Quest Scholarship College Essay Example - QuestBridge Program

Quest Scholarship College Essay Example – QuestBridge Program

This is a college essay submitted by a student who now attends Northwestern University. This student is a Quest Scholar at Northwestern. The student was awarded with a full-ride scholarship. As you read this Quest Scholarship college essay example, think about your own personal experiences and what you could write about if you are eligible for the scholarship. You can learn more about the Quest Scholarship here.

Why Northwestern College Essay Example 1 - Northwestern Supplement

Why Northwestern College Essay Example 1 – Northwestern Supplement

This is a college essay submitted by a student who graduated from Northwestern University. Hopefully from reading this essay, you will be able to gain a better idea of what Northwestern University is looking for when answering the question, “Why Northwestern”. As you read this Why Northwestern college essay example, think about what you know about the school that really makes it resonate with you.

Prompt: What are the unique qualities of Northwestern — and of the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying — that make you want to attend the University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified?

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said, “Knowing is not enough; we must apply!” As potent as knowledge is, it is useless by itself. Only when we use the power that knowledge grants us can we surpass our own limits and achieve the extraordinary. For as long as I can remember, I have always been a doer. When I was four years old, I constructed a bridge made of pillows (and actually tried to cross it). Even though I was pretty bruised up after that incident, I never gave up that desire to apply what I knew. By the time I was thirteen, I had built my own computer with no instructions at all. Today, I am programming a momentum indicator for stocks. I believe innovation is the pinnacle of human imagination, and for that reason, I want to major in Computer Engineering at the McCormick School of Engineering.

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Why Northwestern College Essay Example 4 - Northwestern Supplement

Why Northwestern College Essay Example 4 – Northwestern Supplement

This is a college essay of how to answer the question, “Why Northwestern?”. Hopefully from reading this essay, you will be able to gain a better idea of what Northwestern is looking for. As you read this Why Northwestern college essay example, think about what you know about the school that really makes it resonate with you. In this student’s case, it was the McCormick School of Engineering.

Common Application Essay Example – Personal Story

Common Application Essay Example – Personal Story

This is a college essay for the personal statement component of the Common App. Hopefully from reading this essay, you will be able to gain a better idea of what to write about for your Common Application essay.

Early Action vs. Early Decision: What to Do

Early Action vs. Early Decision: What to Do

Everybody knows that you also have to apply to college during your senior year of high school. This is because most schools don’t take applications from juniors or below, but if you wait until after graduation, it is usually too late. So after you have picked out your favorite schools, when exactly are you supposed to send in your applications?

What are the Ivy League Schools?

What are the Ivy League Schools?

Ah, the Ivy League: the crème de la crème of American higher education. It’s where the best and brightest high school seniors aspire to spend the next four years, where ambitious graduate students scramble to make important connections, and where innovative professors carry out world-changing research.

What is Early Decision for College Applications

What is Early Decision for College Applications

Do you feel completely overwhelmed by the homework for your AP® classes, studying for the ACT®, running your school’s student government association, working part-time, and finding a cure for cancer? At least that’s what it feels like you are doing.

Does the prospect of adding completing college applications to your list of things to do make you feel sick? If it does, you are certainly not alone. Because of their super busy schedules, it is becoming increasingly common for high school seniors to completely finish their college applications during the summer, instead of waiting until the fall. This way, they have a lot less on their plate at any given time during the school year and can greatly reduce their stress.

What is Early Action for College Applications?

What is Early Action for College Applications?

Applying to college can be stressful, especially when you are also trying to manage your AP® homework, extracurricular activities, and after school job at the same time. Because of this, it is becoming increasingly popular for students to begin preparing their college applications during the summer before their senior year.