This way, you can see how your practice in Albert.io might translate into the score curves on the real exams. NOTE — These score distributions are ONLY relevant for the multiple-choice sections of Albert.io’s full-length practice exams. All of these practice exams are 100% original and can only be found on Albert.io here.

AP® Microeconomics -- Practice Exam 1



What is a good AP® Microeconomics score?

Passing scores for Advanced Placement exams are scores of 3, 4, or 5. Furthermore, the College Board describes a 3 as “qualified”, a 4 as “well qualified” and a 5 as “extremely well qualified.” Colleges use these scores to assess if a student should receive credits for his or her AP® scores. Many colleges give credit for a passing score on any AP® exam, but some schools or departments are more selective. You can check the specific policy of a school on the College Board website here.

It is also important to consider the performance of test-takers as a whole. In 2024, 103,809 students took the AP® Microeconomics exam and 67.6% of them passed, with the largest percent of students achieving a 4. You can reference the latest 2024 student score distributions here.

What is the average AP® Microeconomics score?

The exam is curved, which changes the average score somewhat each year. Many factors contribute to this, including changing student populations and varying difficulty of questions. For example, in recent years, the average scores were 3.24 in 2024, 3.25 in 2023, 2.93 in 2022, 2.96 in 2021, and 3.28 in 2020. So, 3.13 is the average score over the past five years.

Why are AP® Microeconomics scores curved?

The main reason why the College Board curves Advanced Placement exams is to provide consistency over the years. Since the exam questions change yearly, curving is necessary to standardize the scores. The goal is that students will not be unfairly penalized just because they took a more difficult version of the exam. This may be unfamiliar, but curving is a common practice in college-level courses.

How do I get a 5 on AP® Microeconomics?

That’s the million-dollar question! First, consider that around 20% of test takers score a 5. It won’t be easy, but it is certainly possible to earn the top score. The best way to get a 5 is to make an individualized study plan that uses your strengths. You can save time building this plan by collecting many resources and focusing on the ones that work best for you.

Albert provides a large collection of resources to get you started. Here are a few general resources to guide your studies:

There are also topic-specific review guides to help you. Search the website to find various Crash Course AP® Microeconomics pages. Here’s an  example:

Finally, to prep for the multiple-choice section of the exam. Use Albert’s study guide page. Here, multiple choice questions are broken up based on topic, so you can target your revision to the subjects you need the most help on.

Why should I use this AP® Microeconomics score calculator?

Our Advanced Placement Microeconomics score calculator is designed using official College Board score calculation worksheets from previously released exams. The calculator is accurate and up-to-date, so it will give you a general idea of what to expect on exam day. Use the calculator as you study to target the sections you need to practice the most.

Looking for AP® Microeconomics practice?

Kickstart your AP® Microeconomics prep with Albert. Start your AP® exam prep today.

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