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AP® Psychology

The Best AP® Psychology Review Guide for 2025

The Best AP® Psychology Review Guide

If you want to find the best AP® Psychology review guide, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll review everything you need to know to score a 5 on the 2025 AP® Psychology online exam. We’ll review the exam structure and topics covered and share review resources for you to start using today. 

Excited? Let’s get started.

What’s the Format of the 2025 AP® Psychology Exam?

The AP® Psychology exam includes 75 multiple-choice questions and 2 free-response questions.

SectionQuestionsTime% of Exam Score
Section 1: Multiple Choice75 MCQs90 minutes66.7%
Section 2: Free Response2 FRQs70 minutes33.3%

The MCQs in Section 1 will focus on:

  • Define and explain content from a range of course topics
  • Apply skills in concept application, data analysis, and scientific investigation

The FRQs in Section 2 will focus on:

  • Article Analysis Question (AAQ): Students must analyze a peer-reviewed source, identify research elements, interpret statistics, and assess the study’s generalizability.
  • Evidence-Based Question (EBQ): Students must propose a claim based on three peer-reviewed sources and support it with evidence and reasoning.

What Units Are on the 2025 AP® Psychology Exam?

AP® Psychology biological bases of behavior

The 2025 AP® Psychology exam will cover topics across all five units from the course and exam description. Use the following list to make sure you are prepared for any topic that may show up on your exam!

Unit 1: Biological Bases of Behavior

  • Study how biological systems impact behavior and mental processes
  • Understand neuron communication and brain functions
  • Explore how sleep and sensation affect actions and responses
  • Learn how biological mechanisms relate to memory and psychological disorders
  • Analyze the role of biological functions in all psychological phenomena

Unit 2: Cognition

  • Explore memory processes, including how we perceive and remember the world
  • Study basic elements of thinking, judgment, and problem-solving
  • Learn memory improvement strategies applicable to daily life
  • Examine intelligence and achievement assessments and their societal impacts
  • Connect biological bases to cognitive psychology through perception and sensation

Unit 3: Learning and Development

  • Explore how biological, cognitive, and environmental factors influence growth throughout life
  • Study key stages of development from birth to adulthood, focusing on both stable and changing traits
  • Examine learning through classical and operant conditioning, along with modern theories influenced by technology
  • Understand how memory and sensory abilities fluctuate with age
  • Learn how formal and informal learning continues across the lifespan

Unit 4: Social Psychology and Personality

  • Study how social groups influence individual behavior and mental processes
  • Explore the impact of external social factors and internal personality traits on behavior
  • Learn about various personality theories and their connections to behavior and mental health
  • Understand the role of motivation and emotion in shaping individual differences
  • ain insight into how personality and social factors contribute to mental and physical health issues

Unit 5: Mental and Physical Health

  • Examine factors that promote mental and physical well-being through health psychology
  • Investigate positive psychology, focusing on happiness, positive emotions, and life satisfaction
  • Explore psychological disorders, using theories and evidence-based practices to explain and treat mental health issues
  • Apply earlier concepts to understand integrated approaches to mental health and wellness
  • Connect course content to real-world experiences of health, illness, and psychological treatment.

Test Your Understanding: AP® Psychology Multiple Choice Practice Questions

The 2025 AP® Psychology exam will cover topics from across all five units. Use Albert’s AP® Psychology course to see if you truly understand each unit!

2025 AP® Psychology Exam FRQ Practice

Article Analysis Question

This question assesses how well you can analyze research and interpret data. You will be given a summarized peer-reviewed article and asked to identify research elements like methodology, variables, and ethical guidelines. You must also interpret basic statistics and explain whether the study’s findings can be generalized. Finally, explain how the article supports or refutes a specific psychological concept. You’ll have 25 minutes to complete this task, including 10 minutes of reading time.

Example: Pages 159-161 in the Course and Exam Description contain an up-to-date example of the Article Analysis question 

Evidence-Based Question

This question evaluates your ability to make evidence-based claims. You will be given three summarized peer-reviewed sources on a common topic and asked to propose a claim. Using evidence from the sources and your AP® Psychology knowledge, you’ll need to justify your claim with reasoning and evidence. The task requires 45 minutes, including 15 minutes of reading time. Focus on connecting the evidence to your claim while applying psychological concepts. 

Example: Pages 162-167 in the Course and Exam Description contain an up-to-date example of an Evidence-Based Question question

More Practice FRQs

Get FRQs with included sample responses with a license to Albert’s AP® Psychology.

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7 AP® Psychology Tips and Tricks to Study and Prepare

AP® Psychology sensation and perception
  1. While being able to define vocabulary is vital for the AP® Psychology exam, it’s much more important to understand concepts instead of only memorizing flash cards truly. We recommend using some of the resources (in the section below) to help improve your conceptual mastery.
  2. You can’t “wing” these FRQs — not within the time limit! There’s no substitute for knowing the material, so be sure that you brush up on all the key concepts, theories, and definitions in the course guide — from the types of attachment to the difference between “reliable” and “valid.” Flash cards can help! 
  3. Practice, practice, practice. Seek out as many questions as possible that assess concept application or research methods. Even multiple-choice questions can be helpful!
  4. Time is of the essence. If you don’t answer within the allotted time, your answer won’t be scored. Ensure you set a timer every time you do a practice FRQ.
  5. For the “Article Analysis” FRQ, you’ll need to understand how researchers design studies; what makes the results reliable, valid, and ethical (or unethical); and how data is summarized in charts, graphs, or tables. Now is the time to brush up on your understanding of quantitative data, so be sure you look at a few questions with graphs, charts, or tables to familiarize you with how quantitative research is laid out.
  6. Practice with friends or classmates! Have your friends make up concept application or research scenarios for you, and make up some scenarios for them. The more practice you get with these question types, the better! Plus, studying with a friend can be really helpful — as long as you remember that your friends can’t help you come test day!
  7. There are plenty of resources at your disposal, from virtual office hours with your teachers to AP® Live classes on YouTube to Albert practice questions. Use these resources as much as you can before test day so that you know you are prepared!

Additional AP® Psychology Review Resources

If you’re looking for more AP® Psychology review materials aside from Albert and the College Board, you may find the following resources helpful.

We’ve linked to sites with pretty comprehensive course notes below. These can be helpful for conceptual review and step-by-step walkthroughs of Psychology problems. We recommend reading through them and then checking for understanding using the accompanying Albert topic.

AP® Psychology.com: This site features a mix of review topics, helpful exam-taking techniques, videos, links to further reading, and more! 

Mr. Duez’s AP® Psychology Page: This Texas-based teacher has created a student-centric site jam-packed with review information, videos, notes, handouts, and more. 

Summary: The Best AP® Psychology Review Guide of 2025

We’ve covered a lot in this review guide for the 2025 AP® Psychology exam. Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • AP® Psychology exam will cover topics in all Units 1-5.
  • Use Albert or a comparable practice tool to check your understanding of the key concepts that will appear on this year’s test.
  • Refer to the FRQs we’ve selected, as they represent some of the most frequently asked FRQs in recent years.

We hope you’ve found this AP® Psychology review guide helpful! Feel free to share with your friends and classmates.

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6 thoughts on “The Best AP® Psychology Review Guide for 2025”

  1. Thanks for creating and sharing this!
    I would love to have updated AP® Psychology FRQ practice questions that are more specifically re-designed to fit the online format, e.g. FRQ’s designed to be responded to in 25 minutes and 15 minutes. Will Albert be introducing new AP® Psychology practice FRQ’s specifically tailored to the online format, specifically the timed format of a 25-minute and 15-minute question?
    Anything that is more closely aligned to the experience my students will have on May 19th would be a blessing!
    All the best,
    Paul Hanrahan
    Johnsburg High School

    • Hi Paul, thanks for the message! Given the tight timelines and the lack of a released version of what a 25-minute FRQ looks like, we do not plan on introducing new FRQs specifically for the online format. We do intend to continue with this review guide effort in the next week filling out a few more of the commonly taken exams and our Success team will be fully there to support you. Thank you for your support.

  2. Hi Albert,
    Thank you so much for compiling this information and sharing it! I am so grateful to have you as a resource this school year. Someone recommended you on a web forum and I’m really happy I came upon your site!

  3. Thank you for such a helpful resource page! I’m self-studying for my AP® Psychology class and I really have to say, this reduced the amount of panic I began to fill about properly studying for this course.

    I’ll be subscribing to your AP® Psychology and AP® English prep pack!

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