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AP® Physics 1 & 2

The Best AP® Physics 1

The Best AP® Physics 1 Review Guide for 2025

If you have questions about the AP® Physics 1 exam, we’ve got your answers. In this post, we go over the updated exam format, practice resources you can use to excel on this year’s test, and provide you hand-picked FRQs to work through.

AP® Physics 1 Score Calculator

AP® Physics 1 Score Calculator

Wondering how your AP® Physics 1 score is determined? Then check out this interactive AP® Physics 1 score calculator! Just input numbers or adjust the sliders for

AP® Physics 2 Score Calculator

AP® Physics 2 Score Calculator

Want to know how your AP® Physics 2 score is determined? Then take a look at this online AP® Physics 2 score calculator! Just type in your score

Is AP® Physics C Hard?

Is AP® Physics C Hard?

Are AP® Physics C classes hard? A big YES! If they weren’t, many would have taken these classes without ranting about how difficult they are. Moreover, you would not have landed into this article.

The Ultimate List of AP® Physics 1 and 2 Tips

The Ultimate List of AP® Physics 1 & 2 Tips

In order for you to score a 4 or 5 on the AP® Physics exam (1 or 2), it is important for you to follow the tips outlined below. In 2015, only 22.4% of students who took the AP® Physics 2 exam received a grade of 4 or 5. The AP® Physics 1 & 2 exams cover all of the topics in the previous AP® Physics B & C exams plus some additional ones as well.

How to Approach AP® Physics 1 & 2 Multiple-Choice Questions

How to Approach AP® Physics 1 & 2 Multiple-Choice Questions

As part of our study guide for the AP® Physics 1 and AP® Physics 2, we now reveal winning strategies for success on the multiple-choice section. Most students are a little overwhelmed to say the least, when faced with 50 physics multiple-choice questions. However, if you take our advice, study carefully and work consistently, you’ll dramatically increase your chances of scoring a 5!

Torque - AP® Physics 1 and 2 Crash Course Review

Torque: AP® Physics 1 & 2 Crash Course Review

If you’re reading about torque, you’ve probably already covered work, which measures a force applied that displaces an object in any direction on a Cartesian coordinate system (x/y coordinates). Now, what if we take that same object and rotate it around a fixed axis? When we do that, we are applying a torque on that object.

Rotational Motion - AP® Physics 1 and 2 Crash Course Review

Rotational Motion: AP® Physics 1 & 2 Crash Course Review

In this article, we are going to discuss some basic terms and a set of equations in rotational motion. AP® Physics 1 & 2 Crash Course Review will go through all you need to know about rotation and talk about rotation-related questions in AP® Physics and how those equations apply to solve real test questions.

is AP® Physics 1 & 2 Hard?

Are AP® Physics 1 & 2 Hard?

Fitting an AP® Physics class into your schedule can be very beneficial, however, so it is worth figuring out how hard AP® Physics will be before dismissing this class. In this article, we will go over past scores, analyze the course and exam, and outline some ways to overcome the difficulty of AP® Physics.