Back to School Resources
The Best Back to School Resources Hub for Distance Learning
A collection of free back to school resources to help educators navigate distance learning. Here you'll find 100% free resources that will help you navigate all the trending topics of the back to school season.
How-to Remote Learning Resources
In these back to school resources, we provide guidance on important topics such as how to create a high school distance learning plan, how to self-care when teaching remotely, and how to conduct virtual parent-teacher conferences. You'll walk away with actionable strategies you can start using today, including potentially a few new platforms you've never heard of that will significantly help your transition to distance learning!
Ultimate Guides for Teachers Teaching Remotely
In these extensive teacher resources, we provide comprehensive checklists for back to school season, effective tips for teachers teaching remotely, walk throughs of how to build distance learning schedules, and cover different strategies for teaching online.
Helpful Educational Tools and Websites for Teachers
In these two posts, we cover every imaginable aspect of tooling that teachers may need to support distance learning. In our list of 75 Educational Websites for Teachers, we provide helpful sites for lesson planning, promoting SEL in your virtual classroom and more. In our 100+ Distance Learning Tools post, we provide detailed breakdowns of different sorts of online tools you may find helpful to effective distance learning.
Need help measuring student growth?
Albert has hundreds of thousands of standards-aligned practice questions you may find helpful to seeing how your students are growing. Each question features a detailed explanation ideal for general skills review, analysis of the specific question, and illustrations to make the concepts come to life. Questions are all aligned to the Common Core, Regents, TEKS, SAT®, ACT, and AP® standards.