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Subordinating Conjunctions: Definition, Examples, & Exercises

Subordinating Conjunctions

There are a lot of grammar terms that have the word conjunction in it! It can be a challenge to remember what the different types are and when you use them. Subordinating conjunctions are most commonly mixed up with coordinating conjunctions, which you can learn more about in our post on coordinating conjunctions. Let’s review and practice the rules for using subordinating conjunctions, and you’ll have them mastered in no time!

In this post we’ll review what subordinating conjunctions are, the functions of subordinating conjunctions, and how to use them effectively in a sentence.

Once you’re feeling confident, test yourself with a post-assessment quiz and practice with our high quality, standards-aligned questions here.

The Basics of Coordinating Conjunctions

The Basics of Coordinating Conjunctions

What is a Subordinating Conjunction?

Subordinating Conjunctions are words or word phrases that connect an independent clause to a dependent clause, creating a complex sentence

Dependent clauses add details to the independent clause and emphasize the idea in the independent clause. They also cannot stand alone, because they don’t convey a complete thought – they depend on the independent clause.

Subordinating conjunction can indicate cause/effect, concession/contrasting, and conditional relationships as well as transitions in time or place

Sentences can be arranged with either the independent clause or the dependent clause coming first, and comma usage is determined by this order. If the dependent clause appears at the start of the sentence, it will need to be followed by a comma.

Subordinating conjunctions may be referred to as subordinators, independent clauses may be referred to as main clauses, and dependent clauses may be referred to as subordinate clauses.

Cause/Effect Relationships

Common Cause/Effect Subordinating Conjunctions: Because, Since, As, Due to, As if. The underlined portion of the sentence shows the dependent clause, starting with the subordinating conjunction:

  • He could not go to the party because his homework was not finished.
  • Due to his fear of sharks, the boy refused to swim in the ocean.

Concession/Contrasting Relationships

Common Concession/Contrasting Subordinating Conjunctions: Although, Though, Whether, While, Even though. The underlined portion of the sentence shows the dependent clause, starting with the subordinating conjunction:

  • That man is one of the greediest people though he is far wealthier than others.
  • While they are highly intelligent, those children have little common sense.

Conditional Relationships

Common Conditional Subordinating Conjunctions: If, Unless, Assuming that. The underlined portion of the sentence shows the dependent clause, starting with the subordinating conjunction:

  • We can go to the park if you clean your room.
  • Assuming that everyone is free this weekend, we can get together for dinner.

Transitions in Time

Common Time Subordinating Conjunctions: After, Until, As soon as, Before. The underlined portion of the sentence shows the dependent clause, starting with the subordinating conjunction:

  • The dog needs to go out as soon as you get home.
  • Before you leave, I need you to take this survey of your experience.

Transitions in Place

Transitions in Place - Subordinating Conjuctions

Common Place Subordinating Conjunctions: Where, Wherever, Everywhere, Anywhere. Note, the conjunctions wherever, everywhere, and anywhere have similar meaning and are often interchangeable.  

Like most subordinating conjunctions, these words can be placed at the beginning of a sentence. The conjunction ‘where’ usually cannot be moved to the beginning of the sentence. 

The underlined portion of the sentence shows the dependent clause, starting with the subordinating conjunction:

  • This is the house where I grew up.
  • Everywhere I go, you always seem to be nearby.

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Tips for Recognizing and Using Subordinating Conjunctions

Tip #1: Vary your placement of subordinating conjunctions

Using subordinating conjunctions to write complex sentences is a GREAT way to elevate your writing to the next level!

Take advantage of the flexibility of dependent clauses by rearranging your sentences so you have some sentences starting with the independent clause and some sentences starting with the dependent clause.

Tip #2: Subordinating Conjunctions vs Conjunctive Adverbs

Subordinating conjunctions can often be confused with conjunctive adverbs. Both are used to connect clauses, but conjunctive adverbs connect two independent clauses, while subordinating conjunctions connect a dependent clause to an independent clause.

When checking the connected clauses, look for complete thoughts. Since a dependent clause cannot stand alone, the linking word will be a subordinating conjunction.

  • I had a lot of homework today because I wasn’t paying attention in class.

In this sentence, “because I wasn’t paying attention in class” is a dependent clause using the  subordinating conjunction “because” to add additional details to the independent clause “I had a lot of homework today”.

  • I wasn’t paying attention in class; consequently, I had a lot of homework today.

While conveying the same overall idea, this example uses the conjunctive adverb “consequently” to link the independent clause “I wasn’t paying attention in class” to the other independent clause “I had a lot of homework today.” Both clauses are given equal value in the sentence.

Read our post on conjunctive adverbs to learn more about them.

Tip #3: When looking for subordinating conjunctions, make sure there is a dependent clause

Some words used as subordinating conjunctions can also be used for other parts of speech. A good way of checking for dependent clauses is to find the subject and verb in the part of the sentence you are linking to the independent clause. Dependent clauses sound like something is missing, because they depend on an independent clause to complete the idea.

  • I finally could take a break after I ran errands all day.

In this sentence, “after” is a subordinating conjunction. We can see that “after I ran errands all day” is a clause, because it has a subject and a verb, but it’s not a complete thought. It sounds like we need more information.

  • I finally could take a break after a long day.

In this sentence, “after” is a preposition. Since there is not a subject or verb in “after a long day”, we know it is not a clause, but rather a prepositional phrase. Read our post on prepositional phrases to learn more about them!

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Applying the Basics: Subordinating Conjunctions Review & Practice

Subordinating Conjunctions Review & Practice

Now that you understand what subordinating conjunctions are, and how to use them properly in a sentence, let’s practice identifying them and checking for proper usage. Remember, subordinating conjunctions are words used to connect a dependent clause to an independent clause.

Subordinating Conjunctions Exercises & Review

Complete the quick exercise below to assess your mastery of coordinating conjunctions.

Choose the subordinating conjunction that makes the most sense for each sentence.

1. He didn’t have lunch today (even though/because) he was nervous for the audition.

  • because

2. (Since/Although) I got a bonus, we can go on vacation over break.

  • Since

3. Reading is my favorite subject (though/because) I’m really good at math.

  • though

 4. (As soon as/Before) you play those video games, you need to clean your room.

  • Before

5. We’ll need to pick up some tools (unless/since) you already have them.

  • unless

For additional practice, check out the Subordinating Conjunctions content on Albert.

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Try for Yourself: Subordinating Conjunctions Quiz

Feeling confident in your understanding of coordinating conjunctions?

Take this short quiz to see what you’ve learned:

1. Do subordinating conjunctions require a comma when following an independent clause?

  • Answer: No
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! Subordinating conjunctions do not require a comma when following an independent clause. Commas are required when placing the dependent clause before the independent clause.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Remember, subordinating conjunctions only require a comma when placing the dependent clause before the independent clause. Subordinating conjunctions do not require a comma when following an independent clause.

2. Are subordinating conjunctions interchangeable with conjunctive adverbs?

  • Answer: No
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! Subordinating conjunctions combine a dependent clause to an independent clause, adding details to the independent clause. Conjunctive adverbs are used when combining two independent clauses to show a transition or progression between ideas.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Remember, conjunctive adverbs are only used when combining independent clauses to show a transition or progression between ideas. Both clauses have equal value in the sentence. Subordinating conjunctions combine a dependent clause to an independent clause, adding details to the independent clause.

3. Can subordinating conjunctions be used with prepositional phrases?

  • Answer: No
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! A subordinating conjunction must connect a dependent clause to an independent clause. Prepositional phrases are not clauses, as they do not contain a subject or a verb.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Remember, prepositional phrases are not clauses, as they do not contain a subject or a verb. Subordinating conjunction must connect a dependent clause to an independent clause.

4. Which of the following sentences uses a subordinating conjunction?

A. After chasing the dog down the street, I could barely catch my breath.

B. After I chased the dog down the street, I could barely catch my breath.

  • Answer: B
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! Subordinating conjunctions connect a dependent clause to an independent clause. A dependent clause must have a subject and a verb.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Remember, subordinating conjunctions connect a dependent clause to an independent clause. A dependent clause must have a subject and a verb.

5. Which of the following sentences accurately uses a subordinating conjunction?

A. I went for a run even though I was tired.

B. I went for a run, even though I was tired

  • Answer: A
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! A comma does not precede a subordinating conjunction. Commas are only used at the end of the dependent clause when the subordinating conjunction and the dependent clause are moved to the beginning of the sentence.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Remember, commas are only used at the end of the dependent clause when the subordinating conjunction and the dependent clause are moved to the beginning of the sentence. Commas do not precede a subordinating conjunction.

6. Which of the following sentences accurately uses a subordinating conjunction?

A. I love putting puzzles together; similarly, I enjoy logic based puzzles like kakuro.

B. I love putting puzzles together because I enjoy logic based activities.

  • Answer: B
  • Correct Explanation: That’s right! Subordinating conjunctions connect dependent clauses to independent clauses. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. When two independent clauses are connected, a semicolon separates the clauses, and a conjunctive adverb is used, with a comma following the conjunctive adverb.
  • Incorrect Explanation: Sorry, that’s not right. Remember, a dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. When two independent clauses are connected, a semicolon separates the clauses, and a conjunctive adverb is used, with a comma following the conjunctive adverb. Subordinating conjunctions connect dependent clauses to independent clauses. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence.

For additional practice with comparative and superlative adjectives, check out our practice on Albert.io: Subordinating Conjunctions.

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Teacher’s Corner for Subordinating Conjunctions

While it’s true that coordinating conjunctions are a foundational grammar skill, the Common Core English Language Progressive Skills Chart shows that even elementary-level skills “require continued attention in higher grades as they are applied to increasingly sophisticated writing and speaking.” 

For specific standards addressing coordinating conjunctions, check out the Common Core State Standards site! 

Albert’s Subordinating Conjunctions practice can be used for much more than homework! 

Our assessments can be used as pre-and post-tests to measure student progress. Our pre-made quizzes can be used as bell-ringers, exit tickets, and more! 

In addition to our pre-made assessments, you can also use our assignments feature to create your own quizzes and assessments.

Summary on Subordinating Conjunctions

Subordinating Conjunctions are words used to connect dependent clauses to independent clauses.Dependent clauses are not complete thoughts – they depend on independent clauses.

Subordinating Conjunctions can indicate cause/effect, concession/contrasting, and conditional relationships as well as transitions in time or place.

Using subordinating conjunctions is a great way to improve our writing because it allows for more complex sentences.

Practice makes perfect! Use our Subordinating Conjunctions practice on Albert’s grammar course!

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