Time, for teachers, is a precious thing. We know that the day in, day out grind of managing a classroom often feels like a busy and, at times, chaotic undertaking. From planning compelling lessons and providing constructive feedback to forging meaningful relationships with students and dealing with paperwork, teaching is a profession which swallows time whole. Predictably, it can be difficult finding time to scour the internet and discover new ideas.
But educational websites for teachers can not only save you time but inspire. We’ve combed through the expansive online catalog of teacher resources and compiled our favorites into the definitive list of online educational websites. We’ve even organized the sources by classroom needs. You’ll find the best online resources for both teachers and students within this comprehensive list!
What We Review
How to Use This Comprehensive List of Educational Websites for Teachers:
We’ve arranged our favorite online educational websites into 11 different categories that cover everything from lesson planning to teacher-focused YouTube channels. Each section contains a handful of links to online resources equipped with our reasons for why we think they’re great, who would benefit from them, and each resources’ targeted grade level.
To hone in on your favorite links from our list, we recommend that you either create a new Google Doc and copy/paste some of your favorite links, or that you jot down some favorites with pen and paper. Trust us, these resources will not only save you tons of time but make your instruction more efficient.
The Best Educational Websites for Lesson Plans

1. BetterLesson: Website offering lesson plans, professional development, and instructional strategies for core-subject teachers from lower elementary to high school. Their database offers literally thousands of unique and compelling lesson plans, instructional strategies, and modules on developing leadership, student engagement, and classroom learning. This is an essential online educational source.
2. Library of Congress: A detailed and comprehensive collection of lesson plans involving all things Social Studies with a particular strength in American History. Contains engaging lesson plans on a diverse range of subjects as Baseball and Race to The Huexotzinco Codex. Perfect for Social Studies and History teachers from grades 6-12.
3. NASA STEM Engagement: Massive catalog of high-interest and engaging STEM lesson plans with free teacher resources, printables, and step-by-step procedural instructions. Tons of compelling video content and interactive activities too. NASA STEM Engagement would benefit any teacher looking for creative and exciting lesson plans for K-12 students.

4. The New York Times Learning Network: Topical lesson plans for the four core subjects with a particular strength in English and Social Studies. NYT is a great resource for those looking to interweave curriculum into current events. Since the Times is a fairly sophisticated source, it works best for teachers working with 8-12-level students.
5. PBS Learning Media: Comprehensive catalog of genuinely fun and engaging lesson plans for Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Engineering and Technology, and Health. Offers material for PreK all the way through high school. A perfect source for all teachers looking for new lesson plan ideas.
6. ReadWriteThink: Massive bank of online teacher resources filled with tons of lesson plans organized by subject, learning objective, grade level, and theme. Perfect for any teacher looking for developed, clear, and well-organized lesson plans, from Kindergarten to 12th grade. English teachers will find this site particularly useful as it holds more than 500 different resources on fiction and literature!

7. Teachnology: Large database of no-nonsense, unfussy lesson plans involving all core subjects for grades K-12, with a particular strength in Math thanks to its immense collection of lesson plans from primary to high school math. Perfect for new teachers looking for basic lessons and seasoned veterans alike!
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The Best Educational Websites for Assessments

1. Albert: We’re a practice and assessment platform after all, so we’ve got tons of great tools and resources that can be utilized by any teacher looking to strengthen the methods and forms of their assessments. Each of our AP® modules contains practice assessments that can be used as models, and we also offer practice for various state assessments. We’re a great resource for teachers of all 6-12 subjects!

2. Edpuzzle: Video-based platform which allows teachers to upload or choose their own video from YouTube and have students respond accordingly. Teachers can build quizzes or tests around the video and receive immediate results. Edpuzzle also reinforces student accountability by allowing teachers to check if students are watching the videos, how many times they’ve watched each section, and if they’re understanding the content. Perfect for distant-learning or 6-12 teachers looking to add more visual media into their lessons.
3. Google Forms: This one is sort of a no-brainer. Google Forms, like many of the Google apps, is simple, straightforward, and efficient. It provides an easy and direct way to build surveys and quizzes, and the interface is easy to use. Results come immediately in organized reports. An essential assessment tool. And it’s 100% free, too.

4. Kaizena: An online assessment tool which allows teachers to provide students with immediate or real-time feedback for Google documents, PDF’s, or other uploaded work. Teachers can upload their own rubrics or other resources as well, making for an interactive, more discussion-based assessment. Perfect for 6-12 teachers looking to forge more meaningful relationships with students through feedback.
5. Socrative: An easy-to-use quiz app which offers a super efficient way to monitor and evaluate learning while saving time for educators. You can create multiple choice, true/false, or short answer questions, and Socrative also provides reports on results and student experience. It’s perfect for any 6-12 teacher looking to enhance their assessments.
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The Best Educational Websites for Teachers to Use in the Classroom

1. Albert: Not only do we offer tons of opportunities to develop and strengthen distance learning, but we also provide valuable tools that can be utilized inside the classroom. Our assessments, study questions, and courses can be projected onto a white board for classwide engagement. We’re a great resource for those looking for practice content filled with detailed explanations, scaffolded learning, and critical rigor.

2. ClassDojo: Free site that offers many features and platforms to document, manage, and improve student behavior and learning. Contains messaging apps that can be linked to students and families alike, incentivized learning opportunities, and much, much more. Perfect for 6-12 teachers needing a tool to strengthen classroom management and class engagement.
3. GoNoodle: An excellent resource for K-8 teachers, this site offers videos and content perfect for quick brain breaks and mini-lessons. The videos emphasize physical activity and total student engagement while still being educational and content-driven. GoNoodle is a perfect way to let younger students release some energy while still remaining in the academic mindset. Their YouTube channel also contains tons of content.
4. Kahoot: Classic interactive and fun quiz-style game that students most always enjoy. You can create your own assessment, design your own questions, and receive immediate feedback using Kahoot. A teacher classic, and rightfully so. Great for in-person education and distance learning alike but it’s particularly fun in the classroom. Kahoot is a must-have for all 6-12 students.

5. The Nerdwriter YouTube Channel: YouTube channel offering tons of academic-inspired videos on current events, pop culture, economics, politics, history, literature, art, mathematics, and more. While most of its content is fairly accessible, The Nerdwriter often digs into pretty complex topics so we recommend this channel for 9-12 students. The videos can serve as excellent primers to get students to begin thinking about a new unit or to introduce a complex idea or topic through a high-interest, pop-cultural context.
6. Quizlet: Classic flash-card and quiz-based website that operates as an excellent tool for individual or class-wide test reviews, informal assessments, or quick checks for understanding. Either create your own quizlet or choose one from the massive catalog of pre-existing reviews. Quizlet is perfect for 6-12 educators looking for more online resources to help students comprehend difficult concepts and develop academic vocabulary.
7. Random Name Picker: A fun and engaging name randomizer that’s perfect for informally assessing the class or quickly checking for understanding. Students enjoy the thrill of the spinning wheel, and it works perfectly for test or unit reviews. Randomization is a standard component of instruction at large, so Random Name Picker works well across all subjects and all grade levels.

8. ReadTheory: Database with hundreds of reading passages, exercises, and worksheets designed to captivate students and develop critical reading skills and comprehension. It’s easy to use and highly adaptive, perfect for both in-person education and distance learning. ReadTheory offers material for K-12 students, so we recommend this online resource to any teacher looking to develop their students’ reading skills.
9. TedEd: Site filled with hundreds of TedEd animations and TED Talks. Strategically designed to spark the curiosity of students, these videos and animations are not only highly engaging but educational and informative. TedEd also allows you to create customized lessons for your students, add interactive questions, create discussion topics, and more. Teachers can share the lessons with your students online and track the results. Perfect for 6-12 teachers looking to add more visual media to their instruction.
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The Best Educational Websites for Teachers to Use Outside the Classroom

1. Albert: We’re a great tool for strengthening assessments and engaging a classroom full of students, but we can also be utilized as a distance learning resource. We offer over 100,000 original practice items, assessments, and writing prompts which can work perfectly as online homework or distance assignments. Our 121 Tools for Distance Learning & Strategies for Student Engagement page is a great place to start!

2. Edmodo: This online educational network allows teachers to share coursework and materials, send messages, provide feedback, and make learning accessible to all students. Edmodo’s interface is easy to use and looks similar to Facebook and other social media platforms, so students seem to use it with ease. Perfect for 6-12 distant learning.
3. Freckle: This differentiation platform allows teachers to engage each student at their own individual level, without having to spend extra time preparing many different lessons for each individual learner. Every lesson is available in different levels, so each student can learn and understand the material at their own level. Perfect resource for 6-12 teachers facing the difficulty of reaching all students.
4. Google Classroom Question Tool: Another essential online resource. Google Classroom is really a teacher’s best friend, and its “Create a Question” feature allows teachers to pose class-wide questions, track the number of students who’ve responded on the stream page, and provide feedback. Google Classroom and all of its features are essential for teachers of any subject across 6-12 grade levels.
5. Khan Academy: A personalized learning resource for all ages, Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empowers students to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Above all, Khan Academy focuses on skill mastery and building strong foundations within the K-14 grade levels. They even offer standardized test prep!

6. Scrible: This resource offers a digital platform where students can share resources, notes, work, projects, and more with each other. Teachers can facilitate discussion, add feedback, and monitor student progress. This is a fantastic tool for 6-12 teachers looking to strengthen students’ collaborative and research skills.
7. Trello: This online organizer allows teachers to work more collaboratively with students and offers a list of boards, lists, and cards which can make the workday easier and more efficient. With its built-in workflow automation, Trello seriously boosts productivity. Perfect for 8-12 teachers looking to strengthen their organization.
8. WordPress: Well-established blog creation site that can be utilized by teachers looking to create online pages, blogs, or content databases. Perfect for 6-12 teachers searching for exciting ways to engage the class, create pages for new units, disseminate information, or share material with students. Its simple interface makes it easy to use as well, so you won’t spend hours creating a blog.
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The Best Educational Websites for General Teacher Resources

1. Bamboozle: Massive databank of various online games and activities perfect for elementary and middle school students. Some of them are sillier than others, but many are educational and fun. A good resource for teachers looking to reward their students with some less strenuous but still relevant activity.
2. BouncyBalls: A fun and easy way to manage the noise level in your class during group work or collaborative activities. The site captures the noise level of a classroom through your computer’s microphone and measures the level with a representation of bouncy balls which jump high when it’s too loud. It visually shows students when they’re being too loud so you don’t have to constantly remind them. An excellent and fun tool for any teacher in need of some new ideas involving classroom management.
3. Classting: Media app designed to draw families into the daily classroom and generate more open lines of communication between educators, students, and parents. Classting is flexible and simple, and perfect for increasing student accountability and strengthening parental involvement. All teachers grades K-12 can benefit from this tool.

4. FreshGrade: This app encompasses pretty much everything. Teachers can create lesson plans, share materials, communicate and engage with parents, and even create gradebooks. Additionally, students can create portfolios, take assessments, and reach out to their teachers. It really does it all, and its simple interface makes distant learning or online education super easy. Perfect for teachers of all subjects across grades 6-12.
5. National Gallery of Art: Great online resource and lesson catalog for art teachers or teachers looking to incorporate more art, visual images, or other artistic media into their instruction. They offer lesson plans and instructional design for Kindergarten all the way through the university level, so the Gallery proves beneficial to any teacher. A little art goes a long way!
6. Remind: A must-have communication platform that allows teachers to remind students of due dates, certain activities, or important news. Its emphasis on two-way communication makes for straightforward dissemination of updates and important information, and it can also be used to reach out to students’ parents. This is a great tool for 6-12 teachers looking to increase student accountability.

7. Seesaw: Online portfolio for students to submit images, videos, documents and more. Both students and teachers can use digital annotation tools to mark up their work, ask questions, and give feedback, a feature which makes Seesaw wonderfully collaborative and effective. It can also be used to connect with students’ families and showcase your students’ work. Perfect educational website for middle and high school students, along with their 6-12 teachers.
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The Best Educational Websites for Social Emotional Learning

1. CASEL: This organization practically leads the way in all things SEL, offering tons of research, methods of practice, and literal policy that can be used by educators to make their classrooms more equitable and interactions among students more amicable. Their teacher resource page is a checklist of further reading and research on SEL that offers great insight into the importance of SEL. Essential site for all teachers of all subjects.
2. Centervention: Another massive databank of SEL activities and worksheets. These materials would nicely complement those found in Pathway2Success as they encourage collaboration and group activities which would enhance the more singular activities offered by P2S. These activities would work best for K-8 too.

3. Common Sense Education: Website filled with tons of material for teachers including modules, workshops, and lessons on social emotional learning. The site offers material on empathy, compassion, integrity, self-control, humility, gratitude, teamwork, and much, much more. Many of Common Sense’s features include links to current events, worksheets, and videos relevant to SEL, which makes the site super useful for teachers trying to merge their content with SEL. Common Sense Ed works for teachers of all subjects across all grade levels.
4. Edutopia: A stalwart figure of innovative and online educational resources, Edutopia not only offers innumerable lesson plans and professional development workshops but also material on social emotional learning. Many of their SEL modules are work-driven, so it is easy for teachers to blend academic content with social and emotional skill development. This site is chock-full of videos, articles, and activities involving SEL.

5. Pathway2Success: Large databank of SEL activities and worksheets. The best thing about this site is the huge stockpile of free printable materials that can be used for quick daily grades or comprehension activities. The activities are fairly simple so we recommend Pathway2Success for K-8 students as they’re a great place for free teaching resources.
6. SuperBetter: This app turns daily routine and habit into video game objectives, making for a fun and engaging way to better your character and defeat bad habits. It morphs healthy actions like exercise, taking a walk, etc. into “power-ups” and unhealthy practices and emotional challenges as “bad guys” and “quests” to take. SuperBetter is self-regulated, so students remain in control of their own personal habits. Since it is mostly a phone app, we recommend SuperBetter to older students (7-12) with cell phones. By the way, check out our free teaching strategy discovery tool.
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The Best Educational Writing and Grammar Websites for Teachers

1. Albert’s 100% Free Grammar Course: Our 100% free grammar course offers hundreds of questions, exercises, and reviews on all things grammar. We begin by reviewing parts of speech and the complexities of the individual word before moving into review sentence construction, clauses and phrases, punctuation, and more. Our modules are interactive and engaging, and they also provide feedback. This course is perfect for all 5-12 teachers across all subjects, but particularly useful for English or ESL teachers.

2. BrainPop Grammar: Fun site filled with interactive games, activities, videos, and mini-courses on grammar, writing, and vocabulary. The games and modules are engaging but informative and solution-driven. BrainPop also includes quizzes and constructive feedback features that render the games entirely educational. A great site for teachers looking to give K-9 students a light break.
3. Daily Grammar: A fun, convenient way to learn and develop grammar skills. This site contains an online spiral workbook featuring over 400 lessons and more than 80 quizzes. Each lesson is grouped into certain categories involving speech, sentence structure, mechanics, and more. Easy to use online writing resource that’s perfect for 5-12 English teachers.
4. Duolingo: Not entirely about English grammar per se, but an excellent tool to develop foreign language skills. The site/mobile app offers over 30 different languages to study, and it hones your skills through quick, engaging, and surprisingly addicting interactive activities. Constantly rated among the best foreign language online resources, Duolingo is perfect for foreign language teachers looking to engage their students with technology.

5. The Elements of Style Online PDF: William Strunk and E.B. White’s grammar and style guide, simply put, is the holy grail of all writing manuals. It’s a stone-cold classic which consistently stands the test of time, and for good reason. Strunk and White are comprehensive, accessible, and informative where other grammarists are pedantic and too arcane. This would be a perfect resource for high school English teachers, and perhaps AP® teachers in specific, as it is the classic grammar and style reference guide.
6. Grammarly Blog: Grammarly is an AI-powered grammar tool used by many companies and schools, and their online blog proves as strong as their main product. It contains tons of material and tips on a diverse range of grammar-related topics such as passive voice, sentence fragments, comma placements, hyphenation, and more. With its simple interface and casual tone, Grammarly Blog would make for an excellent online resource for 6-12 teachers looking to strengthen student grammar.
7. Oxford Practice Grammar: Oxford’s very own online grammar practice. The university provides reviews and activities at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, so as to scaffold and track progress. Each component contains practice exercises, read and write modules, and full-blown tests. Oxford is one of the most prestigious schools in the world, so it’s safe to assume that their grammar practice is top-notch. This resource is perfect for newbies and experts alike, and would benefit all teachers looking to develop students’ writing skills.

8. Purdue OWL: Purdue University’s online writing lab. This is THE classic site for all things grammar, writing, citation, and formatting. You’re probably already familiar with this page.
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The Best Educational News Sites for Teachers

1. The Atlantic Education: A key player in contemporary journalism, The Atlantic also offers a whole mini-publication on all things education. They cover policy, new methodology, controversies, current events, and more. They also explore news within higher education, a world which indeed proves useful to secondary teachers as many educational trends and innovative methods seem to trickle down from the university to the high school.
2. Chalkbeat: A non-profit news organization committed to reporting on education issues rooted in local American communities. Their mission is to “inform the decisions and actions that lead to better outcomes for children and families by providing deep, local coverage of education policy and practice,” and their reporting certainly upholds this objective. While they do cover national educational news, they also focus on local education stories in Chicago, Colorado, Detroit, Indiana, New York, Newark, and Tennessee.
3. Education Dive: Reputable publication providing in-depth journalism and insight into the most impactful news and trends shaping K-12 and higher education. Their newsletters, articles, and think pieces cover topics such as policy, blended learning, classroom tech, learning management and more. A leading figure in education news, Ed Dive is a perfect resource for all teachers.

4. Education Week: A reliable and unbiased news source dedicated to generating innovative research, compelling articles, and general information about the ever-changing world of education. They offer a mix of opinion-based thinkpieces, reviews of academic articles, interviews, case studies, and much, much more. A great site.
5. Faculty Focus: This e-newsletter is perfect for any teacher looking to get a daily dose of educational news. They provide content on academic leadership, the philosophy of teaching, faculty development, online education, and more. The newsletter feature is a nice way to consistently stay on top of the status quo, too.
6. National Educational Association: One of the best sources out there for information on the public sector of education. From coverage on policy to critical think-pieces, NEA covers it all. Their articles are supported by academic research, case studies, policy, and more, rendering the publication one of the most reliable and reputable out there. This is an essential source for public school teachers.

7. The Pie News: Publication dedicated to international news on education. They offer articles on current events, innovative classroom strategies, reform, policy, technology, and much, much more. The Pie’s global sweep is perfect for teachers looking to learn more about education throughout the world rather than just on the national level.
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The Best Educational Blogs for Teachers

1. Connected Principals: Blog run by and for school administrators. It offers hundreds of posts about educational policy, leadership, teacher-admin relationships, equity, and more. Even if you’re a teacher and not an administrator, this site proves useful with its amazing educational tips and its insight into what makes a good educator successful. This is essential for anyone working in education.
2. Cool Cat Teaching Blog: Award-winning teaching blog run by Vicki Davis, a seasoned teacher who’s taught K-8 and regularly coaches K-12 teachers on utilizing innovative pedagogical strategies and integrating technology in their classrooms. Davis writes about the complexities of excellent teaching and discusses various methods designed to reach every child. Her posts regularly focus on teaching, technology, leadership, productivity, and writing. A great resource for all teachers of all grade levels.

3. Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day: Helmed by venerated English, Social Studies, and ELL teacher/all-around education all-star Larry Ferlazzo, this blog covers a diverse range of education-related topics including policy, technology, equity, instructional design, and more. Ferlazzo also often shares his own experiences and successes and trials with his own pedagogy. A great resource for teachers looking to deepen their understanding of the complex and often chaotic world of education.
4. NYC Educator: A funny and often acerbic blog with over 3,000 posts featuring current events, commentary on all things education, and entertaining satires of education policy makers. Described as the “the Daily Show of education blogs” by Edutopia, this page blends parody, critical insight, and retro iconography into a truly unique and compelling melange of education commentary. Perfectly interesting for all educators across all grade levels and subjects.

5. Successful Teaching: Straightforward and relatable blog dedicated to sharing tips for instructional design, classroom management, saving money as a teacher, and more. Patricia Hensley, the teacher behind the blog, writes with clarity and warmth, and her posts often feel like your personal favorite teacher writing directly to you. Informative and useful for all teachers across all subjects.
6. TweenTeacher: Though technically geared toward middle school, this blog features tons of great information on pedagogy, instructional design, classroom management, technology, and more. Heather Wolpert-Gawron, the blog’s creator and main contributor, also shares anecdotes and personal experiences from her teaching experience which can be extremely helpful and comforting to read, especially during those moments when the profession seems too much.
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The Best Education Policy Sites for Teachers to Follow

1. Ballotpedia: This site provides a comprehensive history of educational policy from the colonial era through today, covering essential developments, legislation, and the role of the federal government in shaping education. If you’re totally new to educational policy this may be a great place to start.
2. The Hechinger Report: Run by a group of experienced and esteemed teachers, administrators, and policymakers, this site covers inequality, innovation, and the policy surrounding education with data-driven clarity and sharp insight. It sets out to explain how education policy is one of the biggest issues of our time, and how it affects young people today. Essential for teachers looking to get involved in educational reform.

3. Learning Policy Institute: Institute which conducts and communicates independent, high-quality research to improve education policy and practice. They work with policymakers, researchers, educators, community groups, and others to advance evidence-based policies that support empowering and equitable learning for each and every child. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, the Institute connects policymakers and stakeholders at the local, state, and federal levels with the evidence, ideas, and actions needed to strengthen the education system from preschool through college. Perhaps the best place to begin getting involved in education policy.
4. Rand Corporation: Research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges in order to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. One of their biggest areas of study is, of course, education, and their research and analysis often addresses issues that impact assessment, accountability, choice-based and standards-based reform, school leadership, teacher effectiveness, technology, and vocational training. Rand also explores general life skills, such as media, health, extracurricular activity, and financial literacy.

5. Urban Institute Center on Data Education and Policy: This trusted source for unbiased, authoritative reporting offers data- and research-driven commentary involving reform, theory, the state of education, and the complex world of education policy at large. They are a nonprofit research organization dedicated to supporting change based on facts rather than ideology, and their content always hits the mark.
6. US News Education Policy: Well-established media powerhouse offers their own section on education policy, featuring articles on legislation, finance, technology, and more. US News is consistently reputable and reliable, and their Ed policy section proves no different.
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The Best Teacher YouTubers to Follow

1. Bond With James: Top-notch educator with experience as a teacher, district level instructional specialist, and campus administrator who creates weekly vlogs to share tips, experiences, and more. His channel is dedicated to helping teachers develop their skills in areas such as classroom management, engagement techniques, instructional coaching, delivering professional development, and more! His interview tips video is particularly helpful for those looking to become teachers.
2. The Caffeinated Classroom: Helmed by seasoned high school English teacher Marie Morris, this blog is a place for educators to explore resources and be inspired. Morris often shares innovative and creative practices developed over a decade of teaching in various classrooms. From classroom management to models of seating to creating effective assessments, Morris covers it all. Perfect for new teachers looking where to begin or classroom veterans searching for new ideas and inspiration.

3. Darin Nakakihara: Teacher vlog about creator Darin Nakakihara’s adventures as a 4th grade teacher, a husband, and a father. His content includes videos involving technology how-to’s, professional development, classroom management, and more. He also includes personal content that covers his hobbies and interests such as DJing, basketball, and more. Fun and engaging. Perfect vlog for teachers looking for entertaining yet informative video content.
4. Five Foot One Teacher: Created by Brittany Sinitch, a survivor of the Parkland, Florida school shooting, this blog fosters hope and change through social media and weekly vlogs. After her world was turned upside down in February 2018, Sinitch decided to focus on inspiring and educating through teacher vlogs and activism. Her videos not only address the complexities and difficulties of teaching but the challenges of navigating life in the 21st century. Think of it as self-care meets teaching experience/tips. Though she left teaching in 2018, Sinitch has recently announced a return. This is a great vlog for teacher content and motivating, inspirational material alike.

5. My Life as Kim: Started by a high school science teacher in Idaho known as “Kim,” this blog is fun, easy-going, and super informative. Kim covers a diverse range of topics such as productivity, distance learning, and even what she prepares for lunch. From personal anecdotes and experiences to educational tips and tricks, My Life as Kim covers it all. A great online resource for teachers of all subjects and grease levels.
6. Real Rap with Reynolds: With over 40k subscribers, Real Rap with Reynolds is one of the best teacher vlogs currently on YouTube. The vlogger, CJ Reynolds, is a literature teacher in West Philadelphia who creates video content about all things education. His videos include discussion on topics like first year teaching, Shakespeare, the history of hip-hop, classroom management, and more. He’s opinionated and well-spoken, and his taste for literature is perfect for any English teacher working in grades 6-12.
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What Makes a Good Educational Website for Teachers? 5 Signs of Quality

1. Research- or experience-based content. Perhaps the number one sign of quality within online educational websites is the presence of either scholarly research or professional, direct experience. Avoid sites that were not designed by academics, administrators, educational organizations, publications, or, of course, teachers themselves. After all, the people who know the most about a given profession are always those that work within it.
2. Variety. As you probably already know, teaching is such a complex and challenging line of work, so the best way to approach it is by engaging with a diverse range of perspectives. Sites that profess to have the way are probably a no-go. Look for websites and online resources that offer a wide and broad variety of advice, experience, and knowledge to enrich your own perspective.
3. Concrete examples. Do you remember that old creative writing proverb, “show, don’t tell”? Well the same goes for educational websites. Look for sites that contain concrete examples of lesson plans, assessments, class-wide discussion questions, and forms of feedback. Sites that merely tell you about something can be helpful to get started, but spend most of your time on sites which include concrete examples.
4. Engagement with technology and multimedia content. Though writing will always remain a reliable form of communication, we currently live in an ever-evolving media-saturated world where our understanding of the technologies before us are as vital as our mastery of written communication. Therefore, the online sources you use should at least address technology, visual media, and other non-written forms of communication. Technology, whether we like it or not is embedded within the fabric of 21st-century culture, so it’s best we all begin to master it.
5. Passion. Last but not least, look for sources that are brimming with passion. Whether you’re reading a more pedantic article on legislation and education policy or skimming through a teacher’s daily blog, look for online resources that care. They don’t necessarily need to be jumping up and down with joy per se, but you should be able to tell that the site’s heart is in the right place. There’s no point in spending time with resources that lack energy or drive, so spend your time with websites that demonstrate passion.
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3 Reasons Why You Should Use Websites to Support Your Classroom
1. A diversity of perspectives. Perhaps the biggest reason we consult online resources is to learn something new, to gain insight, and to be inspired by someone or something else other than our daily experience. Simply put, online educational websites allow us to collaborate, and the success of education depends on teachers at large rather than the individual educator. A diversity of perspectives enriches your own pedagogy.

2. Efficiency. Educational websites undoubtedly make your workday much, much more efficient. Instead of pulling out your hair trying to create the perfect lesson plan or end-of-course assessment, use the web to find tips, tricks, and other examples. The Internet has accelerated pretty much every aspect of society, so it’s no surprise that it can also strengthen your efficiency.

3. The feeling of solidarity. Let’s face it: teaching can often be a very difficult and even disheartening profession. Thus, it is imperative you don’t go at it totally alone. Scanning online teacher blogs, reading about education policy, or watching a teacher’s vlog generates feelings of solidarity and companionship that are vital to becoming a successful educator. The right educational website can truly work wonders on your professional and personal psyche.
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Wrapping Things Up: 75 Educational Websites for Teachers
The internet is brimming with so many online teaching websites that it can feel overwhelming and downright impossible choosing the best teacher resources to integrate into your own pedagogy!
That’s why we’ve compiled this list of educational websites for the classroom—to point you in the right direction and to save you time.
From the topical lesson plans over at The New York Times Learning Network to Marie Morris’s exciting educational vlog to Albert’s very own content reviews, teacher resources, and assessments, this definitive list of online educational websites for teachers encompasses the best sources on the web to enrich your skills as an educator and inspire you to new heights.
Albert is committed to developing an educational community of curious, independent thinkers, and this list is specifically designed to uphold our mission.
If you enjoyed this post, check out our other posts on strategies for teaching online, our viral post on distance learning tools or Our free 150+ teaching strategies discovery tool.
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