Icon for AP® Physics C: Mechanics

AP® Physics C: Mechanics

How to Make Effective AP® Physics Flashcards

How to Make Effective AP® Physics Flashcards


Flashcards can be extremely helpful for studying for the AP® Physics exams. While there is very little vocabulary that students need to know for the exam, there are several formulas and equations that students need to know to solve the problems of the multiple choice and free response sections.

When using flashcards for formulas and equations, students should start by putting the formula that they are trying to learn on one side and an AP® Physics problem that would use that formula on the other. While the formula names can be helpful for remembering the formula, you are better off putting a relevant AP® problem on the other side of the flashcard because it trains you to associate a formula with a specific type of problem. This cuts down on the time you will spend trying to remember which formula should be used for a problem on the actual exam, and makes more effective AP® Physics flashcards.


The following are some examples of flashcards with formulas and equations for the different AP® Physics exams. The formula or equation will be on the back, and the relevant problem on the front.

AP® Physics C – Mechanics:

Front – What is the kinetic energy of the 5g ball when it is moving at 5m/s?

Back – K=(\dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } )m{ v }^{ 2 }

AP® Physics C – Electricity and Magnetism:

Front – What is the total capacitance of the circuit?

Back – C_{ n }=C_{ 1 }+C_{ 2 }+C_{ 3 }+...

AP® Physics 1:

Front – How fast is the bus moving at t=3?

Back – Vx=Vxo+Axt 

AP® Physics 2:

Front – How far has the bus gone at t=3?

Back – x=xo+Vxot+\dfrac { 1 }{ 2 } Ax{ t }^{ 2 }

Flashcards can also be used for the vocabulary on the AP® Physics exams. Most students don’t realize that there are vocabulary words that you should know for the exam. These vocabulary words can be found in the free response section of the exam, and will help you to understand what the question is asking. For example, for the AP® Physics C exams, you should be able to define the words “justify”, “explain”, “determine”, and “derive” within the context of the exam. Many of these words seem to be synonyms of each other, and in some cases they are. However, in some cases they are not.

The following are some examples of flashcards with vocabulary for the different AP® Physics exams. The vocabulary word will be on the back, and the definition on the front.

AP® Physics C:

Front – begin with a fundamental equation and use calculations to come to an answer

Back – Derive

 AP® Physics 1 or 2:

Front – some work is a good idea, but you do not need to show your work

Back – determine

While creating flashcards is important, the effectiveness of the flashcards is penultimate, and is determined by how you use them. When using flashcards to study, there are two important things that you can do to get the most out of your flashcards.

1. Take Note of Wrong Answers

When going through your flashcards, make separate piles for the cards that you have answered correctly and the cards you have answered incorrectly. Once you have made it through the entire pile, take the pile of cards you got wrong and review the material, then do them again. Do this until you no longer get any cards wrong.

2. Invite Your Friends

If you know other people studying for the same AP® Physics exam as you, invite them to study with you using the flashcards. When you study with other people, your peers can explain topics you may not understand in a way that is more understandable to you. Also, explaining your rationale behind an answer to other people helps you to make sure that you completely understand the material.

For those who are reviewing in the days before the exam and do not have enough time to make flashcards for all of the material on the exam, there are resources that you can use to get flashcards. Flashcards are available both for purchase and online to most student. If you’d like to purchase your flashcards, most of the major prep book companies make box sets of AP® Physics flashcards for every exam they make a prep book for. If you’d like to get your flashcards online, there are websites, such as Quizlet, where other students have made flashcards for a variety of subjects, including the AP® Physics exams. These flashcards are available to anyone on the website, and the site can quiz you on any set of flashcards in a variety of manners. Of course, making your own flashcards is always a better idea if time permits, because it allows you to customize your flashcards to your needs.

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