What do you think of when you hear “immune system?” Maybe your body fighting a cold, maybe white blood cells? Your body’s immune system is there to protect you, both from inside and outer-body offenses. Animals must defend themselves against viruses, bacteria, and other types of intruders. Our cells have no walls, as we traded in mobility for susceptibility over the course of evolution. So our immune system is there to help keep us safe. Let’s take a closer look at the workings of the immune system as far as what you’ll want to know for the AP® Biology exam.
Attacks on the Immune System
Your body can be attacked from within, whether by mutated cells, or more often, viruses or bacteria. Viruses have been a topic for discussion over a long time as they are rather unique in both their structure and function. Viruses do not have cells. They need energy from their environment, as they can’t maintain an internal stable environment on their own. They are no considered to be alive, yet do take great strides to replicate themselves.
Viruses have a capsid (protein code) and inside this is DNA or RNA. Lysogenic virus DNA hides in your chromosomes and generally remains dormant. It does not automatically cause disease. Lytic viruses destroy the cell. To lyse something is essentially to cut it up, or destroy it. There is a lytic phase to many viruses in which they copy themselves and then destroy the host cell before moving on to other cells in the body. The flu is an example of this type of virus. It attached to a host cell, injects its DNA (or if it uses RNA, then it undergoes reverse transcription to have DNA available), and then the lytic cycle turns off the cell’s machinery and forces it to make proteins for the virus.
When a virus becomes part of the chromosomes, the virus DNA in there is called prophage. It’s dormant, and when the cells divide, the DNA from the virus also divides and is copied. Occasionally, there may be a stimulus that drives it out of the chromosome and into a lytic cycle. Most viruses are actually a bit of both, part lysogenic, part lytic. They may lean more heavily to one side, as in the flu virus, which exists mostly in a lytic phase. Viruses can generally only be prevented with vaccines, though bacteria can be cured with antibiotics.
General Immune Defenses
There are three general lines of defense the body has against invaders. The first lines of defense are physical barriers such as skin and mucus membranes. The second is non-specific, as well, but internal. This would include phagocytic white blood cells. The third and last line of defense is what’s typically referred to as the immune system. This includes lymphocytes and antibodies, more specific to definitive types of invaders.

The first line of defense includes epithelial cells and mucus membranes. This involves the skin, respiratory system, digestive tract, and genito-urinary tract. These are most exposed to the outside world. Sweat has an acidic pH and can help to prevent bacterial infections. Stomach acid also has a low pH. Tears, saliva, and mucus have antimicrobial properties, themselves, and can serve to trap potential invaders and neutralize them. Lysosomes within the saliva digest the cell walls of bacteria and destroy them.
The second line of defense is generally made of the white blood cells, which patrol the body looking for any type of foreign particles. They are phagocytic cells, which is to say they eat other cells. They also have microbial proteins and work with inflammatory responses. There are several types of white blood cells, and these are basophils, eosinophil, neutrophils monocytes, and lymphocytes. Monocytes and neutrophils are phagocytic and digest invaders with enzymes. Monocytes start as cells and become macrophages. Most white blood cells are neutrophils, which are rather short-lived cells, which neutralize invaders. Eosinophils fight parasites. Basophils are part of an inflammatory response and produce histamine.
Basophil produces histamine, which attract more white blood cells. This makes the blood vessels more leaky, which allows fluids to leave and enter more easily, which allow for the more efficient transport of white blood cells to a site. As they are also involved in inflammatory responses, the temperature in the area may go up then, and swelling will occur.
When a local response is not enough, a fever is a common reaction. This resets the body’s thermostat. The higher temperatures are helpful in that they can inhibit the growth of microbes, facilitate phagocytosis, and speed up the repair of tissues.
The lymph system produces leukocytes. Lymph fluid moves throughout the body by way of contractions of muscles and vessel with one-way valves. Lymph nodes are located in certain parts of the body and act as little police stations, all containing a large number of lymphocytes and macrophages.
The third line of defense is the lymphocytes, the B and T cells, which develop in the bone marrow. T cells mature in the thymus. They are attracted by chemical signals, the process of which is referred to as positive chemotaxis. In this way, lymphocytes are able to respond to specific toxins, microorganisms, abnormal body cells, and antigens (which in general, is just anything that elicits an immune response). Once the signal triggers a response from them, they move faster and look to destroy invaders. B cells produce antibodies to remember the chemical print of a foreign invader and allow for faster responses in the future. T cells facilitate the production of chemicals used by lymphocytes to kill off the foreign particles.
B cells recognize specific antigens, which each stimulate a unique antibody to be made. B cells are spurned to reproduce clone colonies, clone cells being either plasma cells or memory cells. Plasma cells facilitate the immediate production of antibodies, and release them in the short-term. Memory cells are for long-term immunity. They produce plasma cells to fight off invaders if they recognize the same foreign particle at a later date. These play a big role in vaccines.
Antigens are proteins that elicit a specific response by lymphocytes based on where they’re coming from. B cells recognize intact antigens, and T cells recognize antigen fragments.
Antibodies are proteins that bind to a specific antigen. If it’s designed to work against e. coli, for example, that is the only invader it works against. They are multi-chain proteins produced by B cells that “tag” invaders as being foreign so other cells can recognize them as invaders.
There are four main ways an antibody will work to rid the body of invaders. In neutralization, it would bind to a locking site on a virus so that it can’t take over a cell then. With agglutination, it causes invaders to clump up. The reason this helps is this: think of peas. Is it easier to get one pea off a plate to eat, or use a spoon to eat many at once? When bacteria are clumped up, and a white blood cell finds it, it eats up the entire clump. Precipitation is where antigens are connected together by antibodies and they become dense and separate out the bad parts from the rest of the blood. And in a complement reaction, antibodies bind to a foreign cell, and complement proteins form and encircle the invader, and a hole is put in the ring and the cell dies. Plasma cells are typically involved in this type of attack.
There are millions of types of B cells with all different receptors for all different antigens. An antigen binds with a B cell and then it’s triggered to make many, many copies of itself. Clones can become memory cells or plasma cells.
A first invasion usually takes about 10-17 days to mount an effective response. If it happens again, it is much faster. Memory cells stick around after a first attack and the antibody concentration becomes much higher far more quickly if the same invader comes back.

Vaccines work by giving partially destroyed viruses to the recipient so that memory cells can be created without actually harming the host. Vaccines are a form of active immunity. They stimulate the immune system to produce a response of its own. This is most effective against viral diseases.
Passive immunity comes from an outside source and is only short-term. A person receives antibodies only in this case. An example would be a mother making antibodies and passing them to her child by way of breast-feeding. If the child stops breast-feeding, it will no longer have those antibodies. Antivenom works in a similar way. Scientists inject rabbits with snake venom and the rabbits produce antibodies. The antibodies are separated, and now you have an antivenom. Those antibodies will lock up the proteins in venom and serve to neutralize them.
Another concern in immunity is recognizing self from non-self. MHC (major histocompatibility complex) tells the body what is a part of itself, and develops early in life. T cells use this in knowing what to go after.
There are helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells in the body. Helper T cells stimulate immune components while cytotoxic T cells kill off cells. If you have an invading bacterial infection, they would be taken up by a macrophage in response. Now the macrophage becomes APC (antigen present cells) and presents an antigen on the outside of the cell for MHC to recognize. Helper T cells are activated and then activate the cytotoxic T cells to destroy cells with that same antigen mark. Cytotoxic T cells bind to infected cells and produce a protein called perferin which perforates that alien cells to rip them apart.
Wrap-Up for the Immune System in AP® Biology
This has been a very complete description of the immune system including everything you need to know for the AP® Biology test. Remember all three lines of defenses and the different types of cells that play a role, including B and T cells.
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