Spanish 1 is designed to target Novice Low and Novice Mid levels of proficiency. It is organized by content themes and further broken down into topics.
Our full Spanish 1 subject guide is designed to include 9 themes:
- Hola, ¿qué tal? / Introductions and Farewells
- Nuestra identidad / Our Identity
- The Arts/La artes
- El hogar / Homelife
- El mundo / The World
- La comida y los pasatiempos / Food and Hobbies
- ¡Aprendamos! / Let’s Learn!
- Viajes / Trips
- Celebraciones / Celebrations
Each theme contains a range of specific topics based on Spanish vocabulary, grammar, reading exercises, and listening exercises. For example, here are some topics within the La comida y los pasatiempos theme:
- Vocabulary | Foods
- Vocabulary | Hobbies
- Grammar | Gustar and Encantar
- Listening | El clima
Free Response Questions
Spanish 1 includes a total of 18 Free Response Questions. For each theme listed above, students have access to Interpersonal and Presentational Writing Prompts to practice and assess their Spanish language writing skills.