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How to Improve AP® US History Student Success on Short Answer Responses

How to Improve AP® US History Student Success on Short Answer Responses

The APUSH Redesign (and the Re-Redesign that followed immediately this year) has brought a great deal of uncertainty, angst and confusion to many teachers.  This is my eighth year teaching the course, and while I had certainly reached a comfort level with the traditional multiple-choice and free-response questions, I have come around to almost all of the aspects of the redesign.

In my opinion, the best addition to the test is the new short answer section, found in Section 1 of the exam (along with the stimulus multiple-choice questions).  Last June, I was fortunate enough to attend the AP® US History Reading in Louisville Kentucky.  For one week, I graded the same Short Answer Question over 3,500 times (for the record, I never want to read about John Adams or Benjamin Rush and their interpretation of the American Revolution again).  While I certainly do not claim to be an expert, or have any “insider information” on the inner workings of the College Board, I am happy to share my insights and advice based on my experiences and conversations with colleagues.

Short Answer Format

  • Students have four short answer questions to complete in 50 minutes (12.5 minutes per prompt). Short answers are worth roughly 20 percent of students’ grade on the AP® exam, and take a variety of different forms, including
    • Two different secondary sources written by historians with varying perspectives on an event or time period.
    • Primary sources (quotations cartoons, maps, etc.)
    • A simple prompt or identification question with no stimulus
  • Each prompt is broken down into three parts (A, B, and C), each worth one point.
    • These parts vary in difficulty, meaning that certain points may be more challenging (for example one part might ask for simple fact recall, while another part might require higher-level analysis).
    • Different parts of the same question can build off of or reference each other (for example, Part A may ask for students to explain a quotation, and Part B might ask them to provide an example of something related to that same quotation).
  • Some of the prompts will have “internal choice.” This means that students have options within the question.  For example, a prompt may ask students to “explain why ONE of the following was the most significant cause of the Civil War: The Dred Scott Decision, Bleeding Kansas, or publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Students can choose any of the options, describing WHAT it is and WHY it is the most significant.

Scoring Short Answer Questions

There is not really a rubric for these types of questions, like there is for the Document-Based Question (DBQ) or Long Essay Question (LEQ).  Students are simply scored on whether or not they answered the prompt correctly.  Students either receive one point or zero points for each part of the question (A, B, and C), for a maximum total of three points per prompt.

Each letter is scored separately, meaning that students completely missing the point on Part A does not necessarily mean they are doomed for Parts B and C.

Readers are instructed that students receive credit as long as they “meet the threshold,” meaning they have completed the minimal amount needed to answer the question.  While what constitutes the threshold depends on the question, what this essentially means is that some students may earn all points by going into incredible depth, giving detailed and intricate examples, and taking up the entire page, while others may simply answer in a sentence or two for each potion, barely meet the requirements, and still receive all three points.  While I would never encourage my students to do the bare minimum, I do let them know that if you are short of time or unsure, it is better to put something rather than nothing.

If the amount of historically accurate and inaccurate information is roughly balanced and equal, the reader has discretion whether or not to reward the point.

One thing I was encouraged by at the reading is that in general, readers were told to give students the benefit of the doubt when scoring responses.  The goal was to award them points whenever merited, not to penalize or deduct points based on minor mistakes or misunderstandings.

Ten Tips for Student Success

To help illustrate my advice, I will refer to the prompt that still haunts me in my dreams, Short Answer Question #3 from the 2015 AP® US History Exam:

AP® US History

Source: 2015 AP® US History Exam, Short Answer Section from AP® Central (College Board)

1. Put it in Own Words

To receive full credit for responses, students must fully answer the question using their own words.  For the above prompt, many students parroted the prompts or excessively quoted them for Part A rather than describing the differences in their own words.  For example, students would regularly say a difference between Adams and Rush was that:

“Adams thought the revolution was in the minds of the people, while Rush said it would not be complete until principles, morals and manners of citizens were established.”

Students would not receive the point for this, as it is simply paraphrasing what is said, and does not demonstrate genuine understanding.

An example of a more successful response would be:

“Adams believed the American Revolution was not the actual War for Independence, but rather the psychological change in mindset of Patriot colonists leading up to the conflict.  Rush agrees with Adams that true revolution was not the war, but argues that the revolution is incomplete until stable federal government is established.”

2. Provide Specific Examples: HOW and WHY?

Parts B and C of the prompt ask the student to provide evidence that would support the claims of both Adams and Rush.  When doing so, students should provide specific examples AND explain WHY they are relevant.  For example, students might use the U.S. Constitution as an example that supports Rush’s interpretation of the revolution, as this document officially established the structure of the federal government and provided a Bill of Rights that defined people’s basic rights.

3. Get Right to the Point

No introductions are needed, as space and time are limited and these are not essays.  Nor is a thesis required or terribly helpful.  Students should dive right in and start directly answering the question.

4. What is Acceptable?

Complete sentences are required.  Sentence fragments or bullet points will not be scored.  They were very strict in enforcing this.

Use of common abbreviations is acceptable (for example, FDR, WPA, FBI, etc.).

With limited time and space, it is better to go into depth and explain ONE example rather than superficially list multiple.

5. Stay in the Time Period

One of the most common mistakes is that students do not stay in the time period.  For example, if the students use the Great Awakening as evidence that supports Adams’ quote, they would not receive the point because the religious movement preceded the period of 1760-1775.

6. Stay in the Boxes

Students need to be careful to leave themselves enough room to address all three parts on the 23-line page.  Students are NOT permitted to write onto a second page or even outside the boxed area.  Anything written outside the box will not be scored.

7. Make Sure Evidence and Examples are ESSENTIAL

If a question asks for ONE similarity or difference, the readers are actually looking for the MAIN or ESSENTIAL similarity or difference.  For example, students could not simply say:

“Adams thought the Revolution occurred between 1760-1776, while Rush thought the Revolution was after the war.”

This would not count because it is too superficial and simplistic.  It is not the MAIN difference described in the text.

8. Watch for Categories of Analysis or Historical Themes

Students should watch for categories of analysis (political, economic, cultural, social, intellectual).   Often students give examples that do not match the category they are being asked to identify.

Students should assume the reader has no background knowledge and fully explain their examples and evidence.

9. Minor Errors will NOT Kill your Score

Minor errors do not necessarily mean students will not be awarded points.  For example, for Part C, many students used Bacon’s Rebellion as an example that a stable federal government was needed to prevent uprisings or create a fairer and more equal society.  They are mistaking Bacon’s Rebellion for Shays’ Rebellion, but since their description of the events is correct and they simply switched the names, they still would be awarded the point for their example.  I have not shared this with my students per se, as I hold them to high expectations and want them to focus on knowing their content and striving for accuracy, but I do stress to them that even if you don’t know the law or person, describe them as best you can, as this is better than leaving it blank.

10. The Debate Over How to Organize Writing

There was a lot of debate at the reading as to which is better: writing responses in paragraph form without letter labels, or to have separate sets of complete sentences broken down and labeled by the specific letter being addressed.  The benefit of writing in paragraph form without labeled letters was that students were free to address the prompt in whatever order they preferred, and for good writers, it often had a more natural feel.  Additionally, if students failed to answer Part A in the beginning where they were initially trying to, but eventually answered it later on in the response, readers could still award the point when there were no labeled letters.  If the students labeled their sentences with the corresponding letters, students could not get credit if they answered the question in a different section (for example, some students failed to fully answer A in the section so labeled, but eventually got to it in Part C, but they could only receive the point in the labeled section.  However, a benefit to labeling their sentences was that it ensured students actually fully addressed the specific questions for A, B, and C.  Often students who wrote in unlabeled paragraph form forgot to answer parts or had incomplete responses as they jumped from one part to another.

I advise my students to do a hybrid of these two scenarios, as I believe it gives them the best of both worlds.  I suggest my students label their sections so they do not forget any portions, but when the are done writing they cross out the letters, so that they are able to be awarded points if they address them inadvertently in other parts of their response.

How to Teach the AP® US History Short Answer Question

1. Work with Students on Answering the Question

Students sometimes tend to have a tough time with these types of questions initially.  Some jot down fragments of vague partial answers that do not go far enough; overachievers want to turn them into complex essays with introductions and transitions.  It really is a skill that needs to be practiced and perfected.  Student answers should be concise (hence the SHORT answer), yet thorough with specific examples.

In the beginning, our class worked on short answers together and as partners, and walked through and discussed good responses.  I also pulled student samples from the College Board’s website and had students assess them and score them.  This was a great activity in helping students see the difference between incomplete, borderline and exceptional responses.

Student should be in the practice of putting their responses in their own words, not paraphrasing, parroting, or quoting the sources language.  This does not demonstrate understanding, which is what the College Board is looking for.  Working with students on putting responses in their own words is definitely worthwhile.

2. Expose Students to a Wide Variety of Historical Sources

Exposing your students to a wide variety of sources is great preparation for the Short Answer section (as well as the multiple choice and essays for that matter).

Looking at historians that differ in their ideological or other interpretations of history and discussing or debating in class helps students gain an understanding and appreciation of nuance and different points of view.  Using Howard Zinn’s People’s History of the United States and Larry Schweikart’s Patriot’s Guide to American History gives students both liberal and conservative perspectives on key events in American history.

I also like to do Socratic Seminars or debates using secondary texts that take a compelling or unorthodox perspective and allow students to discuss whether they agree or disagree with the historian’s argument.

Additionally primary source exposure can be beneficial in preparing students for reading and comprehending texts that they could see in the prompts for any parts of the exam, including short answers.

3. Timing is everything.

The short answer portion is part of Section 1, and students have 50 minutes specifically for these four questions after the multiple-choice section is completed.  This gives students less than 13 minutes per question.  Students need practice in this time crunch.  Many students will want to spend lots of time planning and writing that they will not have on exam day.  I typically start out more lax early in the year, but by October or November, students need to be in the habit of reading the prompt quickly and thoroughly, and moving into writing their responses under a time crunch.

Why I Have Learned to Love the Short Answer Question

The short answer section of the exam is a brand new addition to the AP® exam, but I actually believe it might be the most beneficial in many ways.  Students used to be forced to memorize “everything” and were at the mercy of what random factoid the College Board would ask them on the multiple-choice section.  With short answers, students can bring in relevant examples that they learned and recall.  They don’t need to know “everything” they just need to know some key things about each period.  This can be reassuring to students and liberating for teachers who are trying to cram everything into their classes in the few short months before the AP® exam.

Additionally, what I like best about the Short Answer Question is that unlike the other types of questions, it is very obvious when students know their stuff (and conversely, when they have no clue what is going on).  Multiple-choice can be “multiple guess,” and students can rationally narrow the distractors down and make an educated selection.  Essay pages can be filled with fluff, and a simple thesis and analyzing a couple of documents may get them a couple of points.  With the short answers, there is really nowhere for students to hide.  They either know what the author is arguing, or they don’t.  They either can provide an illustrative example, or they can’t.  As a teacher, I love the pureness and authenticity of this type of assessment.

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We also go over a five-step strategy for writing AP® US History FRQs in this video:

Ben Hubing

Ben Hubing is an educator at Greendale High School in Greendale, Wisconsin.  Ben has taught AP® U.S. History and AP® U.S. Government and Politics for the last eight years and was a reader last year for the AP® U.S. History Short Answer.  Ben earned his Bachelors degree at The University of Wisconsin-Madison and Masters degree at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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2 thoughts on “How to Improve AP® US History Student Success on Short Answer Responses”

  1. It was my understanding that even if students label A, B, C, that any content which could apply in any part of the question would be fair game. For example, If a student labels A, B, and C in their answer, but then provides a piece of evidence for B in their area marked A. This was confirmed for me as recently as Tuesday by some in the know people in regards to AP® World. Is it not the same for APUSH? Or is the information provided in the article incorrect?

    • Hi Liz, thanks for the question. We are not privy to the exact instructions that the College Board gives to its readers, so we cannot answer your question with certainty. We recommend erring on the side of caution and developing the habit of fully answering a question in the space for which it is labelled. This will guarantee that the readers count your response to the appropriate question.

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