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Teaching Tips

Tips from Albert-Certified Teachers

This holiday season we are grateful for all of our Albert Level 1 Certified Teachers! There are currently over 250 certified teachers working in schools all across the country.

Quick Guide to Using Albert to Supplement Class Discussions

We recently talked with superstar teacher Brad Clarke about his use of Albert in a discussion-centered classroom.  We were so inspired, we created a guide to help you do the same!

An advantage of a discussion-centered classroom is that students can dig deep into the content, engage in enriching conversations, and learn from one another.  One thing that’s not so great is that without formal lecture, it can be hard to ensure that the entire curriculum is covered. Regardless of how often you facilitate discussions,  Albert is the perfect tool to supplement your classroom. Assigning work on Albert means students will never miss a beat  — especially if the material is not covered fully in class.

What Makes a Good Exit Ticket

Project based learning is an experiential approach to education. A good PBL program is student-centric and allows learners the freedom to explore their interests and learning styles alongside core curriculum.

How to Build Effective Exit Tickets to Promote Reflection with Albert

How to Build Effective Exit Tickets to Promote Reflection with Albert

As institutions increasingly adopt project based learning (PBL) into their curriculums, understanding its key objectives is a must. Project based learning objectives are achieved through an experiential learning environment. This environment cultivates qualities like self-directed research, communication, and teamwork.

How to Read NGSS Standards

How to Read NGSS Standards

With the adoption of the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in 16 states, and 40 others likely to follow, there’s a good chance the new science standards are coming to you in the next few years. The NGSS outlines new approaches to K-12 science education, blending content with practice.