The neuroscience/biological perspective relates to the way that genetics and evolution affect human behavior and natural selection. In order to get a 5 on your AP® Psychology test you will need to understand the neuroscience/biological perspective, which considers a new reason for individuals to behave the way that they do.
What to Know About the Neuroscience/Biological Perspective
The neuroscience/biological perspective relates to the way that people act in terms of how they came to be. With this perspective, genetics in the human body affect the way that they react to certain situations or the way that they act in different situations. This means that the genetics that have been passed down to that individual as a result of their parents will influence the way that they act throughout their entire life.
On the other hand, this theory also looks at the way that the nervous system and immune system operate to understand fully the basis under which the body continues to evolve and function. By understanding these aspects of the body it is believed that an individual will be capable of understanding why they react the way they do but often takes away some of the freedom that many believe that they have.
Under the neuroscience/biological perspective, actions are less the result of an individual choice and more the result of a genetic background. This makes it more difficult to change actions in a more positive light, though not impossible. In many instances, this perspective can be used to gain a thorough understanding of human behaviors.
The neuroscience/biological perspective is about the way that a person is. Instead of believing that external factors help to shape an individual, this perspective, instead, believes that the internal aspects of an individual are far more important to their actions. This perspective considers the external effects on the individual as being lesser and not as influential on the way they turn out.
With this perspective, the care and attention that an individual is given when they are being brought up and even into their adult life will still not affect them as much as what their genetic code states. This is often considered to be a flaw in the neuroscience/biological perspective as it is studied and has been addressed as this theory continues to be used. Other perspectives consider this aspect of the human condition and its influence on the individual.
What is the Neuroscience/Biological Perspective Used For
This perspective has many different applications. These include genetic research, the influence of specific drugs on the body and more. Through this theory it is possible to understand the way that a specific drug, for example, will interact with any chemicals in the body to cause changes, or side effects. By understanding this it is possible to market the product in a more truthful way.
Another example of this theory at work is to look at individuals who exhibit different disorders such as anger. A believer in this perspective would look at the genetic makeup of the individual to see if they have received a trait from either parent which would contribute to these feelings of anger.
As a result of this theory however, we have been able to create the many psychopharmaceuticals that are utilized for those suffering from mental illness. We have also been able to develop brain scan tools which help even more with these types of developments. This is because of this perspective.
This theory utilizes the scientific method in order to test all variables. This means that it is a very limited field of research as only situations that can be completely controlled are able to be studied. The researcher must be able to gather a group of individuals who do not have a specific trait or experience as well as those who do in order to reach a satisfying resolution. This cannot be done in many situations because of safety standards as well as research requirements.
Who Founded the Neuroscience/Biological Perspective
This theory was actually founded by Charles Darwin. This scientist studied the way that genetics and evolution interact within any society and the way that natural selection continues to provide ways for the human species to grow and to change. Because some genes are selected to be passed on and others are not, certain individual traits continue on through a line of people while other traits are pushed out. This, according to Darwin, is natural selection at work and ensures that the next generation will be superior to the one before it.
Example 1:
Throughout her life, Megan has always been an angry person. No matter what happens, she seems to get angry very fast. She has tried to calm herself when she gets angry but it doesn’t seem to work. Her friends often avoid her now because she is prone to angry outbursts. Megan recognizes the problem but she doesn’t know what else she can do about it. She can’t even stop herself when she gets angry though she knows that she should.
A believer in the neuroscience/biological perspective would say that Megan has a genetic predisposition towards anger. Even though she knows it’s a problem, there is nothing she can actually do to stop herself from being angry unless she takes medication. The fact that she is angry is because she inherited this trait when she was born.
Example 2:
John was abused as a child by his father. Whenever he would do something wrong his father would often hit him. He also witnessed this behavior with his mother and his siblings. His father would often hit them as well. Now that John is an adult, he is worried that he will be a bad father because of the abuse that he suffered because of his father. He is worried that he will become exactly the way that his father was and treat his children in the same way.
A believer in the neuroscience/biological perspective would look at John’s genetic code. They would view the way that John has been genetically programmed to act. Even though his father abused him, this does not necessarily mean that John will continue the cycle of abuse. It does mean that he has a higher likelihood of it than others, according to this perspective.
Example 3:
Brandon is well liked by all of his friends because he is a happy person. No matter what happens around him, Brandon is always happy and his friends like him for it. When something goes wrong, Brandon is able to look at the bright side and see the silver lining to what is happening. Though sometimes this can rub others the wrong way, they like that he is fun to be around.
Brandon likely inherited his ability to look on the bright side from his family. This is a trait that one or both of his parents passed down to him through the genetic code. It is likely that one of his parents is positive in this way as well, this is where he inherited the trait.
This is a positive trait and it is important to understand that this perspective can relate to positive traits as well as negative ones. Passing down of genetic information does not lead only to passing down negative traits such as abuse or anger.
The AP® Psych Exam and the Neuroscience/Biological Perspective
This perspective has been represented on the AP® Psychology exam several times over the last few years. Each of these free response questions considers an individual or group and considers how the neuroscience/biological perspective applies to the situation that they find themselves in. For example, in 2006 a question was raised as to a young woman named Zoey who is looking for a new car. It then considers how different aspects will affect the decision that she makes regarding the car she wants.
It continues to be used to study human behavior. As a result, it is likely that it will be represented on your AP® Psychology exam. This perspective has three main points to remember:
1. It was founded by Charles Darwin.
2. It relates to the way genetics influence behavior.
3. It is limited by the scientific method.
This theory operates with the understanding that genetics play the most important role in creating an individual as the person that they will be throughout their life. Under this theory, it is possible to change but it is very unlikely because of the influence that your genes have on you. According to Darwin, it would also be a bad idea to attempt changes to your genetic predispositions because this is natural selection at work and should be continued.
To get a 5 on your AP® Psychology exam you will need to know many of the nuances of this perspective. The essay portion of your exam will count for a large part of the points that you earn and the more detail you are able to provide the better score you will be able to receive.
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