ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics

Welcome to ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics!

Welcome to Albert's ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics course!
This page provides specific content-related information for Albert's ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics prep course, including how it is organized, what standards it is aligned to, and ideas for classroom uses. If you need technical assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact
For testing information or details about the exam itself, visit the ACT® website.

Subject Organization

Albert's ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics course is organized into themes and topics based on the skills and subskills assessed on the exam.


Our full ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics subject guide is organized along the 5 skills assessed on the exam:
  • Basic Operations
  • Fractions
  • Percentages/Ratios/Proportions
  • Unit Conversions
  • Geometric Measurement
  • Applied Math Reasoning


Each skill is broken down into specific subskills. Questions are designed to mimic the rigor and format of the actual exam. For example, here are subskills included in the Fractions theme:
  • Add and subtract fractions (common denominator)
  • Add and subtract fractions (unlike denominator)
  • Multiply fractions
  • Divide fractions
  • Change between fractions, decimals, and percents

Using Standards and Tags to Find Questions

Skill Standards

Every question is aligned to the skills and subskills outlined in the ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics technical manual.
You can find questions aligned to these skills using our standards search tool. In the Standards drop-down at the top of the Practice and Assessments tabs, you can search for skills by name (for example, Basic Operations 1.1) or description. When you type in characters that match one of the skills, the drop-down will populate with matching skills.


In addition to skills, each question is assigned a level tag to help differentiate between the level of each question:
  • level-3
  • level-4
  • level-5
  • level-6
  • level-7
To search for a level tag, click the Tags drop-down within the subject and enter the tag you're searching for in the search bar.

Additional Tags

Additional tags are available to help drill-down by question content and characteristics. Every ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics question is tagged with a problem context tag, such as "money", "time", "measurement", or "quantity".
Questions are also tagged with math content tags that relate to the specific math skill being assessed, such as "unit-conversion", "metric-units", "fractions", "area", etc.
For more help on finding questions using standards and tags, visit our Help Center.

Question Types

ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics uses multiple choice questions to test students’ understanding of content and provide meaningful practice of important skills.

Calculator Use

On the ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics exam, students are permitted to use a calculator on all questions (details here), as well as the Applied Math Formula Sheet.

Related Content

To prepare students for the National Career Readiness Certificate, we suggest combining ACT® WorkKeys: Applied Mathematics with our other ACT® WorkKeys courses, ACT® WorkKeys: Graphic Literacy and ACT® WorkKeys: Workplace Documents.
Looking for more practice? You can leverage hundreds of additional questions in our Middle School Math Suite to provide extra practice and assess, reteach, and extend student math learning.

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