Rigorous practice for all your classes

Save teacher time with premium standards-aligned student practice for every department. In a single platform, Albert elevates the quality of content, simplifies data-driven differentiation, and improves exam performance for grades 5-12.

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Groundbreaking efficacy research

Based on a controlled three year study, classrooms that implemented Albert saw a 13% improvement in test scores and a strong correlation between scores and Albert usage.

Albert users outperform

In a survey of Albert classrooms, we found a 14% score advantage over national averages with improvements consistent in all subject areas.
What other educators are saying


  • "Since introducing Albert, I have noticed a significant change in student performance in all of my classes. My students are now better prepared for each lesson, which I attribute to the explanations Albert provides. I also use it to reflect on my teaching and provide extra support in areas my students struggle with."
    Domenico DeLisi
    Teacher, Fort Hamilton High School
  • "Before using Albert it was impossible to give my 150 students feedback in a timely manner. Now, not only do my students know if they are right or wrong instantly, but the explanations help them not make the same mistake twice. I have seen an enormous improvement with my Calculus students by using Albert over a traditional book!"
    Robert Lanaghan
    Teacher, Arvada West High School
  • "Albert contributed to the success of my students as it allowed them to review concepts according to difficulty level and work independently. Lower performing students were not discouraged from using the platform because there were still questions that they could complete. I believe the extra practice was the difference for students scoring well."
    Crystal E. Mack
    Teacher, Department Head, Challenge Early College High School
  • "My first time using Albert was when I wasn’t even in class and needed a sub. When I came back to school, my students were unanimously excited about how helpful Albert was. The fact they had a strong positive reaction to it when I wasn’t even there to facilitate their first assignment says a lot!"
    Quincy Tennyson
    Teacher, Fern Creek High School
  • "I started using Albert a few years ago and constantly hear from my students on how well it prepares them for the actual exam. There is a direct correlation between the scores my students make on the exams and the amount of time they devote to practice with Albert. The more Albert they do, the better they score."
    Adair Doran
    Teacher, Salisbury High School
  • Teachers
    "Since introducing Albert, I have noticed a significant change in student performance in all of my classes. My students are now better prepared for each lesson, which I attribute to the explanations Albert provides. I also use it to reflect on my teaching and provide extra support in areas my students struggle with."
    Domenico DeLisi, Fort Hamilton High School
    Learn more
  • Teachers
    "Before using Albert it was impossible to give my 150 students feedback in a timely manner. Now, not only do my students know if they are right or wrong instantly, but the explanations help them not make the same mistake twice. I have seen an enormous improvement with my Calculus students by using Albert over a traditional book!"
    Robert Lanaghan, Arvada West High School
    Learn more
  • Teachers
    "Albert contributed to the success of my students as it allowed them to review concepts according to difficulty level and work independently. Lower performing students were not discouraged from using the platform because there were still questions that they could complete. I believe the extra practice was the difference for students scoring well."
    Crystal E. Mack, Department Head, Challenge Early College High School
    Learn more
  • Teachers
    "My first time using Albert was when I wasn’t even in class and needed a sub. When I came back to school, my students were unanimously excited about how helpful Albert was. The fact they had a strong positive reaction to it when I wasn’t even there to facilitate their first assignment says a lot!"
    Quincy Tennyson, Fern Creek High School
    Learn more
  • Teachers
    "I started using Albert a few years ago and constantly hear from my students on how well it prepares them for the actual exam. There is a direct correlation between the scores my students make on the exams and the amount of time they devote to practice with Albert. The more Albert they do, the better they score."
    Adair Doran, Salisbury High School
    Learn more
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Albert streamlines resources for all subjects in one platform, helping districts save money and manage data more efficiently.

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Elevate Teaching and Learning with Albert

Streamline practice, simplify differentiation, and boost performance—saving teachers time and improving student outcomes.

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