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AP® Spanish Language

How to Study for AP® Spanish Language

How to Study for AP® Spanish Language

The AP® Spanish Language and Culture test is a tough mixture of linguistic aspects and how they play into the cultures of the different Spanish-speaking countries in the world. Looking at the sheer content of what you have to study might seem overwhelming or impossible, but if you take a look a little deeper, you will see that this isn’t the case.

How to Tackle AP® Spanish Language Informal Speaking

How to Tackle AP® Spanish Language Informal Speaking

Speaking in Spanish can be challenging, especially on the speaking portions of the AP® Spanish Language exam. However, speaking is, in fact, the best way to communicate in Spanish, and with a little practice you can master the art of Spanish conversation. Knowing many vocabulary words isn’t enough – we know you know your stuff! The key to speaking on the AP® exam is to keep calm and apply your skills; if you address the prompts, you will perform with flying colors.

How to Rock at AP® Spanish Language Interpersonal Writing

How to Rock at AP® Spanish Language Interpersonal Writing

Interpersonal writing sounds complicated, but it’s actually something we do all the time. All it means is that you’re communicating on paper with another person. On the AP® Spanish Language exam, the interpersonal writing section is a reply to an email (even though you won’t be typing).

The Ultimate AP® Spanish Language Grammar Review Guide

The Ultimate AP® Spanish Language Grammar Review Guide

So here’s the thing: the AP® Spanish Language exam won’t be asking you grammar questions specifically, but graders will be watching your every grammatical move. But have no fear; we have all the tips you need to review the basics, and even the trickiest concepts. These aren’t all the topics in the Spanish language, but they are the most common on the exam; with these tools in hand, you’ll be well on your way to a 5 in May.

Is AP® Spanish Language Hard?

Is AP® Spanish Language Hard?

The AP® Spanish Language and Culture test can be difficult. Learning a second language can be difficult in general, and being tested on five or more years of Spanish classes for them AP® Spanish Language exam doesn’t make things any easier. In addition to learning all the rules and grammar that come with the language, you have to put yourself in the culture to understand other slang words and nuances that can change by region. Spanish can be particularly daunting because it is spoken by nearly half a billion people all over the world.