Help teachers support student content mastery and build stronger metacognitive skills for long-term learning success in this session.
Book your Albert PD today!Understand the research-backed pedagogical practices behind microlearning and how they can enhance student mastery and metacognitive skills.
Learn how to create a microlearning module with Albert that seamlessly fits into your existing structures, boosting student engagement and retention.
Get dedicated time to put what you've learned into practice and start applying it in your classroom.
This session is for teachers already familiar with Albert who want to integrate quick, effective strategies into their lessons. It's perfect for schools looking to improve students' content mastery and help learners build stronger metacognitive skills for long-term academic success.
Note: Attendees should be familiar with creating assignments and using Albert's data tools, as the session will focus on implementation strategies.
Both in-person and virtual options are available.
Virtual sessions are designed to last one hour. For in-person experiences, we recommend a duration of 60 to 90 minutes.
Administrators: Make sure all teachers are invited to the platform. Teachers: Before the training, explore the library, create classes, and enroll your students.
Our data shows that schools with professional development sessions experienced a 56% increase in student attempts, an 80% increase in students enrolled, and an 83% increase in teachers using Albert.
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Your Account Manager is on hand to tailor professional development to your school’s needs.
We offer 5 sessions to help teachers seamlessly integrate Albert into classroom routines.