TSI Math (TSIA2)

Welcome to TSI Math (TSIA2)!

Welcome to Albert's Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) Math course!
This page provides specific content-related information for Albert's TSI Math (TSIA2) course, including how it is organized, how to find questions using standards or tags, and ideas for classroom uses. If you need technical assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact hello@albert.io.
For testing information or details about the exam itself, visit the Texas Education Agency.

Subject Organization

Albert's TSI Math (TSIA2) course is organized into themes with practice questions based on specific topics. It also includes full-length practice exams. All questions are aligned to the exact format, rigor, and topics of the real exam.

Practice Guide


The Practice tab of our TSI Math (TSIA2) subject includes 4 themes aligned with the categories assessed on the exam:
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Algebraic Reasoning
  • Geometric and Spatial Reasoning
  • Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning.


Within each theme, more focused topics correspond with specific skills and standards on the exam. For example, the Quantitative Reasoning theme includes the following topics:
  • Basic math operations (Diagnostic Only)
  • Round numbers (Diagnostic Only)
  • Compare numbers (Diagnostic Only)
  • Compare magnitudes
  • Ratios, proportions, percents
  • Quantitative reasoning in context (linear relationships)
  • Linear equations, inequalities, and expressions
For practice topics that are only assessed on the Diagnostic section of the TSI Math exam, Albert's topics include "Diagnostic Only" in the topic name, such as "Basic math operations (Diagnostic Only)."

Assessment Guide

In addition to hundreds of questions in the Practice guide, Albert's TSI Math (TSIA2) prep course includes full-length practice exams divided into two modules: the College Readiness Classification (CRC) Test and the Diagnostic Test.
Since Albert's platform is not natively adaptive, teachers can assign topics or practice exam sections based on the skills and knowledge students most need to practice.

Using Standards and Tags to Find Questions


Questions in Albert's TSI Math (TSIA2) prep course are aligned across three standard sets:
  • Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TX TEKS) for Math
  • Texas College and Career Readiness Standards (TX CCRS) for Math
  • Texas Adult Education and Literacy Content Standards 2.0 (TX AEL) for Math
Each standard begins with the state abbreviation TX.
You can find questions aligned to learning standards using our standards search tool. In the Standards drop-down at the top of the subject guide, you can search for standards by name (for example, TX CCRS.I.A.2) or description. When you type in characters that match one of the standards, the drop-down will populate with matching standards.


In addition to standards, our TSI Math (TSIA2) questions feature four types of tags so teachers can quickly filter and find the questions they need:
  • Content Tags
    • "radical-expressions", "exponential-growth", "cylinder", etc.
  • Prompt Style
    • "skill", "application"
  • Calculator Policy
    • "calculator-allowed", "no-calculator"
  • TSI Level Tag
    • "level-2", "level-3", etc.
To search for a tag, click the Tags drop-down within the subject and enter the tag or content you're searching for in the search bar.
For more help on finding questions using standards and tags, visit our Help Center.

Question Types

TSI Math (TSIA2) uses one question type to provide students with a variety of practice that mimics the actual exam.
  • Multiple Choice

Calculator Use

For TSI Math (TSIA2), each practice question is labeled in multiple ways to reflect the calculator policy:
  • Question titles include "(Calculator)" or "(No Calculator)"
  • The prompt will include a statement that clarifies calculator expectations (such as "No calculator is allowed on this question.)
  • Each question is tagged with "calculator-allowed" or "no-calculator"

Related Content

For additional material, you can combine TSI Math (TSIA2) with our other core courses, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Our core courses are aligned to {state} standards, so you can leverage thousands of aligned practice questions across Albert to assess, reteach, and extend student learning.

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Our Help Center is available any time and provides articles written by the Albert team to answer questions you might have about implementing Albert in your classroom.