This is a college essay of how to answer the question, “Why Northwestern?”. Hopefully from reading this essay, you will be able to gain a better idea of what Northwesternis looking for. As you read this Why Northwestern college essay example, think about what you know about the school that really makes it resonate with you. In this student’s case, it was the Bienen School of Music.
In my Principles of Macroeconomics class at De Anza College, one topic concerned me: international trade. I learned that a country keeps track of international trade by calculating imports and exports. However, in our global society today, the distinctions between imports and exports are unclear.
There is no longer such a thing as a purely domestic or foreign company. Companies are expanding into other countries either to outsource jobs or to locate new markets. They may even move their headquarters between nations, further blurring the distinction between domestic and foreign. For example, every product from the tech giant Apple contains the words “Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China.” Also complicating the process of tracking imports and exports is the fact that as the world develops and industrializes, physical goods are replaced by services, and many services are bought and sold on the Internet. For example, the online gaming and entertainment company Blizzard is based in the US, but its players come from all over the world.
Modern globalization and its effects on international trade and accounts were never mentioned in my textbooks. I may have taken only anintroductory-level class, but when covering the basics, something as impactful as this will be beneficialto students.
Northwestern is the best place for me to study economics, because it encourages innovative educational exploration and risky intellectual endeavors. However, I do not want to neglect my passion for music. That is why I am interested in Northwestern’s five-year dual degree program, which, unlike many other dual-degree programs, has the advantage of being conveniently located all within one educational institution.
I am applying to the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music. There, I have the option to design my own program exploring new opportunities and developing new skills at this school. I will study jazz and improvisation. I hope to use this skill and play in the Jazz Orchestra, and also play contemporary music with the Contemporary Music Ensemble. I am also interested in playing period instruments and learning early classical music, so the Baroque Music Ensemble will be a good resource.I would love to perform in these musical groups at the Pick-Staiger Concert Hall. Along with the Western violin, I also play the erhu, the Chinese two-stringed violin. I will embrace the School’s opportunities to study music abroad, where I can further expand my global views and be acquainted with the music and instruments of other cultures. One of my choices would be Spain, where I can learn more about the fast-paced flamenco musical style.
With my dual degrees, I may find a way to incorporate my musical studies with my economics studies.
Check out our first example of how to answer Why Northwestern here.
We also have other examples for Why NU here, here, and here.
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