Novels and Drama is organized by chronological themes based on publication date and further broken down into topics based on a single passage from a larger work.
- Novels and Drama from 1300–1660
- Novels and Drama from 1660–1790
- Novels and Drama from 1790–1910
- Novels and Drama from 1910–1945
- Novels and Drama from 1945–1999
- Novels and Drama from 2000-Present
Each theme contains a range of specific topics focused on carefully curated passages from canonical and contemporary texts. For example, here are some topics within Novels and Drama from 2000-Present.
- Amina's Voice
- Hamilton
- The Road
Each topic contains six subtopics that are modeled after our Full-Text Analysis courses. These subtopics are designed to allow for targeted, bite-sized bellringers and broader, in-depth analysis.
- Reading Comprehension
- Vocabulary in Context
- Character Analysis
- Literary Devices
- Social-Historical Context
- Themes and Motifs