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Apostrophes – Possessives: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

apostrophes - possessives

Apostrophes to show possession are used to create possessive nouns, which show ‘ownership’ or ‘possession’ of something. Using possessive nouns can help to simplify how we say something. Apostrophes to show possession are not used on pronouns.

In this post we’ll review what apostrophes used to show possession are, their function, and how to use them properly in a sentence.

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The Basics of Apostrophes to Show Possession

The Basics of Apostrophes to Show Possession

What is an Apostrophe?

An apostrophe (‘) is a punctuation mark most commonly used to show possession or to form a contraction. This post will focus on apostrophes used to show possession. You can learn more about contractions in our post about apostrophes used to form contractions. There are a few important rules to remember when using an apostrophe to show possession, but with a little practice, you’ll find that this punctuation mark can easily be mastered.

Let’s look at how it breaks down:

  • You have a brother, and your brother has a room.

You could say:

  • This room belongs to my brother.

But it is much easier to say:

  • This is my brother’s room.

In this sentence, we use an apostrophe to create a possessive noun. This shows your brother has ‘ownership’ of the room.

While there are some exceptions, let’s first review the three standard rules for using an apostrophe to create a possessive noun.

1) Add an apostrophe + s (‘s) to the end of the noun.

This is the most common use of the apostrophe to show possession:

The ball belongs to the dog.

  • The dog’s ball

The house belongs to my mom.

  • My mom’s house

The toy belongs to that child.

  • That child’s toy

2) Add only an apostrophe to the end of plural nouns ending with an ‘s’.

The house belongs to my parents.

  • My parents house.

The bathroom belongs to the girls.

  • The girls bathroom.

The project belongs to the students.

  • The students project.

3) Add an apostrophe + s (‘s) to the end of plural nouns that do not end with an ‘s’.

The homework belongs to the children.

  • The children’s homework

The voice belongs to the people.

  • The people’s voice.

The cheese belongs to the mice.

  • The mice’s cheese.

Additional Rules

Apostrophes Possessives

Things can get a bit confusing when the noun you are making possessive ends with an ‘s’. Different grammar authorities may approach this in different ways, but following the rules of the MLA style guide is the most common practice. Follow these guidelines for the following scenarios:

When the singular noun ending with an ‘s’ is the same as the plural form of the noun, only add an apostrophe.

Some words, like scissors or pants, are used as both the singular and plural form of the word. To make these words possessive, we only add an apostrophe to the end of the word.

  • The scissors’ cut was sharp.
  • The pants’ seam has been loosened.

When a singular proper noun ends with an ‘s’, add an apostrophe + s (‘s).

This question often comes up when using names that end with an ‘s’. While some grammar authorities state that both forms, adding only an apostrophe or adding an apostrophe + s, are acceptable, MLA rules say to add both the apostrophe and ‘s’.

The video game belongs to Lucas.

  • Lucas’s video game.

The flowers belong to Ms. Jones.

  • Ms. Jones’s flowers.

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3 Tips for Using Apostrophes

Tips for Using Apostrophes

Tip #1: If two nouns are equally showing possession, only use an apostrophe on the second noun.

It is not uncommon to apply ownership to more than one noun. In these cases, it is only necessary to make the last noun possessive.

The wedding belongs to John and Jane.

  • John and Jane’s wedding.

The club belongs to the boys and girls.

  • The boys and girls’ club.

Tip #2: If two nouns are showing separate ownership, use an apostrophe on both nouns.

At times, we might need to show nouns possessing something separately, such as studies conducted by two separate individuals. In these cases, it is necessary to make the possessive form of both nouns.

The writings belong to Shakespeare and Chaucer.

  • Shakespeare’s and Chaucer’s writings.

The lunches belong to Lucy and Logan.

  • Lucy’s and Logan’s lunches.

Tip #3: When using a hyphenated noun, only make the final word of the hyphenated noun possessive.

Words such as mother-in-law or ten-year-old are compound nouns that use hyphens to connect two or more words. When making the possessive form of these words, only the last word is made possessive to create a possessive noun.

The recipe belongs to my mother-in-law.

  • My mother-in-law’s recipe.

The birthday belongs to the ten-year-old.

  • The ten-year-old’s birthday.

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Applying the Basics: Apostrophes to Show Possession Review & Practice

Now that you understand what apostrophes to show possession are, and how to use them properly in a sentence, let’s practice identifying them and checking for proper usage. Remember, apostrophes to show possession are used to create possessive nouns, which show ‘ownership’ or ‘possession’ of something.

Apostrophes to Show Possession Exercises & Review

Complete the quick exercise below to assess your mastery of apostrophes to show possession.

In the sentences below, select the option that accurately uses an apostrophe to show possession.

1. That (games’/game’s) instructions are missing.

  • game’s

2. The (students’/student’s) lockers were cleaned out before break.

  • students’

3. I’m going to (Sam’s and Sarah’s/ Sam and Sarah’s) house-warming party this weekend.

  • Sam and Sarah’s

4. My (glasses’/glasses’s) lens cracked after falling on the ground.

  • glasses’

5. Your (brother’s-in-law/brother-in-law’s) new house is just down the road.

  • brother-in-law’s

For additional practice, check out the Apostrophes to Show Possession content on Albert.

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Try for Yourself: Apostrophes to Show Possession Quiz

Feeling confident in your understanding of apostrophes to show possession?

Take this short quiz to see what you’ve learned:

1. Are the rules for using an apostrophe to show possession the same for pronouns as they are for regular nouns?

  • Answer: No
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! Apostrophes to show possession are only used with regular nouns. Pronouns do not use apostrophes to show possession.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Pronouns do not use apostrophes to show possession. Apostrophes to show possession are only used with regular nouns.

2. Does using an apostrophe to show possession always require adding an ‘s’ after the apostrophe?

  • Answer: No
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! Apostrophes to show possession can be shown by adding an apostrophe + ‘s’ (‘s) or just an apostrophe to the end of the noun. Rules vary depending on the type of noun (singular, plural, proper) and whether or not the noun already ends with an ‘s’.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Rules vary depending on the type of noun (singular, plural, proper) and whether or not the noun already ends with an ‘s’. Apostrophes to show possession can be shown by adding an apostrophe + ‘s’ (‘s) or just an apostrophe to the end of the noun.

3. Does the following sentence show an accurate use of an apostrophe to show possession?

I enjoy Spielberg’s and Lucas’s movie making styles.

  • Answer: Yes
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right!  If two nouns are showing separate ownership, an apostrophe to show possession is used on both nouns. In this case, Spielberg and Lucas each make their own movies, so both director’s names have an apostrophe to show possession added to it.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. If two nouns are showing separate ownership, an apostrophe to show possession is used on both nouns. In this case, Spielberg and Lucas each make their own movies, so both director’s names have an apostrophe to show possession added to it.

4. Does the following sentence show an accurate use of an apostrophe to show possession?

Based on the leftovers’ appearance, it has been at the back of the fridge for way too long.

  • Answer: Yes
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! When a singular noun ending in ‘s’ is the same as the plural form of the noun, only the apostrophe to show possession is added to the end of the noun.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. When a singular noun ending in ‘s’ is the same as the plural form of the noun, only the apostrophe to show possession is added to the end of the noun.

5. Which of the following two sentences accurately uses an apostrophe to show possession?

A. My student’s backpacks were much lighter without all of those heavy textbooks.

B. My students’ backpacks were much lighter without all of those heavy textbooks.

  • Answer: B
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! Plural nouns ending with an ‘s’ only add the apostrophe to show possession. In this example, we know that ‘students’ is plural because the word ‘backpacks’ is plural, indicating more than one student is being discussed.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Plural nouns ending with an ‘s’ only add the apostrophe to show possession. In this example, we know that ‘students’ is plural because the word ‘backpacks’ is plural, indicating more than one student is being discussed.

6. Which of the following sentences accurately uses an apostrophe to show possession?

A. The eleven-year-old’s hoverboard was the highlight of his birthday party.

B. The eleven-year-olds’ hoverboard was the highlight of his birthday party.

  • Answer: A
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! While this is a hyphenated compound noun being made possessive, the rule for an apostrophe to show possession is based on the noun being singular. The eleven-year-old is a singular compound noun, so an apostrophe + ‘s’ (‘s) is added to make this a possessive noun.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. While this is a hyphenated compound noun being made possessive, the rule for an apostrophe to show possession is based on the noun being singular. The eleven-year-old is a singular compound noun, so an apostrophe + ‘s’ (‘s) is added to make this a possessive noun.

For additional practice with apostrophes to show possession, check out our practice on Albert.io: Apostrophes to Show Possession.

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Teacher’s Corner for Apostrophes – Possessives

While it’s true that apostrophes to show possession are a foundational grammar skill, the Common Core English Language Progressive Skills Chart shows that even elementary-level skills “require continued attention in higher grades as they are applied to increasingly sophisticated writing and speaking.” 

For specific standards addressing apostrophes to show possession, check out the Common Core State Standards site! 

Albert’s Apostrophes to Show Possession practice can be used for much more than homework! 

Our assessments can be used as pre-and post-tests to measure student progress. Our pre-made quizzes can be used as bell-ringers, exit tickets, and more! 

In addition to our pre-made assessments, you can also use our assignments feature to create your own quizzes and assessments.

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Summary on Apostrophes to Show Possession

Apostrophes to show possession are used to create possessive nouns, which show ‘ownership’ or ‘possession’ of something.

We use apostrophes to show possession by adding either the apostrophe + ‘s’ (‘s) or just an apostrophe to the end of the noun showing possession. It is important to understand the rules that determine the appropriate placement of an apostrophe to show possession.

Practice makes perfect! Use our Apostrophes to Show Possession practice on Albert’s grammar course!

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