Albert meets the criteria for Tier III evidence-based interventions set by the U.S. Department of Education's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
View studySince 2016, Forest High School has used to improve AP® exam scores, achieving a 10-point increase in pass rates and higher practice activity, consistently exceeding the national average.
View studyOver the past four years, Coral Academy’s AP exam pass rate has jumped by 15% while their AP program has grown grown in size.
View studySince 2016, Alexandria Senior High School has utilized Albert in their AP® courses resulting in a 9% increase in pass rates on yearly AP exams.
View studyIntentional, aligned support was provided to first time AP® students in new AP® courses through partnership with Albert.
View studyRead more on how Albert propelled teachers and students at Oak Mountain High School to take learning to the next level.
View studyRead more about how Southampton is using Albert as a tool to support the 21st century student.
View studyRead more on how Silverado High uses Albert as the perfect practice and data solution for teachers and students.
View studyRead more on how districts quickly knew after piloting, that Albert would be a perfect for all students.
View studySam Barlow High School supplied teachers with the highest value test preparation and did not have to choose between strong scores and offering equitable education.
View studyGeorge Ranch High School saw an increase in both pass rates and average scores year over year, while also beating the global averages across the board.
View studyBenilde St. Margaret's veteran teachers improved student pass rates by 12% by using Albert.
View studyRead more on how Albert increased practice and instructional feedback for both students and teachers at Badger High.
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