SAT® Subject Test in Biology

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Subject Organization


Albert’s SAT® Subject Test in Biology contains multiple choice questions (located in the Practice tab) that are organized in accordance with the College Board’s 2020-21 SAT® Subject Tests Student Guide into the following five themes:
  • Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Ecology
  • Genetics
  • Organismal Biology
  • Evolution and Diversity


Each theme contains a range of specific topics. For example, here is a list of topics within our "Cellular and Molecular Biology" theme:
  • Biosynthesis
  • Cellular Structure and Function
  • Cellular Respiration
  • Enzymes
  • Mitosis
  • Photosynthesis

Question Types

SAT® Subject Test in Biology includes five-choice multiple choice questions. SAT® Subject Test in Biology seeks to mirror the questions students will see on the actual exam with aligned prompts, supplements, question stems, and distractors.

Difficulty Level of Questions

Each question on Albert is marked as easy, medium, or difficult. These difficulty levels are assigned based on a variety of factors, including:
  • Bloom’s taxonomy and Webb’s depth of knowledge
  • The number of steps required to solve the problem
  • How close the distracting choices are to the correct answers

Calculator Use

We know that educators have different philosophies around calculator use in science coursework. We leave it to you to decide when calculator use is appropriate for Albert’s SAT® Subject Test in Biology questions.
However, on the actual SAT® Subject Test in Biology, calculator use is not permitted. Problem solving requires simple numerical calculations, and the metric system of units is used.

Classroom Use Cases

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Exam Information

The SAT® Subject Test in Biology is offered in August, October, November, December, May, and June.
The details of the exam appear in the table below:
200-80060 minutes80 multiple choice questions
60 out of 80 questions are common to both Biology E and M. There are 20 specialized questions that follow for each section.
ContentApproximate Percentage of E TestApproximate Percentage of M Test
Cell and Molecular Biology12%25%
Organismal Biology25%25%
Evolution and Diversity25%12%
The skills covered in the exam are detailed in the table below:
Skills (Both E and M)Approximate Percentage of Test
Fundamental Concepts and Knowledge30%
Calculator use is not permitted on this test.
The College Board website offers access to extra practice questions. Take a look at these SAT® Subject Test in Biology practice questions.

SAT® Subject Test in Biology Content Writers

We have a dedicated team of biology teachers from across the U.S. who write our content.
We are always looking for talented, tech-savvy biology teachers to join our team of content writers! If you're a biology teacher excited about writing high-quality biology questions that will reach thousands of students worldwide, click here to apply!

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