⭐️ Free access to 30,000+ rigorous practice questions across Core Math, Core ELA, and Full-Text Analysis subjects, all aligned to state standards
⭐️ Pre-made assessments, including diagnostics, topic quizzes, and cumulative exams
⭐️ Robust feature access, including data reports, custom assignments, co-teachers, and shareable folders for common assessments across teachers
⭐️ Free one-on-one teacher consultations and department trainings to guarantee a successful implementation
⭐️ Seamless integrations with the most popular LMSs (Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, Clever, ClassLink, and more)
⭐️ Does not include Social Studies, Science, Elective, and Test Prep subjects
⭐️ Does not include Assignment Builder feature
Free access for all students Grades 5-8 in Math and ELA, including: