Why UPenn College Essay Example 1 - Penn Supplement

Why UPenn College Essay Example 1 – Penn Supplement

College essays are hard to write, especially when they’re for competitive Ivy League colleges like the University of Pennsylvania.

Here’s the deal: College essay are 100 times easier to write when you have examples of what is both good and bad.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to approach the question, “Why Penn?” in your application. We’ll walk you through exactly what makes this admissions essay effective and what could have been better.

Why Northwestern College Essay Example 5 - Northwestern Supplement

Why Northwestern College Essay Example 5 – Northwestern Supplement

This is a college essay of how to answer the question, “Why Northwestern?”. Hopefully from reading this essay, you will be able to gain a better idea of what Northwesternis looking for. As you read this Why Northwestern college essay example, think about what you know about the school that really makes it resonate with you. In this student’s case, it was the Bienen School of Music.