AP® Latin

    Vergil, Aeneid - Latin

    The Aeneid explores themes of destiny and duty through Aeneas's journey to establish a new Trojan home, highlighting the conflicts between divine influence and human emotions, alongside rigorous epic storytelling.

    Aeneid, Book 1 (Latin)

    Aeneas embarks on his fated journey to Italy, faces a storm sent by Juno, and takes refuge in Carthage, where he encounters Queen Dido, setting the stage for both alliances and conflicts.

    Aeneid I 82-89

    Aeneid, Book 2 (Latin)

    The fall of Troy is recounted as Aeneas narrates the Greek deception with the Trojan Horse, the city's fiery destruction, and his escape, highlighting both divine intervention and the hero's leadership under duress.

    Aeneid II 212-219

    Caesar, Gallic Wars - Latin

    Caesar's account highlights strategic and military tactics during the Gallic Wars, emphasizing his leadership, political motivations, and interactions with Gallic tribes in the context of Roman expansion.

    Gallic Wars, Book 1 (Latin)

    Caesar, in his account, details the political intrigue and ambition of the Gallic leader Orgetorix, whose conspiracy to unite the tribes under his leadership threatens the stability and security of the Roman Republic.

    De Bello Gallico 1.5

    Gallic Wars, Book 4 (Latin)

    Julius Caesar describes his strategic crossing of the River Rhine and his first expedition to Britain, emphasizing Roman military tactics and discipline while portraying the Gallic tribes as both antagonistic and inferior.

    De Bello Gallico IV 26