Learn about the three practice pathways, 5 ways to assign work, and the best time to use each assignment method as you prepare students for the AP® exam.
Learn how Albert can enhance and AP® World Language class with interactive activities, discussion, and practice.
Albert offers full-length practice exams for a variety of AP® subjects. Available exams can be found in a subjects Assessments tab. Learn best practices for utilizing this tool on Albert.
Use this activity to push students to improve their AP® Free Response Question skills and reflect on their own learning.
Get students working together to improve their ability to answer AP® style free-response questions and reflect on their own learning.
Assign this activity to students as an ongoing in-class or at home assignment after your next homework assignment, quiz, or test. Consider using this for extra-credit too!
Encourage students to collaborate and tackle concepts they previously struggled with using Albert's in-depth answer explanations.
Encourage students to identify topics they've struggled with by reviewing their own practice data.