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Prepositional Phrases: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

Learning about prepositional phrases? In this post, we go over tons of review such as what prepositional phrases are, examples and exercises of using them in sentences, and then we give you a short test for you to see if you’ve mastered this grammar concept.

personal pronouns examples and exercises

Personal Pronouns: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

Are you beginning to learn about personal pronouns? If so, this is the post for you. In it, we detail what personal pronouns nouns are, provide examples and exercises, and then put what you’ve learned to the test with a short quiz.

antecedents examples and exercises

Antecedents: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

Are you learning about antecedents? If so, this is the review for you. In this post, we detail what antecedents are, provide examples and exercises, and then put what you’ve learned to the test.

irregular nouns examples and exercises

Irregular Nouns: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

If you’re learning about irregular nouns, you’ll want to review this post. In it, we go over what irregular nouns are, provide examples and exercises, and then put what you’ve learned to the test in a short quiz.

linking verbs examples and exercises

Linking Verbs: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

If you’re wondering what a linking verb is, you’ll want to read this post. We go over the definition of linking verbs, give examples of them, and then an interactive practice quiz for you to test your understanding.