Albert's A Raisin in the Sun course is organized into two tabs: the Practice tab and the Assessments tab. In each tab, each course is broken into themes or units of study.
Practice Tab
Our A Raisin in the Sun course includes 2 themes: Act Analysis and Literary Analysis.
The Act Analysis theme is divided by act and scene.
The Literary Analysis theme includes the following topics:
- Character Analysis
- Literary Devices
- Social-Historical Context
- Themes and Motifs
Free Response Questions
The Free Response Questions tab includes 4 essay questions with prompts about the text as well as a rubric.
The questions cover the same topics as the Literary Analysis section: Character Analysis, Literary Devices, Social-Historical Context, and Themes & Motifs.
Assessments Tab
The Assessments Tab follows the same organizational structure as the Act Analysis questions and is organized by act and scene.
Within each section of the the Assessments Tab, the questions are divided into: Fill in the Blank and Multiple Choice.