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Reading Skills

The Best Reading Skills Review: How-To Guides, Examples, and Practice

From determining theme to analyzing text structure, this series of Reading Skills 101 articles reviews fundamental reading skills and walks students through how to become stronger readers.

Our easy-to-follow guides are perfect for use at home or in your classroom!

Topics for Review

Key Ideas and Details

Identifying central ideas and the details that support them helps readers focus on what is most important. Learn how with these helpful articles!

Craft and Structure

Analyzing the elements of an author's craft —  word choice, tone, and organization — in informational and fiction texts is key to understanding. Get some tips with these helpful articles!

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Exploring how visual elements and compelling evidence strengthen an author's arguments is a key skill of strong readers. Get into the habit with these helpful articles!

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

Throughout their school careers, students will be expected to read and comprehend grade-level texts independently and proficiently. Learn new strategies with these helpful articles!

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