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Covers 1 teacher and up to 20 students

Does not include collaboration features (such as co-teachers and assignment sharing), dedicated Account Manager, or school data views

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  • Access to all content in one domain until 6/30. Includes both core and test prep subjects.

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  • All individual teacher features.

  • Chat and email support.

Have more than 1 teacher interested in Albert?

Save money when multiple teachers buy together. More importantly, unlock key features like co-teachers, sharing assignments, dedicated customer support, and more.

Do you home school?

Home-schoolers can access all content domains for a higher price than standard teacher licenses, which only include one content domain. Prices start at $750 for 1 teacher and up to 10 students.

🚨 Do you teach Grades 5-8?
We offer free access to rigorous, standards-aligned Math and ELA practice for all 5th-8th grade students!
Try Albert for FREE.