All Albert questions are aligned to state standards relevant to the subject matter.
This standards-alignment provides another easy way to find useful questions besides the Theme and Topic organization. Using the Standards button at the top left corner of any subject page, you can filter for just your state’s standard set then simply search for your state’s standards to find all questions in our course library aligned to that standard! For more details, please see
this article in our Help section.This course also includes Albert’s own Social Studies Umbrella Standards, which can also be used to search for content. The standards follow the format Albert MS.CG.1.A.1 for the Introduction to Geography content standards. For the other themes, the standard will show the Hemisphere being covered in the format Albert MS.CG.WH.1.A.1 or Albert MS.CG.WH.1.A.1. Skills standards follow the format Albert MS.CG.Skill.1.A.1 with either an .e or .w at the end showing the Hemisphere being covered in questions including that skill standard.
In addition to searching by the standards’ names, you can also search by their content! Simply type in a few words from the standard description to see all relevant standards pertaining to that content.
Albert’s Middle School Contemporary Geography course includes three types of tags, content, skills, and regional. The content and skills tags are words or phrases that provide information about what a question covers, such as content tag cultural-diffusion or skills tag map-analysis. Tags provide another easy way to search for relevant content in our course library. Simply search using the Tags button at the top left corner of any guide level. Tags are all one to three words long, connected by a dash.
Regional tags provide information about where any real world examples used in the questions come from. Albert is committed to provided balanced coverage of different regions around the world in our geography course.