Albert's OST ELA II course is organized into themes and further broken into short, formative assessments on specific topics.
Our full OST ELA II subject guide includes 4 themes that align with the different Literature and Informational Texts multiple choice and free response questions on the exam:
- Topic Quizzes
- Free Response Questions
Topic Quizzes
Our topic quiz theme(s) contains a set of short, formative topic quizzes. Each topic quiz is designed to be given in a single class period. The quiz questions mimic the rigor and format of the actual exam. For example, here are some topic quizzes within the Literature theme:
- Topic Quiz | "To an Athlete Dying Young" and "Out, Out"
- Topic Quiz | "Snow-bound" and "To Build a Fire"
- Topic Quiz | "A Wagner Matinee" and The Sun Also Rises
- Topic Quiz | "The Devil and Tom Walker" and The Scarlet Letter
Free Response Questions
The course also includes Free Response Questions for both Literature and Informational Texts. Here are some examples below.
- Free Response | "Common Sense" and "Speech to the Virginia Convention
- Free Response | "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience" and "Politics"
- Free Response | "Education and Behavior" and Democracy and Education