Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC

Welcome to Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC!

Welcome to Albert's Florida Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (BEST) Geometry End-of-Course Exam course!
This page provides specific content-related information for Albert's Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC prep course, including how it is organized, what standards it is aligned to, and ideas for classroom uses. If you need technical assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact hello@albert.io.
For testing information or details about the exam itself, visit the Florida Department of Education.

Subject Organization

Albert's Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC course is organized into themes and further broken into short, formative assessments on specific topics.


Our full Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC subject guide includes three themes that align with the different reporting categories on the exam:
  • Logic, Relationships, and Theorems
  • Congruence, Similarity, and Constructions
  • Measurement and Coordinate Geometry

Topic Quizzes

Each theme contains a set of short, formative topic quizzes. Each topic quiz is designed to be given in a single class period. The quiz questions mimic the rigor and format of the actual exam. For example, here are some topic quizzes within the Logic, Relationships, and Theorems theme:
  • Topic Quiz | Lines and Angles
  • Topic Quiz | Triangle Similarity, Congruence, and Theorems
  • Topic Quiz | Parallelograms and Trapezoids
  • Topic Quiz | Circle Secants, Tangents, and Chords

Using Standards and Tags to Find Questions


Every question is aligned to the standards outlined in the Florida BEST Standards for Mathematics. Each standard begins with the state abbreviation FL.
You can find questions aligned to learning standards using our standards search tool. In the Standards drop-down at the top of the Assessments tab, you can search for standards by name (for example, FL MA.912.GR.2.5) or description. When you type in characters that match one of the standards, the drop-down will populate with matching standards.


In addition to standards, each question is assigned one or more tags to help differentiate between the wide variety of questions we offer. These tags are a word or phrase that describes the content of the question, with all words lower-case and multiple word tags connected by a hyphen. For example, “pythagorean-theorem” or “trigonometric-ratios”.
To search for a tag, click the Tags drop-down within the subject and enter the tag or content you're searching for in the search bar.
For more help on finding questions using standards and tags, visit our Help Center.

Question Types

Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC uses a variety of question types to test students’ understanding of content and provide meaningful practice of important skills.
  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Select
  • Two-Way Tables
  • Fill-in-the-blank
  • Free Entry
  • Graphing

Calculator Use and Reference Sheet

Students are permitted to use a scientific calculator during the entire test.
Students are also permitted to use this reference sheet during the Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC exam.

Our Help Center is always available!

Our Help Center is available any time and provides articles written by the Albert team to answer questions you might have about implementing Albert in your classroom.

Related Content

For additional material, you can combine Florida (BEST) Geometry EOC with our other core courses, such as Geometry. Our core courses are aligned to Florida standards, so you can leverage thousands of aligned practice questions across Albert to assess, reteach, and extend student learning.