Albert's Regents Chemistry course is organized by content themes and further broken into topics.
Our full subject guide includes three themes of different practice materials:
- Topic Quizzes
- Practice Exams
- Released Exams
Topics Quizzes
Within each theme, you'll find {course organization explanation}. Each topic quiz is designed to be given in a single class period. The quiz questions mimic the rigor and format of the actual exam. For example:
- Topic Quiz | Atomic Concepts
- Topic Quiz | Periodic Table
- Topic Quiz | Moles/Stoichiometry
- Topic Quiz | Chemical Bonding
Practice and Released Exams
Our practice exam theme has full-length practice exams that are unique to Albert. The secure questions on these exams are not available anywhere else. Each practice exam section mimics the exact style, rigor, and structure of the actual exam. Our released exams are replicas of released Regents exams from previous years.