Equip your school with the confidence and skills to effectively integrate Albert into their classrooms and enhance student learning.
Book your Albert PD today!Discover Albert content that fits your classroom and student needs.
Get step-by-step guidance on creating classes and enrolling students.
Master the Assignment Builder to create high-quality, standards-aligned assignments, and learn how to leverage Reports for valuable insights that inform your instructional decisions.
We offer step-by-step guidance on setting up your account and using Albert's features. Our hands-on workshop will prepare you to use Albert in your classroom by the end of the session.
If you’re coming back to Albert after some time or want to refresh your knowledge, we will cover the latest features and best practices.
Both in-person and virtual options are available.
In-person sessions are designed to last up to 3 hours and can be adjusted to fit your schedule. Virtual sessions are designed to last 1 hour.
Administrators: Make sure all teachers are invited to the platform. Teachers: Before the training, create your Albert account with your school email.
Our data shows that schools with professional development sessions experienced a 56% increase in student attempts, an 80% increase in students enrolled, and an 83% increase in teachers using Albert.
Get quick answers and learn about free trials, pricing, and more from an Albert expert!
Your Account Manager is on hand to tailor professional development to your school’s needs.
We offer 5 sessions to help teachers seamlessly integrate Albert into classroom routines.