AP® Environmental Science

Welcome to AP® Environmental Science

Welcome to Albert's AP® Environmental Science course!
This page provides specific content-related information for Albert's AP® Environmental Science course, including how it is organized, how to find questions using standards or tags, and ideas for classroom uses. If you need technical assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact hello@albert.io.
For testing information or details about the exam itself, visit the College Board.

Subject Organization

Albert’s AP® Environmental Science multiple choice questions (located in the Practice tab) and free response questions (located in the Free Response tab) are organized in accordance with the College Board’s 2020 AP® Environmental Science Course and Exam Description into the following units:


  • Unit 1: The Living World: Ecosystems
  • Unit 2: The Living World: Biodiversity
  • Unit 3: Populations
  • Unit 4: Earth Systems and Resources
  • Unit 5: Land and Water Use
  • Unit 6: Energy Resources and Consumption
  • Unit 7: Atmospheric Pollution
  • Unit 8: Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution
  • Unit 9: Global Change


Each unit contains a range of specific topics. For example, here are some topics within Unit 3 | Populations.
  • 3.1 | Generalist and Specialist Species
  • 3.2 | $K$-Selected $r$-Selected Species
  • 3.3 | Survivorship Curves
  • 3.4 | Carrying Capacity
  • 3.5 | Population Growth and Resource Availability


In addition to our practice guide, AP® Environmental Science includes nine unit assessments and two full-length practice exams that include questions unique from those in our practice guide. The practice exams can be taken in full or can be broken down into multiple choice and free response.

Free Response Questions

AP® Environmental Science includes 19 free response assessments. These assessments are organized by unit with 1-3 free response prompts in each unit.

Using Standards to Find Questions

All questions in Albert’s AP® Environmental Science course are aligned to the current course content and science skills from the Course and Exam Description.
This standards-alignment provides another easy way to find useful questions besides the Unit and Topic organization. Using the Standards button at the top left corner of any subject page, you can search for any standard from the CED to find all questions in our course library aligned to that standard! For more details, please see this article in our Help section.
In addition to searching by the standards’ names, you can also search by their content! Simply type in a few words from the standard description to see all relevant standards pertaining to that content.

Question Types

AP® Environmental Science includes all of the questions students will find on the actual AP® exam. This provides meaningful practice of important skills and content to prepare students to excel in their course and on their exam.

Calculator Use

We know that educators have different philosophies around calculator use in mathematics coursework. We leave it to you to decide when calculator use is appropriate for Albert’s AP® Environmental Science questions.

Exam Information

All AP Exams take place in the first two weeks of May. You can find the AP Exam schedule here.
The format of the exam is detailed in the table below:
SectionSection I: Multiple Choice QuestionsSection II: Free Response Questions
Number of Questions80 questions of both discrete questions and question sets3 free response questions
Exam Weighting60%40%
Timing90 minutes70 minutes
The AP® Environmental Science poster provides a detailed overview of this year’s exam.

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